haha i fink a lot of you must be from the states coz ive not heard ov mosty of them fings- im from uk
haha thanx
ok i fink il jus enjoy my take away- and jus make sure i dont go over again for the rest of the week- like u say its only 100cals- not loads
wat do mean by 300-400 deficiate? i have just started this plan
ye i was finking ov maybe working them off- but we are only having our take away tnite and wil be too late to doanything by then0 do u fink if i go for a run tmoz it mite help burn some of it off
hello there, from the cold north west of england haha
aww ye i didnt fink of the time difference- ther wil be a lot of americans on at this time- time for bed for me soon tho haha
nice to meet you all to i dont live near london haha im from the north of england i wer wondering whether id be able to find all the foods in the tracker but if they have all the major supermarkets in there il be fine
aww wow- looking forward to meetin sum new friends on here from the states then
i was goin about 4 times a week for about 20-30 mins but i gave up but im guna start the running again next week i fink il aim for 4 times a week again
if you bite it, write it- thats a gud one- il keep that one in mind
ye thanx x do u snack?
ye that makes sense thanx i fink il stick to 1200 for the first couple of weeks and try and lose maybe 3 pound then il gradually up the calories
thanx everyone- it worked out 1200 when i inputted all my details- do u fink i shdu be avin more than this then