June's NO CHEAT Losers!



  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    I’ve heard from the girls that you are coming to town. Before you arrive you must know that I am a new woman, I have gained strength and confidence without you. I will no longer allow you to ruin my efforts. I will no longer listen when you tell me;
    • I’m not worthy
    • My jeans are too tight
    • One piece of chocolate is OK
    • I don’t have the strength to workout
    You have set me back more times and in more ways than I can count. You will not hurt me anymore because;
    • I am worthy
    • My jeans are looking good
    • No chocolate is worth losing sight of my goal
    • I do have the strength to work out with or without you
    So Tom, you can come if you must but please understand I will not give you my time, energy or attention while you are here.


    I love this! Thanks so much for posting it:heart::flowerforyou:
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    Hi there! Sorry I've been MIA for past few days. Was so busy planning and doing all I did for my husband's 50th b'day...then I totally blew it by celebrating ALL weekend long and gained back almost everything I had lost. So, crawling back up on the wagon feeling totally disgusted with myself. Won't let it get me down though. At least we have no more big family events in the next couple months! LOL Going to catch up on all the postings I missed -- hope you all are doing GREAT! :bigsmile:

    And, no I haven't changed my ticker to reflect the b'day celebrating. Trying to decide if I will just catch back up to my ticker, or be honest and change it. LOL

    first let me say, I hope your hubby had a fantastic time and happy belated birthday:drinker:

    I was the same way Monday (yesterday). I have no idea what came over me. It might have been because I was all alone at night, but I ate everything in sight. I was really good Sat and Sun, but it didn't last until Monday. I didn't eat a good breakfast, or lunch, but I did a lot of snacking when no one was watching.

    Today is/was a better day. The scale is up 7 pounds ( 5 from TOM and 2 from last night binging). I am in a better place today, I stayed on track all day and I worked my *kitten* off...burned 600+ calories and stayed at 1200 calories..

    Hope tomorrow brings me strengh and willpower.

    Have a great night girls. I will check back tomorrow.

    NO loss for me this week :sad: :cry: :sad:
  • Love the letter to TOM!!!

    So.....after celebrating B'day all weekend and TOM, I was up about 4 lbs of the 5 I lost...Urghhhhh!!! So, I just totally restarted my ticker and check in weight. I pulled out something I ordered about a year or so ago and never did. It's the Six Week Body Makeover. I started it today. It's very simple. Eating every 2-3 hours, six tiny meals a day for my specific body type. I fixed up my little tracking book last night, woke up VERY early and got all the groceries I needed, and kicked it off today. No major events to celebrate will be coming up in the next couple of months (except 4th of July), so I'm hoping I can get a good kickoff with no cheats on this program. I here it works wonders IF you stick to it!

    I'm off to move now! Can't just sit on this laptop and expect to lose weight! :bigsmile: Have a great day! I'll check on y'all later!
  • OnMyWeigh
    OnMyWeigh Posts: 252 Member
    Hey! I hope everyone is doing well! Yesterday I felt crummy and ate a bit more than I usually do but feel great this morning and I'm ready to take on the world!! I am determined to reach Onederland this next week. I am going to quit stepping on the scale everytime I am in the bathrooom. My plan is to weigh in on Friday and Monday. I would go to once weekly but there is way too much anxiety surrounding weekends. I want to keep myself in check. Have a beautiful day everyone!!
  • Well, at least I am back on track as of today after the weekend b'day celebration and TOM! I lost nearly a week! But, good thing is I'm back!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    Well, at least I am back on track as of today after the weekend b'day celebration and TOM! I lost nearly a week! But, good thing is I'm back!

    Me too! I am down 3 pounds of the 7 I gained over a period of 2 weeks. I am back on track and ready to give it my all. I so desperately want to be in ONEderland...I am going to work my *kitten* off to see that number soon. Hopefully TOM will be over ,and I will loss a couple more pounds that goes with TOM.

    Have a great day!
  • PositivelyMe: congrats on the 3 lbs!!! Let's keep it up!

    I'm so glad my b'day celebrating and TOM is over because I am totally back on plan and dropped 2.8 lbs overnight! So.....that means that tomorrow I should be at least back to where I was last Friday before the celebrating and TOM. I lost a week of this month, but back on track so all is good! :bigsmile:
  • Where is everybody ???

    I'm psyched today! I'm down to 204.8 so that's one pound less than I was last Friday before the b'day celebrating and TOM. LOL I'm still going for my June goal of getting below 200! I can do it! Hope you all check in soon. :bigsmile:
  • Kelleymom
    Kelleymom Posts: 8 Member
    Hello everyone. Just a quick check in to see how everyone is doing. Still battling with lower back issue but not gonna let it stop me. Off to do a genlte workout then tankle the busy schedule for the weekend. Hope everyone has a wonderful day and great weekend!!
  • OnMyWeigh
    OnMyWeigh Posts: 252 Member
    I made it- I made it- I made it!!!
    I made it to Onderland!! I am officially under 200 lbs. My weigh-in this morning is 199.6 lbs! I look forward to the weekend but at the same time I'm a alittle nervous. My hubby is leaving tonight for the in-laws place a few hours away, the girls and I will head out in the morning. I am a huge snacker when I'm on the road. I will definately get some healthy snacks for munching so I don't stop at convenience stores and end up with junk food. Any good road trip snack ideas out there?
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    Where is everybody ???

    I'm psyched today! I'm down to 204.8 so that's one pound less than I was last Friday before the b'day celebrating and TOM. LOL I'm still going for my June goal of getting below 200! I can do it! Hope you all check in soon. :bigsmile:

    Congrats!!! you are doing amazing..Keep it up girl! Before you know it you will be in ONEderland.

