June's NO CHEAT Losers!



  • MDJA04
    MDJA04 Posts: 12
    Hey ya'll. I'm here just very busy!!
  • Hey HAMMBONE and MDJ.....glad to see y'all stopping by!

    Hope to see everybody weighing in tomorrow morning with GREAT successes!!! :bigsmile:
  • Resalyn
    Resalyn Posts: 528 Member
    Hey there Cheaters! Joy, I have a personal goal of no cheat for the whole month of June too - thanks for letting me know about the thread! I'll try to stop by every day though it'll be tough with my responsibilities. I typed a whole long post and lost the whole darn thing - UGH. That's what I get for typing on my little netbook sitting on the couch.

    I'm doing low-fat low-carb, and it's working pretty well for me. Hope everyone's having a wonderful day!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    Welcome Rasalyn! Glad you are part of our group. I am also new, I found this group on Friday evening so I am considered new too.

    I weigh in today and not much loss; maybe it's because TOM is just around the corner..I literally feel all the symptoms except for the actual flow. It should be here tonight or tomorrow morning.


    Not sure how we weigh in here but this is I do it for another thread that weighs in every Friday.

    Good Luck everyone!

    EDIT: for mistakenly mispelled a word!

    Resalyn: Good to see you!!!

    PositvelyMe: Good to see you back!!

    I guess since today is weign-in day, we will know who all is still in this thread since not many people have been posting. :wink:

    Well, I met my goal for this week. And I met it right on the dot -- 5 lbs exactly. LOL I don't know if I'd be foolish to strive for another 5 lb lost this upcoming week, since that first week was some water weight, but I'm going to give it me BEST! :drinker:

    SW: 210.8 CW: 205.8 - 5.0 lbs

    ****** For this week's challenge (for the 2nd week of June) we will be adding in at least 20 minutes of exercise daily!!!! Can be something as simple as walking! If you don't have time to do the whole 20 min at one time, do 10 min. a couple times a day! Of course, we MUST stick to our original challenge of NO CHEATS and WATER to be successful. So.....let's start this new week off with a bang!! WE CAN DO THIS! :bigsmile:
  • It's weigh in day. I started last week at 218, and today was 214.2. I'll take it for sure. Now that the public pools are open for the summer, I'm going to start swimming some laps at least 3 times a week (that's the goal anyway).
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    :flowerforyou: Congrats MakeMeOver and Maytanewfie being biggest losers..Great Job!!:flowerforyou:

    looking forward to this weeks challenge..20 minutes here i come. I have been doing 30+ exercise every other day.

    I am aiming for 2 pound for next week. I am hoping to be 202.

    Good Luck girls!
    HAMMBONE Posts: 155 Member
    Whoop, whoop!!! Didn't meet my goal but did lose 3#'s so that's a great start!!!!

    Week 2 challenge: add 20 min of exercise.... I AM IN!!!! WHOOP WHOOP

    Sorry no time for personals but I promise to do better
  • OnMyWeigh
    OnMyWeigh Posts: 252 Member

    Last week 212
    This week 205.4

    It looks like alot but I ate a whole lot over Memorial Day so my last week's weight was funky, but it still feels amazing. I would love 5 this coming week but realistically I'm looking for 2lbs. I want to be under 200 by the end of June!
  • WOW!!! Look at all the great results we have here!!!! Let's keep it up girls!!! :bigsmile: :drinker: :bigsmile:
  • Kelleymom
    Kelleymom Posts: 8 Member
    Busy Busy weekend. But today is weigh in day!! I started at 199 am now down to 196.5!! Love progress. :happy:
    I'm in for next weeks challenge too. Have been walking with the kids the last two days. I love it. It feels good to get out and about
  • cobygrey
    cobygrey Posts: 270 Member
    June 1 = 194
    June 8 = 193

    yeah me
  • Do I get to count ice skating towards my exercise? It isn't hugely aerobic or anything, but it is moving. If not i have to come up with something else to add for tomorrow. I can probablly fit something in in the morning.
  • I know if I had the nerve to ice skate I would count it as exercise for sure. Of course, I'd be on my butt mostly but would get lots of exercise getting back up from falling! :bigsmile:
  • :bigsmile: Happy Wednesday Morning! :bigsmile:

    Today will be a busy day. Getting my son ready to go on a trip early in the morning. He's leaving early in the AM with the starters on the Varsity football team heading to Football Camp at Mizzou (University of Missouri). Also, birthday shopping for my husband who will celebrate his 50th on Friday. :tongue:

    Scale did not move for me this morning. TOM is any day now and I'm hoping that doesn't stall me. But, I'm keeping on keeping on!

    Hope to see you all posting today!!! :wink:
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    Happy HUMP day everyone!

    I am not feeling so great today..TOM is finally here and with all it's baggage...UGH!!! I am up 5 pounds due to all the symptoms, but That is OK wiht me becasue I know I ahve been on track and I didn't *really* gain weight..once TOM is gone so will the weigh.

    MakingMeOver, Good luck on all the events in your life and drink your water and stay on track :) I hope your not like me in gaining weight when TOM arrives..not sure if your the lucky women who gain or stay the same. Just keep on keeping on :-)

    Have a great day everyone!!
  • OnMyWeigh
    OnMyWeigh Posts: 252 Member
    No cheating today! I did awesome yesterday. My weekness was my hubby and I picked some wild mushrooms on Monday and as a treat I floured and fried them last night. Thankfully the mushrooms themselves don't count for many calories, it was the flour and oil. Was actually a great day for all of my numbers! Gonna do it again today!
  • PostivelyMe: I am not sure if I gain or stay the same when TOM arrives because I usually cheat by the time he arrives. LOL But NOT THIS TIME! So, I will know now if it's a TOM gaiin or a Cheat gain that caused it in the past. LOL I am a little afraid of a cheat on my husband's b'day. Our family goes out to dinner to celebrate b'days, so i'll have to really stay focused and be good! :ohwell:

    OnMyWeigh: My teenage boys went mushroom hunting a while back and picked all those mushrooms. They took them to their friends house because I didn't know what to do with them! LOL They had a blast hunting for them, but neither one of them would have eaten them. LOL

    OK got a few errands done this morning, now I'm off to go for round 2 ! :bigsmile:
  • Kelleymom
    Kelleymom Posts: 8 Member
    It is wednesday. Having a hard time. Sweet tooth, ahhh. I hate it. I caved and had some mocha roca. Get up brush my self off and start over.
  • Well Ice skating had to count for yesterday, since I don't think I did anything else that counts. Today I will swim, and paddle a canoe at the lake for a bit. Maybe some extra work today can make up for yesterdays deficiency. I got a new heart rate monitor with GPS so getting to play to with my new toy should be motivating. If it wasn't so darn hot out, I'd be walking my dog today too. (I already missed the opitmal early morning hour) Tomorrow I'll walk her!
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