Caitu13 Member


  • I am also not a big breakfast eater. With trying to be on time for work and get a kid moving in the morning, along with trying to be healthy, breakfast is the further-est from my mind. I usually have a protein shake or smoothie in the morning. I am a big coffee drinker so I like to combine my coffee into shakes if I can.…
  • I'm also having this issue. I walked over 16,000 steps yesterday but it's not showing the difference just the steps done. Syncing is all weird!
  • I've been having an extremely hard time lately staying on track, and because of health issues I need to be! Having someone help hold me accountable and helping someone else be accountable would be great! I'd love to help anyways I can! I'm currently looking into more ways to have fun working out and staying motivated! Feel…
  • Thanks!!
  • Hello, I'm Caitlin from New York, just turned 30, working mom to one 6 year old and have been a MFP member for several years. I am also hypothyroid which makes losing weight impossible it seems. Would love some people around my age to help me with this and I'd love to help others as well! Looking to lose anywhere from 30…
  • My old endro also told me this and it just cannot happen that way. My new endro, also said to not go below 1200 especially with the hypo. I don't see how your doc can tell you to do that!
  • I use a Fitbit Zip and a Fitbit Charge. Love them both, feel free to add if ya'd like!
    in Fit bit? Comment by Caitu13 January 2016
  • I usually check this before I check Facebook. Only reason I have FB is for family who I do not get to see and they see pics of the family. Otherwise I'm on here! FB is so drama filled.
  • Feel free to add me! I could use the help too!
  • I'd love to have some...I do not have a lot of friends in my life, and I need all the accountability buddies I can get so anyone is more than welcome to be my MFP buddy!
  • CW:200 GW: 165/170 H: 5'4 AGE:29
  • I'm in!
  • What I do is, I search it on here, and I also attempt to look online to see if the value for the meal is on a website for the place I'm eating. But if none of the above works, I find something as close as possible on here and estimate a bit high so that way I'm covered.
  • I think I'd like to try the plank challenge! I just got done with yoga so this one may be fun!
  • I use an elliptical 6 days a week usually for 30 minutes and love it! I burn anywhere from 300 to 400 calories depending on how hard I push myself. Depends on the day and how I feel due to health issues. My elliptical doesn't have HRM on it so I bought a watch that keeps track of it along with calories burned. I don't eat…
  • I also had Graves after the birth of my son and it never got better just worse, so they removed the thyroid. I had lost 75lbs before having my son and gained 50 of it back thanks to the stupid thyroid. I'm currently in the process of losing again but its been slow and painful to say the least. If I get a pound once every…
  • Breakfast for me is coffee, morning snack is kind of like a light breakfast. I eat oatmeal, yogurt and fruit, a Special K bar and some fruit. Usually nothing that equals more than maybe 200 calories. Theres also a recipe I use call Overnight Oatmeal. I put in it Greek yogurt, pineapple and uncooked oats. You can google it…
  • Feel free to add me!
  • Most people here are adults and know this is a site for weight loss/ support/ food ideas/ etc lol! Feel free to add me for support and food ideas!
  • I'm 27, if that's not to old, feel free to add me!
  • How long my hair has gotten. Body part as in thighs, arms, etc. I don't have any likes.
  • I "officially" weigh in once a week. I did do it on Monday but have found that more difficult so I now weigh in on Friday. I do still check myself throughout the week, but its not official until Friday. You should do what ever fits your body and schedule better!
  • I would! Its a good exercise! Especially since its everyday! Any kind of exercise is better than none!! I use MapMyWalk, it tracks speed, distance, etc. That way when ever I'm walking I know how fast I go and I try to push myself alittle faster!
  • Use whatever works for you! If you feel SP will work better, give it a try! If it doesn't, MVP will always be here for you!
  • My husband has said, "yea u look great the way u r" and the more weight i lose the weirder he gets. I also have a friend u does wha ur sayin. Dont be afraid to tell ur friend instead of movie night, how about bowling! Mini gold! An activity that doesn't mean ull sit the whole time!
  • I log the next days food during the week the night before so I know what I'm bringing to work. During the weekend, when I eat it. But usually if I change or add food, exercise, etc, I add it as the day progresses.
  • What I do is, I'm allowed 1440. Even though I will have extra exercise calories, I still try to stay under 1440. If I go alittle bit above, its okay. But I try and stay under it.
  • Once a week, either on Monday but usually I forget so Tuesday morning first thing.
  • Hello there! Fellow desk sitter all day, mother of a 3 year old here!! Feel free to add me!!
  • 27 yr old mom of 1 here! Feel free to add me!