How Often do you Weight Yourself?



  • Debbjones
    Debbjones Posts: 278 Member
    I weigh my self daily.
    It's become an addiction.

    Apparently it's also a form of bulimia.

    I too weigh myself daily... sometimes more than once a day. I know it is not healthy, but if I don't monitor my weight I under eat and starve myself. Everyone is different, I like to think I am collecting data points and establishing trends.

    I don't believe it is a form of bulimia... agreed it is a sign of "disordered eating", yes an official medical term used by many medical professionals... but not a full blown eating disorder such as bulimia. Just my thoughts...
  • Caitu13
    Caitu13 Posts: 55 Member
    Once a week, either on Monday but usually I forget so Tuesday morning first thing.
  • shaleyn
    shaleyn Posts: 125 Member
    Every morning, sometimes every evening... it fascinates me how my body fluctuates.
  • Jennjo322
    Jennjo322 Posts: 74 Member
    Once a's too stressful for me if I don't see a loss!! Lol
  • tlmcint
    tlmcint Posts: 74 Member
    I weight in and measure weekly on Sunday mornings before eating anything.
  • hananah89
    hananah89 Posts: 692 Member
    I"m going into public health and worked on a weight-loss study that showed significance if a person weight themselves almost everyday compared to once or twice a week. The study showed that people took note of what they did right or wrong the previous day based on how their weight fluctuated and made corrections the next day. While this was relatively small (about 90 participants), it is significant. But I know weighing yourself everyday isn't for everybody (it is for me!) You just have to focus on the positives and not get bogged down by day to day fluctuations.
  • mperrott2205
    mperrott2205 Posts: 737 Member
    Every time i go to gym... i don't really care though. I use the mirror and measurements for real progress.
  • SteffieMark
    SteffieMark Posts: 1,719 Member
    I use the mirror and measurements for real progress.

    Once a week. I totally agree that you shouldn't judge progress on the number you see on the scale. That can be affected by so much. Count how you feel, how your clothes feel. The numbers on a tape measure over-ride the numbers you see on a scale, for me.
  • Lorijp
    Lorijp Posts: 47 Member
    I weigh weekly that way if I show that I'm gaining I can watch it better. I would only measure monthly or every few months.
  • sbrownallison
    sbrownallison Posts: 314 Member
    Here's what I've heard, and it makes a lot of sense to me: While you're losing weight, weigh once a week (same day of week and time of day). This allows you seven days of effort that will give you more of a payoff when you do weigh in. And, by the way, one pound a week is good weight loss.

    When you are maintaining your weight (most agree this is harder than losing weight), you should weigh every day (same time of day). This builds the habit of weighing regularly and gives you immediate feedback if you're slipping into weight gain. I've struggled with my weight forever, and for the most part I would avoid weighing at all -- only to find out I'd gained back 30-40 lbs. Had I been weighing every day, I might not have had to much to lose. If you're a very petite small person with very little fat, you will usually feel weight gain in your clothing and may not need to get on the scale every day to know that you need to cut back. For a large person like myself in past years, my clothes were usually quite roomy and elasticized, so weight gain would not necessarily be detected so soon in my clothes.
  • I don't weigh myself anymore officially. i might weigh myself every once in a while for curiosity sake. haha
  • melindasuefritz
    melindasuefritz Posts: 3,509 Member
    once a week- Monday morning
  • Leather_N_Lace
    Leather_N_Lace Posts: 518 Member
    Every Wednesday morning I weigh and measure myself..
    I lift weights so I try not to get hung up on the pounds but focus more on inches lost.
  • badmoose
    badmoose Posts: 25
    Weight can fluctuate wildly day to day, so I try and normalize the changes by weighing about every two weeks. It seems to be a good period in which you can really see encouraging progress, and yet not so long that your'e not still keeping relatively current and measuring accurately.
  • BrienJD
    BrienJD Posts: 541 Member
    Every day Just for grins though. I don't log it but once a month.
  • cmcollins001
    cmcollins001 Posts: 3,472 Member
    I weigh myself every chance I get, but at least every night and every morning...and anytime there's a scale around. I don't use the scale as a way to track progress, I'm just interested in the numbers and how they fluctuate. I do use the scale for long term trending, but for actual progress I use how my clothes fit and mirror and occasionally do some measurements.

    I know when I started out last year I set up a spreadsheet and tracked night and morning weight for about a month and a half, and it really let me know how much the scale jumps up and down...sometimes for stupid reasons. I have seen it jump up a pound after brushing my teeth.

