When do you log?



  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    I log after I eat. Sometimes I forget and will catch up the next day, or I forget and say to hell with it and don't worry about it.
  • amandzor
    amandzor Posts: 386 Member
    I log right when I get to my desk job w/ computer access. I plan out my day,as I know what I had for breakfast, what I packed for lunch/snacks, and depending on if I know in advance or not, know what I'm having for dinner, or know how many calories I have to "spend".

    Planning ahead is probably the best thing I could do for myself. Takes the guesswork out.
    DATMANN Posts: 18 Member
    I like to be proactive and log my food and exercise in the morning once I complete my workout. That way your day is already set up for you. It just depends what works best for you.
  • zrjp9
    zrjp9 Posts: 86 Member
    It varies... I log the whole day in the morning if I know what I am going to eat. Sometimes I log as I go. Sometimes I wait until night.
  • gonnamakeanewaccount
    gonnamakeanewaccount Posts: 642 Member
    Sometimes I try to pre-log, but I change my mind often, so it usually doesn't work out.
  • weightlossdiva1219
    weightlossdiva1219 Posts: 283 Member
    I log as I go. I'm in a routine now so I don't have to worry too much about going over my calories. If I'm eating three things for lunch, I'll log each one as I eat it. Sounds tedious, but I always have my iPhone so it's easy. I'll add my post workout snack cause I plan it, so that I can see how much I will have eaten total at dinner time.
  • lyndausvi
    lyndausvi Posts: 156 Member
    i tend to log after i finish a meal or a snack.


    me too.

    I would never be able to pre-log anything. We decide on meals on the fly. Not great for the macros, but it's not really a problem when it comes to calories.
  • Iron_Lotus
    Iron_Lotus Posts: 2,295 Member
    i tend to log after i finish a meal or a snack.

    Me too
  • carissar7
    carissar7 Posts: 183 Member
    I try to log my breakfast in the morning, my lunch after I eat it but if I'm out and about later in the day, sometimes I'm not able to log my dinner until the next morning.
  • cadaverousbones
    cadaverousbones Posts: 421 Member
    If I know what I'll be having ahead of time, I'll log in advance. Otherwise I log while/after eating.
  • ashleyisgreat
    ashleyisgreat Posts: 586 Member
    I log all day long, usually after I eat something. The only time I pre-log is if I know for sure that I'll be eating something later and I don't want to forget how much of everything I'm having. Example is when I pack a lunch for the next day and I log it right then while it's still fresh in my memory how many grams or ounces I had of everything. Rare, though.
  • TheLongRunner
    TheLongRunner Posts: 688 Member
    During weight loss phase, I pre-logged and it really worked well for me. Now, in maintenance, I log as soon as something enters my mouth. :)
  • USMCnetty90
    USMCnetty90 Posts: 277 Member
    I log as I go - I am a planner - just not with my meals....
  • cathnealrobb
    cathnealrobb Posts: 8 Member
    I pre log. I figure out what myself and hubby want for dinner, then make the other meals fit around it. I have logged most foods for tomorrow because I have been trying to pack a lunch as often as I can and I will have leftovers for dinner. I always log dinner and my dessert first, because if I didn't have a sweet something planned at the end of the day I would eat everythng around me. It works for me at this point.
  • peeaanuut
    peeaanuut Posts: 359 Member
    I log as I go.
  • highervibes
    highervibes Posts: 2,219 Member
    Man, some of you guys are organized! I usually log after a snack or just before if I know what I'm having. I try and pre-log and fart around with the portion sizes to see how it affects my macros and whatnot. I need to plan out more meals than I do! hehehe
  • pacsqueen
    pacsqueen Posts: 88
    I log as I eat. It helps me decide what i'm going to eat and I don't feel locked in.
  • brynnsmom
    brynnsmom Posts: 945 Member
    I log all the food I know I am going to have in advance. This way I know how much room I have for extras. Perfect example: I know what I'm making for dinner tonight, and I know that I want to make chocolate banana milkshakes for dessert, I pre logged that stuff and then saw how much I had left for lunch and possibly wine with dinner. I find that this helps me make the best choices and stick to what I log.

  • maQmIgh
    maQmIgh Posts: 236 Member
    I started off logging as I ate... but I would be either rediculasly low on my figures or WAAAYY over..

    So I now log everything the night before.... some things get changed on the day (drop this food, add that food) but all in all it has made my intake more stable
  • I log in the morning also. It's easier for me to follow a plan than to play by ear. I eat more crap when I do that. I don't log exercise until after I'm done doing it though.
  • msmarisa21
    msmarisa21 Posts: 23 Member
    I log as I go. I like to use the scan feature on my iphone to scan the item just before it enters my mouth :)
  • whitebalance
    whitebalance Posts: 1,654 Member
    I usually log breakfast as I prepare it and then see where the numbers land. If I have something specific in mind for lunch or dinner, I'll log it in advance and use the macros to decide what to have for the other meal. If I'm going out somewhere unusual, like for dinner with friends, I'll check a menu online and pre-select/pre-log that food. Not only helps me avoid an overage, but that way I can order the food without hemming and hawing and plugging numbers into my phone.
  • I log in the mornings when I get home from work. And again when I get up in the evenings after working out.
  • cindy326
    cindy326 Posts: 70 Member
    I log the night before..I like planning what I eat all day that way if someone brings goodies or does a coffee run I know exactly where I am. I can partake or decline. I find its very easy for me to stick to my calorie intake this way.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    LOL you said log
  • highervibes
    highervibes Posts: 2,219 Member
    LOL you said log

    I log every morning after a coffee and cigarette :p