June's NO CHEAT Losers!



  • Hi! hope everybody has had a great CHEAT FREE day today! I've done very well for 3 days now. About to eat my on plan dinner. Can't wait to get on the scales tomorrow. Never thought I'd say that! LOL I'm becoming confident that I'll make my 5 lb goal this week, which is a great feeling. Just gotta keep focused and on track!!

    Have a great night! (and remember to track your meals in the food diary ...it helps!) :bigsmile:
  • HAPPY FRIDAY!!! :bigsmile:

    I'm up WAY too early this morning for a school meeting. Feeling more energetic than I have in months ...WHY?? Because I am eating on plan!! I am down another.08 lbs today, which I'll take.

    Doesn't look like a lot of people are checking in and posting.....come on ....we have some weight to lose!! :drinker:

    I'll be back later to check in on you all. In the meantime, have a great day! :bigsmile:
  • MDJA04
    MDJA04 Posts: 12
    OK MAKINGMEOVER!! I am having a hard time losing so would you please share what you are doing so maybe I can make it work for me too.
    HAMMBONE Posts: 155 Member
    Hey ladies, a quick pop in! Busy here at work....

    Ladies, let's get stoked for the weekend!!!
    We can get thru this weekend with NO CHEATS!

  • OnMyWeigh
    OnMyWeigh Posts: 252 Member
    Hammbone, I am so ready to take this weekend on!
  • HAMMBONE: For the first time all year I am feelin' like I can have a CHEAT FREE WEEKEND!!! :bigsmile: I don't want to blow the success I've had so far this week!

    MDJ: To answer your question, I'm eating lots of protein (about 100 grams a day), few carbs (30-35 a day) and the only carbs I eat are veggies and whole grain Arnold THIN sandwich bread ONLY for b'fast. I have been keeping carbs to nearly nothing after 5 p.m. I am eating healthy fats like avocado (1/2 a day), olive oil that I use to cook with, walnuts. AND....the biggest thing I am doing...SUGAR....I am convinced after much research that sugar is what gives me all this fluffy belly fat that makes look like I'm 8 months pregnant. So, I keep my sugar limit to 15 grams a day, but the past few days I've been under 6 grams of sugar a day. And, I am drinking water ALL day long....one cup of green tea....and all else is WATER WATER WATER. :drinker: Hope that helps.
  • MDJ: about my answer to your question above....I forgot one thing....the Arnold Sandwich Thins are WHOLE WHEAT. I don't eat anything white at all. I did this back when I got all the way to the 180's and it helped tremendously. Had the holidays not come around and MADE me gain 25 lbs back, I'd be skinny by now...LOL!! Yeah, I know...the holidays isn't what MADE me do it. haha
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    Hey everyone! Can I join this group?

    my weight as of this morning was 205 -206..I am hoping to get back down to last friday's weight which was 204.

    I need a NO Cheat to keep me accountable.

    I would like to lose 8 - 10 pounds for the month of June.

    Great success to all!!
  • OnMyWeigh
    OnMyWeigh Posts: 252 Member
    Hey everyone! Can I join this group?

    my weight as of this morning was 205 -206..I am hoping to get back down to last friday's weight which was 204.

    I need a NO Cheat to keep me accountable.

    I would like to lose 8 - 10 pounds for the month of June.

    Great success to all!!

    Wow, our weight and goals are are alomost exactly the same. Friend me and we can help each other along!!!

    Come on now....we need to be posting and supporting each other! Tuesday weigh-in is right around the corner!!

    Focus this weekend to remain cheat free. It will be SO worth it on Tuesday when you get on those scales and come here to post your successes!! :bigsmile:

    Hope to see some postings!
  • OnMyWeigh
    OnMyWeigh Posts: 252 Member
    I went on a walk yesterday evening with my entire family. It was great to be outside spending time together! It was amazing, the kids and I even ran up the one hill on our route!

    BTW- I have to admit to giving in the the maple bars at the office yesterday, I had a 1/4 of one, I guess its better than a whole one!

    Hope you all have a great weekend.

    HAMMBONE Posts: 155 Member
    Hi everyone! Saturday was a busy one for me. Attended a baby shower then a jewelry party. Left my house at 12:30 pm and didn't get back till 11:30 pm. I was soooo tired....lol

    Rested now so better feed my pets, do some spot cleaning and laundry, then I told my neice I would take her swimming.

    Have a great day.

    OnmyWeigh: Glad you enjoyed your family walk. I remember when I was little (hundreds of years ago), we use to take family walks with my grandpa who had to walk due to having a heart attack. We all looked like a tribe walking around the neighborhood, but is was so much fun. Wonder what happened to those days?? Don't see that much anymore.

