Need some help staying motivated please!

jmgj27 Posts: 531 Member
I'm now over 70lbs down from my highest weight and whilst that is awesome, I'm still about 7 - 14lbs away from where I want to be. I'm currently a UK size 10-12 (US 6 - 8) and just want to be a solid 10. Problem is, I'm kinda loving the new body and having fun - which although isn't making me gain any of the weight back, is preventing me from losing the last little bit.

I think part of the problem is that I'm almost there and part of the problem is that it is kinda difficult to know exactly where 'there' is. I keep messing my head up by saying yes but if you get to 147, who's to say you'll look any better than you do now? Do you need to be 139? etc. etc. Plus there's also the fact that as I'm now a normal weight and already do a ton of exercise, I have to be perfect and sweat my *kitten* off to lose a single lb - if only I could lose like I did when I started!!

I think, for my own sanity, it's important for me to get to 139 (I'm 5ft 8" so that'll be around a BMI of 21) to prove that I can do it as I've always had this massive mental block about being less than 10 stone. That's exactly one stone (14lbs) to go.

Any motivating words to keep me on track and getting through the last stone without cracking up?


  • laeckloff
    laeckloff Posts: 8 Member
    I just keep telling myself you have made it this far! One Step at a time.
  • Fayve
    Fayve Posts: 411 Member
    Wow, first off, congratulations on losing so much already. Given your height, your current weight must look amazing on you. I understand your desire to get to a goal, even if it's just for a little bit. My advice to you would be to shift your focus to fitness and toning, if that's what you enjoy. It does indeed take a lot of work to lose weight when you're already so low, but if you focus on simply being as healthy as possibly, or achieving a fitness goal, it would be very hard for you to not drop a few more pounds in the process. And if that doesn't get you to your goal weight, it would probably get you close enough to restore your motivation for those last few pounds, and getting strict with your diet again?

    Best of luck!!
  • jmgj27
    jmgj27 Posts: 531 Member
    Wow, first off, congratulations on losing so much already. Given your height, your current weight must look amazing on you. I understand your desire to get to a goal, even if it's just for a little bit. My advice to you would be to shift your focus to fitness and toning, if that's what you enjoy. It does indeed take a lot of work to lose weight when you're already so low, but if you focus on simply being as healthy as possibly, or achieving a fitness goal, it would be very hard for you to not drop a few more pounds in the process. And if that doesn't get you to your goal weight, it would probably get you close enough to restore your motivation for those last few pounds, and getting strict with your diet again?

    Best of luck!!

    Thanks - that's what I've been thinking of doing (although I've not been able to put it so succinctly!) but I always worry that I'm going too easy on myself! Good plan though!
  • AMSalaz
    AMSalaz Posts: 16
    Post a picture to keep you motivated as to who your goals are for - who you are doing this for and why. ALSO, keep on your mirror or fridge or closet the goals you've accomplished! You've come so far and I'd love to see you succeed.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    I hear you.. at 23 pounds down(2 away from 25 lost and then 5 pounds till goal) I'm getting kind of antsy. I want to keep going but at the same time, how much more can I lose without looking too thin and I'm tired of always having to buy new clothes because my old ones that I bought to fit a former weight don't fit anymore without looking frumpy.

    What I'm planning on doing is adding more strength training(like 2-3 times a week opposed to my once a week routine now), and just trying to lose these last 5 as slow as possible.. keep counting, keep eating healthy and keep working out. Hopefully it allows my mind to adjust to my new body.
  • hikeout470
    hikeout470 Posts: 628 Member
    Dam that beer looks good!

    Hang in there, you are so close. Maybe light beer, strength training. Also look into HIIT. I keep posting here and there about it. The research is amazing about the fat loss benefits. Good luck!