
i have set my goal to nine and a half stone- im ten2 at the min- i fink this is a realistic goal
but in an ideal world i wud want to be 9 stone- do u fink i shud keep my goal as it is first- then hopefully if i get to that i can change it to nine stone at a later date


  • FabCheeky
    FabCheeky Posts: 311
    Well, smaller goals set you up to get that accomplished feeling. You can also set a non food celebration up for yourself when you reach it. Then evaluate yourself and set a new goal. Keep going until you are happy and healthy.
  • meggers123
    meggers123 Posts: 711 Member
    No clue what a stone is.. well, I think it's either 12 or 14 pounds.

    I set a lofty goal too (what my driver's licence says... aka, what I weighed at 17!) ... your goal isn't set in stone (haha, I made a funny), so as you get closer you can adjust. :)
  • vcktyrr
    vcktyrr Posts: 27
    haha it must be a british fing- ye a stone is 14 pound
  • meggers123
    meggers123 Posts: 711 Member
    blonde moment (and true)

    a few years ago a friend and I were wondering what a stone was, so we looked in an "english dictionary" and it described a rock... We felt like dorks.

    oh, doesn't a Uk dork mean "something" else?
    haha.. you silly english. lovely.
  • vcktyrr
    vcktyrr Posts: 27
    haha no i know what a dork is
    haha ye in the dictionary a stone wud be a small rock