

  • wow that sounds awesome! I have always done lemon and or limes in my water but never thought about an orange! DUH! sounds SOO refreshing too, and hey I just bought a whole bag yesterday at the grocery,,,,hmmmmm might be gonna try this one today!
  • I hear ya! LOL I am doing that whole ww online thing,,,ok not really but still paying for it,,,and while I love their program and it works for me I hate meetings and this is more convient and supportive! so while I will use the program at home I find this is better for support and motivation and fits into my life! feel…
  • yep me too, Im in the same boat,,,,,,starting all over again monday an determined this time to not quit and make it to goal but I have a LONG road to go this year,,,,,,
  • it isnt 8 lbs , lol it is .8 so it really isnt that much of a difference at all,,,,,but yeah I like my own scale at home,,,,,silly I know, but hey i can weigh first thing in the am after I pee and be stark naked if I want to ( cant have extra from clothes ya know! LOL) where as I can NOT do that at a meeting! so home scale…
  • thanks for the replys. I am not here to say anything about any program good or bad either way. I appreciate the comments and feedback, but WW does work for me when I work the program. I will not be tracking here as well as there. im sorry but to me, counting points is much easier for me than trying to figure out calories.…
  • thanks everyone,,,,,it is difficult to start over but being here thanks to a dear friend who shared the site with me has given me some hope again.......there seems to be genuine support here and we are all in the same boat so to speak! my kiddos are 9 and 5 and I really really want to be able to enjoy them and their…