Weight watchers question

2zsmom Posts: 10
edited September 28 in Health and Weight Loss
ok so I joined WW yeaterday ( for like the umpteenth time) I weighed myself on my WW scale at home before I went so it wasnt such a shock there. I got one number at home and there I got a higher #,,,,,by.8 . so my question is who do you go by them or your own scale? I know my scale is pretty accurate since huby never fluctuates. so im trying to figure out if between the ride from my house to there if I went up,,,,,( you know how you can vary from morning to afternoon etc) or what? I like to weigh at home on the day im supposed to weigh in at WW so I kinda know ahead of time ( again not wanting shock if I didnt do as well as I was thinking)> so, do I figure the difference in my scale and theirs and then whatever mine says add the .8 difference to it? or not worry about it and just go by my own once a week? or am I over thinking this to much ? LOL


  • Galathea
    Galathea Posts: 420 Member
    Do ,8 lbs matter that much? All that matters is that the scale is moving downwards. :-) I'd say go with your own scale, because you can't know how accurate the WW scale really is. And this way it's easier for you to keep track, if you miss a meeting.
  • A woman will fluctuate more than a man will ;) WW scales in their centers are pretty accurate but as long as both start going down then it's all good!
  • CrysButcher3
    CrysButcher3 Posts: 322
    Was that a .8 oz, or was that an actual 8 lbs? I'm having the same issue at work. My HOME scale is saying I'm 234...however the scale at work is saying I'm 239. I have no idea which one I'm supposed to follow either...except, everyone I talk to tells me to weigh myself in the MORNING....well I work nightshift, and have been weighing myself at NIGHT when I go into work. Maybe I will just start weighing myself at home on my nights off (so I can weigh myself early in the morning instead of at night). I think I would use the scale at home...a weight loss is going to show regardless if your losing weight. And like Galathea said...if you miss a meeting you still have your scale at home your going by...so to me I would say the home scale. ((And I'm taking my own advice and doing the same thing.))
  • ItsLessOfMe
    ItsLessOfMe Posts: 374 Member
    I'm a stickler on the weight too but .8 lbs isnt too big of a difference. But if its gonna get to you pick one scale yours or theirs and use that number. It sounds like you are more comfortable weighing in at home which is understandable.
  • alkruszka
    alkruszka Posts: 21 Member
    I always use my scale - even when I did WW at Work. I prefer online anyway, since I hate sitting through meetings and didn't get anything out of them.

    Can't hurt to track with both, though!
  • 2zsmom
    2zsmom Posts: 10
    it isnt 8 lbs , lol it is .8 so it really isnt that much of a difference at all,,,,,but yeah I like my own scale at home,,,,,silly I know, but hey i can weigh first thing in the am after I pee and be stark naked if I want to ( cant have extra from clothes ya know! LOL) where as I can NOT do that at a meeting! so home scale it is,,,,,they can weigh me if they want to but im going by mine....
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