    Hammbone: Wow! That must have been some baby shower!!! Did you buy any jewelry?? I'm doing same as you today, some spot cleaning and laundry. Trying to get some steps and calories burned on my body bugg! LOL Have fun swimming with Katie and don't let her drag you to that mexican restaurant! :bigsmile:

    Hoping to see more people posting. Weigh in is on Tuesday morning, and we will be adding another challenge to this upcoming week. Of course, we still have to remain faithful to this week's challenge of no cheats and water, but we'll add another one for greater success! :wink:
  • Hammbone: Nevermind! Didn't do spot cleaning and laundry. Nice breeze outside and it's in high 70's vs high 90's today so we went and bought plants and been digging and doing yard work. Well okay...Dave's been digging and I'm telling him where to dig to place plants. LOL Worn out! :bigsmile:
  • HAPPY MONDAY! WHERE IS EVERYBODY??? Tomorrow is weigh in day!! :bigsmile:

    I just might be able to meet my goal of 5 lbs this week. I'm down 4.4 right now and plan to be really good today!!! Am I here all by myself??
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    Good Moring everyone!

    Since Saturday was consider my first day on "June's No Cheat Losers" I did really good on Saturday and Sunday, But TOM is expected to come either today, tomorrow, or Wednesday...so I am feeling it all over.

    I might not lose anything due to TOM coming, but I WILL stay on track, food and exercise, because I do want to see ONEderland soon. I am hoping before June ends.

    We can do this!!! horayyy for NO CHEAT June...We are in this together!!!

    MakingMeOver, Way to go on your loss. Are you exercising? Or just watching your calorie intake. Btw, if you don't mind me asking you, How much is you calorie intake per day?

    Have a great day girls!! And remember NO CHEATING!!!

    be back later!
  • PositivelyMe: Glad to see somebody post!! I am keeping my calories between 1100-1200 per day. More than anything, I am watching my SUGAR and CARBS! I am keeping Sugar below 15 grams a day.....and I am usually only at around 6-7 a day. And, keeping my carbs at 30-35 range with veggies and ONE serving of whole wheat bread per day (usually the Arnold sandwich thins). Oh, and I eat the whole wheat bread serving at B'fast and only protein and veggies after b'fast. I have not started my exercise yet, but do have a treadmill downstairs that I'm planning on introducing myself to this week. LOL I got it at Christmas time and have been on it maybe 3 times. LOL I always feel SO good after 30 minutes on it, so I don't know what's keeping me from it. GOOD LUCK to you....!!! Let's post and support each other.

  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    PositivelyMe: Glad to see somebody post!! I am keeping my calories between 1100-1200 per day. More than anything, I am watching my SUGAR and CARBS! I am keeping Sugar below 15 grams a day.....and I am usually only at around 6-7 a day. And, keeping my carbs at 30-35 range with veggies and ONE serving of whole wheat bread per day (usually the Arnold sandwich thins). Oh, and I eat the whole wheat bread serving at B'fast and only protein and veggies after b'fast. I have not started my exercise yet, but do have a treadmill downstairs that I'm planning on introducing myself to this week. LOL I got it at Christmas time and have been on it maybe 3 times. LOL I always feel SO good after 30 minutes on it, so I don't know what's keeping me from it. GOOD LUCK to you....!!! Let's post and support each other.


    hey MakingMeOver,

    I have been doing something similar. I eat my most carbs in the morning, usually it's Weight watchers whole wheat bread, 2 slices is what the serving says. Plus Ihave been watching my sugar, I use to put sugar in my coffee and I elliminated that so no sugar ( white stuff) only natural sugar that comes from fruits.

    I remeber a saying that said ( but don't knwo who said it) have a king's breakfast, a queen's lunch, and pheasent's dinner...and that is what I have been ( started today)...

    I am determine more than ever to see a loss this week. I know for sure I won't see a loss by tomorrow but hopefully by next Tuesday the scale will be kind.

    We can do this! I added you as a friend so we can motivated each other.
  • PositivelyMe: I got your friend invite...thanks. I've heard the samy saying about the King's b'fast, etc. And, I do believe it will help us to lose. That is exactly what I am doing now. All my carbs from the bread at B'fast (usually have a really good b'fast sandwich), and then at lunch I usually have big salad with grilled chicken, then dinner I keep it as simple as possible with either lean protein ONLY, or if I'm feeling real hungry I will eat some veggies with the lean protein. So....looks like we're doing the same thing. I've researched a lot on the effects of sugar on belly fat -- and I look like I'm 8 mo. pregnant - so that's very important to me. LOL It seems that sugar does do a real job on the belly! I've lost 1" in my waist just from this past week, which is even better than the scale. And, it's due to the very low sugar intake! :bigsmile:
    HAMMBONE Posts: 155 Member
    Hi everyone,

    Qyick pop in... had busy weekend and busy today at work.

    Try to check back later
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