

  • I feel irritated for you! It's rough when you know you are busting butt to achieve and others bust butt sitting on a couch and then take "the easy way out." But it seems you have a good tool at your hands - talk to her fiance and see what you can do differently to see the results you want. Nothing wrong with that - he's…
  • I love Raisin Bran - not sure why! And Chocolate Cheerios!
  • Studies show that power walking tends to burn more calories than eliptical, however, eliptical works a few different muscles and gives you the comfort of no cement (= no shin splints) and a weather free environment. ;) Living in Florida in the summer, there are times I wish I had a treadmill or an eliptical just to escape…
  • Do you like to dance or do aerobic exercise? There are probably some great dance classes you can take at a studio near you - or check and see if any places in your area offer Zumba or Hot Hula Fitness (no, not hula hoop - hula like polynesian dance). These are great cardio and toning programs! Also, tootin my own horn…
  • Evaluate why you eat: are you eating because your bored, angry, upset? If yes, find something to do instead. Also, what does your exercise regimen look like? That's always the best way to earn more calories. You can do this and YOU ARE WORTH IT!
  • Post a picture to keep you motivated as to who your goals are for - who you are doing this for and why. ALSO, keep on your mirror or fridge or closet the goals you've accomplished! You've come so far and I'd love to see you succeed.
  • DO NOT! Diet soda not only has high fructose corn syrup (which consumed in high quantities is destructive to your system and messes with your metabolism) but many times is sweetened with Aspartame. Aspartame is EVIL! Do some research for what it does to you. It's yucky!!
  • Try taking a dance class! That's a great way to burn calories in an hour, as well, as tone muscle. Depending on where you live, I can recommend some great places.
  • There's so much more out there than running! When I broke my toe and couldn't run (mind you, I run half marathons) I felt like a slug. I found that I burned just as many calories and had FUN doing it while DANCING! FInd a dance studio in your area that offers something you like! You'll tone and burn all at once and…
  • Keep it up! Remember, as a man you'll get there faster than women! But remember also to be kind to yourself - don't beat yourself up and keep a healthy positivity about what your goal is and what you're trying to do. Your body and mind will be kind back.
    in New member! Comment by AMSalaz June 2011
  • According to Disney, I'm 5'4 + 3/4" with about 20-25 lbs to lose. Does this count? :)
  • Try a dance class! I recommend Hot Hula Fitness (if it's available in your area) or belly dance (it's AMAZING how many muscles you tone and control in this form of dance). But the key is to try something that can incorporate parts of your strength training and cardio together.
  • A healthy bride is a happy bride! My wedding was two years ago and I congratulate you on yours. Stay healthy, work off any stress or delegate responsibilities. YOU CAN DO IT AND LOOK BEAUTIFUL DOING IT!