shamefull confession..

This summer i went on a vacation to Williamsburg VA and Washington DC!!!! For a whole week i pretty much ate what I wanted and we always ate out. After getting home it was no suprise to me that I had put on 3 pounds. I shed the 3 and was back to my 190 but now i am having trouble dropping anymore. I have been exersizing very hard but i must admit that i have gone for ice cream with my boyfriend aready twice this week. Im scared. I dont want to take any steps backwards!!!! I want to make a promise that i wont eat any ice cream for the next 5 weeks!

It was my goal to weigh 180 for back to school in September and im starting to realize that it is coming soon, so i have to put my best efforts forward!

gimme advice and support!!!!


  • miaka51
    miaka51 Posts: 10
    Don't beat yourself up for splurging a little. Just do your best and get back on track. Think about the benefits of being healthier and how much happier it will make you long term than eating out will do for a few minutes. Remember that vacations are a good time to relax, but now its back to business! You will do great!
  • dasskinny
    weight watchers makie ice cream and very filling 130 calories, also" artic zero" has very few calories in the whole pint :-) they have it at whole foods! and its great with some added peanut butter! good luck
  • jessdeweerdt
    I wouldn't swear off icecream.. it's not very realistic.. but maybe having it twice a week isn't either.. just make sure you have a calorie allowance for it. if you deprive yourself, you'll prob end up binging. you prob know what you need to do.. log your food, watch your calories, and do your workouts.. you can do this!! you just have to remember what your goal is everyday!! sometimes I write a note to myself on the fridge, a big neon note. it helps me make good choices :o) good luck!
  • JWeaser
    JWeaser Posts: 302
    Check into frozen yogurt places. I am telling you, I like it better and a lot of it is low or non fat!!
  • pen2u
    pen2u Posts: 224 Member
    There's an old Seinfeld episode about that....
  • jennyonthespot
    jennyonthespot Posts: 98 Member
    Well here's what I'd say. Life happens and sometimes you just over indulge. You just gotta make sure you get back on the wagon now. When I got off track for awhile, I gained about 12 lbs! I've lost 9 of it and I feel SO much better. I told myself (and my boyfriend!) that I wasn't going to treat myself until I lost at least 7 lbs. We went out to a nice dinner and it was great. I do allow myself extra calories on Fridays and Saturdays, but just maintenance calories. I'm trying to get down to 125, so my goal is 1200 calories. I currently weigh 136, so I allow myself up to 1600. I figure I'm ok with taking a break from trying to lose on the weekends, but I do NOT want to gain. Hope that helps. :-) Good luck!
  • JWeaser
    JWeaser Posts: 302
    There's an old Seinfeld episode about that....

    LOL I remember that episode every time I take the kids there too!!
  • kmcgilllis
    First of all don't beat yourself up. We've pretty much all been there at one point or another. Remember that there are healthier alternatives to eating regular ice cream. Sometimes the act of denying yourself the food makes it more appealing altogether. Try skinny cow ice cream if you get the chance - it's reallly good and stays around 100 calories per serving.

    You can also try a trick my weight trainer taught me for those 'must have' moments. Buy fat free/low sugar coolwhip (and it comes in original, chocolate, and strawberrry). and stick it in the freezer. When you're have a major craving for ice cream take it out and have a scoop. My favorite thing to do is to add some raspberries to the original flavor and freeze it. Then on occasion I'll dribble some sugar free chocolate syrup over the top.

    Above all remember that YOU'RE NOT SAYING NO TO FOOD - YOU'RE SAYING YES TO YOU. When I was 190 and really wanted to break into the 180s I would say that to myself every time I went to reach for something I knew I shouldn't have. I'd remember the time I put in at the gym that day and realize that I was just negating all my hard work. But most of all **if** you splurge - and on the real stuff too - don't get down on yourself. The more you crack down on yourself the more likely you are to break down.