

  • That sound is called crepitus and it doesn't necessarily mean you have something wrong, but if there is pain associated, you may not want to do anything without the okay of a doctor or joint specialist. You need to let him or her know that there is specific pain associated with certain activities and then let him or her…
  • Don't beat yourself up for splurging a little. Just do your best and get back on track. Think about the benefits of being healthier and how much happier it will make you long term than eating out will do for a few minutes. Remember that vacations are a good time to relax, but now its back to business! You will do great!
  • Its normal to stay at the same weight at first or even to gain weight. Muscle weighs more than fat because it is denser, but your body will look and feel better. Weight is just a number - the important thing is that you are getting healthier and being more active for your kids. Great job. Just stick with it and eventually…
  • Doing crunches will not get rid of fat in your abdomen, however, it will tone the muscles underneath. Unfortunately, the human body puts on weight in a specific order (different for everyone) and the last place you gain is the first place you lose. So if your face got fat first, it will get skinny first. If your abs were…
  • I know this is an old post now, but finding a good one for gainers is hard! I am about 5'3"-5'4" and initially I weighed about 94lbs. I didn't much care that I weighed so little, but I know it was a problem because I would lie about my weight like a fat person does... its SO the same thing. Weight is a struggle for me,…
  • I am trying to gain, but this website sucks for that. I want to see red if I don't meet my calorie goals instead of when I do...
  • This is totally random and VERY weird, but I did it an entire summer when I was taking 11.5 credits (yes, in the SUMMER - read:freakishly busy) and I did it every day - I was in the best shape of my life. Granted, once I got back in my crappy routine it didn't happen so much, but meh... what are you gonna do? I had an…
  • sounds like a great idea to me - if you are looking for a heart attack... Just work through the plateau. How long has it been, a few weeks (judging by your mini goals)? Give your body time to adjust to your new metabolism uptick and make sure you are eating enough (good) calories per day.
  • Also, ice is a good idea for inflammation if you are having issues with swelling and sharp pains, but be careful not to over ice or you can cause more harm than good. A rule of thumb is no more than 10-15 minutes per hour. If you take a shower and your knees feel worse afterward, ice is the way to go, but if they actually…
  • The best rule of thumb is listen to your body. If it hurts, don't do it. You are doing this to get healthy but it is not worth it at the expense of your body! You know the difference between a good hurt and a bad hurt, and what you are describing is definitely skewing toward that bad hurt. See how you are doing in a day or…