New to Exercising

heatherstiara Posts: 11
edited September 29 in Fitness and Exercise
Ok, so I started this whole adventure a couple of weeks ago. Prior to starting I had been working out, not a lot, but trying to get my body in gear a little.... The past week I have been sick. Not just a little cold, like sick in bed with a fever. (easy to stick to your calorie goal when you don't feel like eating anything, lol)....

So now that I am FINALLY feeling better: WHAT DO I DO!? I see people on the elliptical for an hour! And I'm like HOW!!!??? I'm dying after 10 minutes... Any tips? Is this something I should take slow?



  • MissingMyOldSelf
    MissingMyOldSelf Posts: 689 Member
    LOL I can barely do the elliptical without distractions, like my music, for 5 minutes. I'm bad off.

    I've just been doing mostly walking at different locations, and the change of scenery keeps me going. And there's some songs when I hear it on my music player, I just want to jog. So, I do! I listen to my body, and my motivation, and I follow it from there. Granted, I can't jog for long.... but I make the effort. And every little bit of effort helps you!!!
  • rob504
    rob504 Posts: 79
    The first time I used the eliptical I managed 2 minutes, yes, a whole 2 minutes. Within a short space of time I had built up to 60 minutes and loving it. I now do 30 minutes as I found I was only working on the eliptical and nothing else. What I'm saying is stick at it and you will soon be posting your 60 minute stints.
  • dusty_712001
    dusty_712001 Posts: 172 Member
    You have to work your way up. Not many jump on and go an hour. Do what you can to start and add a few minutes when what your doing becomes easy. Before you know it, you'll be going 30 to 40 minutes and beyond. Try to do to much to start and you may end up so sore you quit or actually hurt yourself which can set you back in training. Good luck.
  • Dahlface13
    Dahlface13 Posts: 65 Member
    I prefer workout DVDs. No one can watch me huffing and puffing that way!

    There are lots of different options out there with a wide range of workouts, styles, trainers, and level so you can find what works best for you.
  • atomdraco
    atomdraco Posts: 1,083 Member
    If you haven't been doing it regularly, start slow. People who workout an hour or more, they are used to it. Start doing something 30 min at a time, and your body will catch up and getting more fit. Then you'll find 30 min is really nothing.

    What to do? Depends on what can you access, a gym? home gym? or nothing. Walking, biking, jogging/running, swimming, elliptical, stairmaster, DVD, etc. For cardio, pick something you will enjoy to it, and it will be easier to stick to it. Start workout 3 times a week, and see how far you go.
  • AMSalaz
    AMSalaz Posts: 16
    Try taking a dance class! That's a great way to burn calories in an hour, as well, as tone muscle. Depending on where you live, I can recommend some great places.
  • I like the treadmill. I keep the pace at 3.7 and up the incline every five minutes until i an at a 12-14 incline. I do this for at least 50 minutes but most of the time for 65 minutes. I watch movies on my Ipad. Just start at what you can do and work your way up. I started at 35 minutes 7 days a week now i do 60 minutes everyday. switch it up too I go for long hikes on the weekends so I an outside with friends. Swimimg is great too, you just have to tread water to burn alot of calories. Have fun with it.
  • lil_pulp
    lil_pulp Posts: 701 Member
    I started out doing 5 minutes a day (in addition to recumbent bike) and gradually increased my time. This is pretty much how I start using any new exercise that my body initially tries to tell me I "can't" do. Good luck and stick with it--you'll be so proud of yourself!
  • melizerd
    melizerd Posts: 870 Member
    When I started I could only do the elliptical for FIVE min at a time, so I did it twice a day (I had one gathering dust). Now I am using it for 45 min or more (and at 5mph or more) and working on Week 5 of the Couch To 5K program running (on the road and on the treadmill).

    So take it slow the time and speed WILL come. I just pushed myself to do 30 secs more or 1 min more.
  • Ally_Clare
    Ally_Clare Posts: 355 Member
    If your moving you're on the right track. It doesn't matter what exercise you enjoy as long as you stick with it you are doing great! Oh my god the elliptical almost kiled me first time i went on it, i lasted 10 min but mann was it tough. I like to switch it up now and usually i'll go on it for 10 min at the start of my workout to get my heartrate up and then i'll do squats, lunges and then maybe jump back on it or on the bikes. Good luck!
  • I'm putting out feelers for exercises I actually enjoy as well. I'm trying to get into good enough shape to be able to jog for two minutes so I can start Couch to 5k (it was so depressing when I realized I can't jog a solid 2 minutes without wheezing, let me tell you) so I'm taking lots of walks and trying to build myself up on the treadmill. I alternate with doing this and doing a workout DVD every other day so I don't get bored... so far so good :) I got a really cheap used copy (never opened) of Tae Bo Boot Camp off of Amazon and a cheap yoga dvd from the bookstore and I really enjoy those!

    I've never been one to particularly enjoy exercising so I'm trying to figure this whole thing out as well :P
  • Oh my gosh, I so feel you! I work on the 2nd story of my building. And the elevator is just creepy. So I take the stairs. Technically I guess I work on the 3rd floor, because there is some weird floor in between... ANYWAY... After walking up 2 flights of stairs I am GASPING for breath... THIS was my waking moment. I want to be able to walk up those stairs without gasping for air. It's embarrassing.
  • And thanks to everybody for your encouragement. I can't wait until I can work out for an hour!
  • And thanks to everybody for your encouragement. I can't wait until I can work out for an hour!
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