    ETA: I only log a new low.
  • crystalmoore83
    crystalmoore83 Posts: 103 Member
    I weigh my self daily, but only log once a week every thursday
  • NancyKhuu
    NancyKhuu Posts: 87 Member
    I used to weigh myself everytime I went to the bathroom. Now I don't care much about the weight anymore but the way I actually look. I might lose fat, but then I might gain muscle from working out so the number doesn't tell me anything... I'd say I weight myself once a week?
  • I think waiting a month before weigh-ins doesn't keep you as accountable as it does if you weigh yourself more frequently. I would say once a week is probably a more realistic approach. And there's nothing wrong with losing a pound a week! It's better than gaining that pound! :)
  • Kabuhtu
    Kabuhtu Posts: 85 Member
    I weigh myself whenever I happen upon a scale. It could be 3 times a week or once in 3 months. I DO NOT keep a scale in my home. It would be torture. I however, do keep lots of mirrors and look at myself a billion times a day to make sure my sexy hasn't runaway. ;)
  • nyrina4life
    nyrina4life Posts: 196 Member
    I drive myself nuts by weighing myself daily. Sometimes I do it twice. It's always been a strange obsession. . .
  • pattya925
    pattya925 Posts: 398
  • elkahallick
    elkahallick Posts: 1,138 Member
    What you see in the mirror is all that matters, dont be OCD with youre weight it will stress you out and frustrate you if youre expectations are too high and that may lead to giving up... Have fun, work hard and eat right and live life.... If your mood is determined by a scale, take a loaded shot gun and blow that think into a million pieces... problem solved.
  • red_road
    red_road Posts: 761 Member
    if ive been good every 2 days, if ive been bad i might wait as long as four days.
  • Mariposa_Lily
    Mariposa_Lily Posts: 38 Member
    Right now, when I'm losing, I weigh once a week--Wednesday, mid morning. I think I chose Wednesday because weekends are the times I'm most likely to be "bad," so that gives me a couple of days to recover and helps me plan the second half of the week. For me, daily is too much stress,. Some call it "accountability," but I don't like the notion of the scales determining whether I "reward" or "punish" myself from day to day.

    Once I loose what I need to, I'll probably go back to what I used to do: Once a month, at most, and just judge by how my jeans fit. :-)
  • Flyer69
    Flyer69 Posts: 100 Member
    Every day, whenever I am naked or near naked in the bathroomas as there resides the scale.
    I find it fascanates me how much it can fluctuate, once I git reallydesponded though as my weight was going up, but I was actually working out harder and watching what I ate.
    I figured out tough that it had been the diuretics (on prescription for an ailment) I was on for 10 days, which first made me loose weight fast and then when I stopped I gained a lot back.
  • SRB8710
    SRB8710 Posts: 90
    I use Saturdays for my official weigh in day and update that here. But, I admit I weigh myself every morning. I know your weight can fluctuate but I like seeing it daily. In way, for me, it motivates me more to remember that I will be stepping on that scale so I make better food choices during the day. :)
  • Mustang_Susie
    Mustang_Susie Posts: 7,045 Member
    I weigh my self daily.
    It's become an addiction.

    Apparently it's also a form of bulimia.

    I weigh myself daily just to keep myself accountable.
  • Purpleflipflops
    Purpleflipflops Posts: 563 Member
    Every day, but I take it with a grain of salt. I like to do it to keep myself in check, and also reflect on where increases come from. If I'm up, I normally try to reason it out, like "I ate a heavy meal" or "I ate a lot of Salt" or "I drank a ton of Water". If I don't have a reason, then no big deal.
    That being said, I only log my weight Weekly, I consider Saturday Morning my "Official Weight" Day. :)
  • xoemmytee
    xoemmytee Posts: 162 Member
    Ok hear me out people. Before you read any further, know that I only recommend this method for people who take the number on the scale with a grain of salt, realizing how much body weight can fluctuate.

    That being said, I weigh every day. Why do I do this? To get more data. To put it simply, if you weigh once a week, you don't see fluctuation within a week and may be more put off at the fact that you didn't lose or gained one week. Perhaps you weigh in at a low point of a fluctuation, but the next week, you end up weighing in at a high point for whatever reason. It is much easier to see a general trend and account for natural fluctuation when you weigh more frequently. The more points you have on your graph, the easier it is to tell your weight loss trend apart from daily/weekly/monthy fluctuations.

    I hope that made some bit of sense. I am very bad at explaining things.