    I have to get back on track. I am hoping today is the day. I am re-focused and ready to do this again.
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    I made it- I made it- I made it!!!
    I made it to Onderland!! I am officially under 200 lbs. My weigh-in this morning is 199.6 lbs! I look forward to the weekend but at the same time I'm a alittle nervous. My hubby is leaving tonight for the in-laws place a few hours away, the girls and I will head out in the morning. I am a huge snacker when I'm on the road. I will definately get some healthy snacks for munching so I don't stop at convenience stores and end up with junk food. Any good road trip snack ideas out there?

    I am so proud of you...YOU GO GIRL!!! Celebrate your success...You earned every right:flowerforyou:

    As for snack durnig a trip, try carrot sticks..I always like something crunch. I always find the 100 calorie snack a waste of money because it never satisfies me like fruits and veggies. Apples, bananas, celery stick, carrot sticks, or even pop corn ( but that get to messy)...hope these options help..:wink:
  • Kelleymom
    Kelleymom Posts: 8 Member
    Congrats onmyweigh!!! Keep up the good work.:happy: For road trip snacks, I usually do celery sticks but I peel the top so you get rid of the stringy part., carrot sticks, apple slices and 90 cal. Kellogg bliss bars. Gives me a variety while traveling. Safe travels to you and your family!!
  • OnMyWeigh
    OnMyWeigh Posts: 252 Member
    Thanks Ladies!

    I am super excited! I try not to "snack" on a regular basis because I tend to over snack. I usually have an apple or some peanuts on weekdays. Neither of which I want in the car, apples are sticky when wee ones eat them and if I had a jar of peanuts in the car I'd eat the whole thing by the time we got there. I'm totally a mindless peanut eater.... I like the idea of celery and the girls love it but they would want peanutbutter on theirs (not in my car). Looks like I may have to do their's and mine snacks!

    Have a beautiful weekend everyone! Keep on keepin' on!!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    Thanks Ladies!

    I am super excited! I try not to "snack" on a regular basis because I tend to over snack. I usually have an apple or some peanuts on weekdays. Neither of which I want in the car, apples are sticky when wee ones eat them and if I had a jar of peanuts in the car I'd eat the whole thing by the time we got there. I'm totally a mindless peanut eater.... I like the idea of celery and the girls love it but they would want peanutbutter on theirs (not in my car). Looks like I may have to do their's and mine snacks!

    Have a beautiful weekend everyone! Keep on keepin' on!!

    If the girls like celery try laughing cow..they go great together. I find it less messy than the peanut butter. Have fun and a safe trip!
  • OnMyWeigh: CONGRATS on getting ot Onederland!!!! I know how excited you must be!! I'm closing in on it myself AGAIN! And, this time when I make it, I don't wanna cross back over! Keep up the good work and focus on your trip! Just keep the scale pictured in your mind of how great it looked in onederland today!!! :wink:
  • Been off track for a week or so, but I'm back on again, to do a better job of staying on it. Off to a good start anyway. (Its only 11am, it would be sad if I blew it already). I'm trying to remind myslef several times a day of the things that are more important to me than eating something that tastes good, but isn't what I need. It is more important for me to be healthy so I be here a long time to see my god son, and nieces and nephews grow up, and be able to do fun things wtih them (It is much better to be the fun aunt than the frumpy one). It is also more important for me to feel more fit so that I'm more comfortable in the activities that I do. I remind myself several times a day, and every time I eat so that I' remember why it is imortant to make healthy choices. I'll let you know if it actually works. I'm thinking of making a little photo collage of the things that are more important to me than any particular type of food, so that I have a visual reminder as well. If I could just stay focused for more than 3 days..................
  • OnMyWeigh
    OnMyWeigh Posts: 252 Member
    Well, the trip went great and today I am at 198.1!!! Down a little more!

    So a follow- up to the road trip snacks. We left home around noon so we stopped at Subway for lunch on our way out of town. I had prepared 3 bowls of grapes, one for each of us. I also bought the girls a box of cheezit snack mix and White Cheddar rice cakes for myself. The grapes were such a hit that the cheezit box is still sealed! I had my bowl of grapes (2 cups) and 1 rice cake, pretty darn healthy snackin'!!

    Thanks for all the ideas everyone- I now have a great list for our next adventures!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    Well, the trip went great and today I am at 198.1!!! Down a little more!

    So a follow- up to the road trip snacks. We left home around noon so we stopped at Subway for lunch on our way out of town. I had prepared 3 bowls of grapes, one for each of us. I also bought the girls a box of cheezit snack mix and White Cheddar rice cakes for myself. The grapes were such a hit that the cheezit box is still sealed! I had my bowl of grapes (2 cups) and 1 rice cake, pretty darn healthy snackin'!!

    Thanks for all the ideas everyone- I now have a great list for our next adventures!

    You are doing so great, Randi! I need some of that determination and willpower you have...:bigsmile:

    I have been off and one with my weight. Saturday and Sunday I DID really really good..Monday was my daughter's graduation ( middle school), so I took out the kids and my sister for lunch. I tried looking for some healthie options.the place was limited. I logged in all my food and I was up by a few ( 200) not bad I think. But I didn't do my exercise too...so I said I will do it the next day. Tuesday I took my kids to see "Toy story 3" 3D..they bought snacks..I had a few handfuls of popcorn and drank my water. by the time we got home I was really hungry..preped dinner and well..I had an extra slice of Lasagna which put me 300 calories over. All I can say is I did this too myself. I could have stopped it.

    Today I am more focused than ever. I will do what it tatke to get my butt into action. I want to lose this weight once anf FOR ALL.

    so I am reporting no loss...
  • OnMyWeigh
    OnMyWeigh Posts: 252 Member
    Hey everyone! Dying from allergies today- I'm gonna go home and sleep... Have a great night I will check in in the morning!

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