

  • Hey, everyone!! Just wanted to say thanks for the heads up. I really appreciate it. Maybe thats why I haven't been losing as fast. I will give up the diet sodas. Thanks for the awesome advice and recipes :)
  • There is a book written by a certified nutrition called "Skinny girls don't eat salads." I try not to buy into random diets, because we all know that the only way to lose weight is to burn more calories than you eat. But, I saw the author on TV a few days ago, and she says that a study was done at Yale University that…
  • By the way...I have the same problem. I have realized that I eat for the taste, and not for the calories. It is a horrible habit, and you have to constantly be conscious that it is a problem. Just keep in mind that everything you eat, you will pay for either physically or emotionally. So, if you feel like you can't control…
  • If you are looking for something sweet, try frozen cherries with just a touch of hersheys fat free syrup. You have to be careful with the syrup though, but with the cherries you still get the sweet and the satisfaction. Eat them slowly :)
  • Phentermine works as an appetite suppressant. I have taken phentermine before and had several problems with it. Read the side effects on the label (insomnia, migraines, constipation) and ask yourself if it is worth all of that to you, because it has happened to most people I know that have taken it. And the worse…
  • Losing weight can be very frustrating. It does take time. But remember, you didn't gain it quickly, so don't expect to lose it quickly. This website is very helpful for making you be responsible for your health choices and what you put into your body. Your blog didn't say anything about how you are eating. You need to…
  • Hey, everyone. I have a question about sleeping and calories. I am a huge insomniac. Runs in the family...tried everything under the sun, including prescription sleeping pills (which only work sometimes) and not exercising in the evening, and not drinking caffeine and everything else imaginable. I know that getting enough…
  • Also, don't fry them in oil. A lot of the calories come from the fried part of the equation. You can use non-stick cooking spray to get the same effect instead of oil. Hope this helps!
  • Hey, all. I have a question. On the home page, when it says "if every day were like today...you'd weigh" is this based off of solely calories taken in and calories burned, or does it actually consider the proportion of calories from fat/protein/carbs etc? Just curious because it seems to be a little different everyday.…
  • Maybe you should sit down and write out a list of what motivates you to lose weight. Then, when you are struggling with willpower you will have a list of reasons not to lose the willpower. You can win this battle! You just have to make the decision to win. And think...the sooner you get it done, the sooner you can stop…
  • Awesome! Thanks guys!!
  • Hey, everyone! I have been using the wii fit for about a month now, along with diet and some moderate exercise. I have lost 10 pounds, which seems to be a good healthy rate. My question is...does anyone know how many calories you burn doing exercise with the wii fit? Or where to find this information? Thanks :)