starting over,,,,,,again

ok so here we go AGAIN.........back to it ,,,,this time I am heavier than I have ever been, even after delivery of both my kids.....what happened and how did I get here I wonder, then I realize life happened.....I negected me in the process of taking care of everyone I was thinking about the whole WW thing and put it off until the last day of free I woke up looked at the clock, it was too early and I rolled back over and went to sleep. Woke up later realized I was too late for the meeting,,,,,said pfffttt whatever! let the dog out sat down at the computer and looked on WW and yep there was another later meeting today.......ok fine I took my shower and got ready to go,,,,weighed myself before I left so I wouldnt have a heartattack on their scales from the shock,,,,,put my socks and shoes in the car ( wearing flip flops to weigh in you know cuz they weigh less...) ok so I got there and sat in the parking lot,,,,,,could I get out of the car again? been here done this about 6 times now,,,,,,each time I gave up,,,,,ok here goes nothing go in and register, the receptionist remembered me from years ago and was so sweet. sat thru the meeting,,,,totally different program than I did before,,,have to relearn it all. hummmm, ok sat thru new people orientation, had the leader I had years ago and loved, she remembered me,,,,,wow,,,,,,I actually felt encouraged! I left thinking ok IF I look at the whole big picture of almost 100 pounds,,,,,,I will get overwhelmed and quit and sit and cry ( and probably eat!) soooo I am for now just focusing on the first 5 lbs.......however long it takes,,,,start with the first 5. I went t the park,,,,,put my socks and tennis shoes on and pedometer and started walking,,,,,,,huffing and puffing,,,,,,I did a mile......that was all I could do but hey I did it and it is more than I did yesterday sitting on the couch thinking about doing it........
soooo heres to starting over and the long journey........I know I am not alone,,,there are others just like me,,,,,,,,,,,,,we can all do this together! :)


  • JulieBoBoo
    JulieBoBoo Posts: 642
    Good for you!
  • sweetnic
    sweetnic Posts: 66 Member
    I'm glad you finally took the plunge! I am a chronic yo-yo dieter, and have made the decision to really REALLY stick with it this time. It's hard, though, because I've been doing this for almost 10 weeks and - I'm happy that I'm losing - but it is coming off soooo slowly this time! This decision you made isn't an easy one to make, but it will be so worth it in the long run! I don't know how old your kids are, but I have 3 (ages 3, 5 &7) and one of the best things about getting into shape is that I actually enjoy running around outside with them playing tag or baseball or riding bikes together. Good luck! I hope you have lots of good days and you don't get too discouraged over the bad ones! :o)
  • Awesome_Mom
    Well, you are at least begining again. That says something positive about you! I need to lose a lot of weight, but I try not think about the big 1-0-0 number! I want to look at it in 25 lb increment goals.... sounds better doesn't it? You will find lots of support here - some ideas too. I've only joined a week ago, but this time I feel some power within me that I did not have before. LOVE mfp! We are all here to support one another - it really helps! Feel free to friend me and good luck - you can do it!
  • 2zsmom
    2zsmom Posts: 10
    thanks everyone,,,,,it is difficult to start over but being here thanks to a dear friend who shared the site with me has given me some hope again.......there seems to be genuine support here and we are all in the same boat so to speak!
    my kiddos are 9 and 5 and I really really want to be able to enjoy them and their activities,,,,,,,,,whn my little one said "wow you have big pants" in her innocet way one day when I was folding clothes it forced me to really look at things even though I didnt want to......of course she had no idea how hurt I was and I know she was totally innocent and not being mean at all,,,,,she was just saying what all kids do when they think something, lol but it hit home. it also has hit home alot when my skinny( still wearing the same jean size he graduated HS in) hubby has said" lets go white water rafting with the kids, or bike riding or to an amusement park, or ......" ok right? I dont feel comfortable doing all those things because I cant bend over to tie my shoes let alone fit in a seat belt at a ride or a boat to raft! so yep here we go again,,,,,,,,on a journey to do it and succede finally......
  • CrysButcher3
    CrysButcher3 Posts: 322
    I'm so proud of you! The support here is seriously awesome...I can't believe how supportive and motivating people are...its a blessing for sure! Glad you made it on board!!! :) WELCOME! :flowerforyou: