Antlerdancer Member


  • Thank you, all! Very helpful. I absolutely am working on nixing sugar and crap carbs. @Kimcam07 during my pre-pregnancy glory days, I did a weightlifting routine in my garage every other day, which really made a difference in toning up. I lost about 10 pounds over the course of a couple of months, but also and more…
  • Well I just started a thread discussing being three years out and off track and then I read this thread - thanks!! @ruqayyahsmum - man, can I relate to the having a baby and getting off track part. @Tristaan I like how you're eating.. that 's what I want to get back to. I DID have dumping, but once I became pregnant, it…
  • Me too! I had surgery in Feb 2014 and did great. In Sept of 2015 I got really on the ball and started lifting weight and hiking regularly and eating very carefully (low carb, high protein, veggies, fruit - little to no crap. Lost ten more pounds and dropped a pant size or two. Then got pregnant and gained 20 pounds. Lost…
  • Well, hello! I bought Vitafiber a LONG time ago but never got my lazy self around to trying to make the Quest bars. Here is the recipe I was going to use: I see that in the 6 months or so that I was interested in doing this, there are TONS more hits on Google for…
  • I, too, have been suffering the hair loss. I'm 9 months out, though, and the "extra" shedding seems to have stopped (I usually have a ton of hair and typically lose a lot anyway). My hair is all crazy now: wispy ends and TONS of weedy growth all over my hairline and sides. So funny. It drives me nuts but according to my…
  • Hiyas! I was sleeved on 4/21 and though things have been going really well (actually, VERY) I'm lately struggling with compulsive eating thoughts/desires. It's haaaard to deal with these things. Also, I am recognizing that I need to get more friends (I love outdoorsy stuff but my small circle of pals do not - it gets old…
  • I'm right there with you - and my surgery is this coming Monday! Been having a few days of, WTF, I can TOTALLY do this on my own. But the reality is that I haven't been able to maintain any significant weight loss, ever. Lately I'm really mourning food. The hubs thinks I'm starting to get anxious because the surgery is so…
  • Hey tallies! Thank you for all the inspiration! I am literally just getting started toward a healthier life and at 5'9", I realize I'm a shorty... but I've always identified as big n tall n strong (even though I'm very, very weak and out of shape currently). Thanks for sharing your stories!
  • You all are amazing and inspirational! Can't wait to join the club!
  • Looking good and I bet you're FEELING great!! Hope you don't mind my saying, but nice booty, sister! ;) Keep up the healthy moves!
  • Super AWESOME!! Thank you for sharing your pix and your story. You're absolutely right- someone WILL be inspired by this - I certainly have been ! Thanks again and here's to continuing your commitment to health and happiness!
  • Bfast meal ideas: -1 Sandwich thin spread with 1 laughing cow lite and topped with one microwaved Boca Burger + banana or -1/2 uncooked oatmeal with splenda and cinnamon, grate one apple into it. Put this in a tupperware container and pour boiling water over it. it'll "cook" in minutes and is a great hearty breakfast on…
  • I HEART quinoa! The hubs and I eat it under red beans n rice, ratatouille, etc. Here is a fave recipe of mine, though it's not "exact": 1 eggplant 2 zucchini 2 yellow squash tblsp or more of minced garlic chicken broth or veggie broth olive oil salt, pepper, whatever spices you wanna put. Chopped onion - 1 onion 1 or 2…
  • Agree with all of the above! I travel a LOT in the fall for my job. I just came back yesterday from a three day trip. It was HARD! I started off great but ended up eating way more than I wanted to, and not good stuff at that! I recommend bringing the Fiber 1 bars, packing fruit or buying some when you get there. If you…
  • Love this idea!
  • Awesome!! Do go on! Isn't it so cool to be able to not only feel and see on the scale, but actually SEE the changes in your body because of your commitment to health? Soo great! Thank you for sharing these pictures! :) I have just started getting rid of my own inflatable ham! Day two of my new healthy lifestyle and I'm…
  • This sounds like a discussion I need to be involved in. Hi all! Just started getting my act together today - here's to no binges! shawnessy