arobles3231 Member


  • I stayed the same...115. I was thrilled cause I hadn't had the best week but did exercise every day!
  • I could use more buddies...I only have 2 who really get on here!
  • I weighed in yesterday and was at 115!! That was my original goal. I lowered it to 110 to give me a little cushion....I am so happy! I drank all my water and more every day, ate more veggies and started a Jillian Michaels dvd to do on my nonrunning days.
  • I would continue to eat at least 1200 calories because even though you aren't "eating for two", the baby will need nutritious foods. Congrats on your pregnancy!
  • I could use the support as well!
  • I drank my water, ate my fruits/veggies, and ran 2 miles this morning. I'm not sure I can do the 40 minutes a day because my knees have been killing me! I finished week 5 of c25k (I actually run more than 3 times a week though) and it's killing my knees! I got new shoes Thursday so hopefully they will start feeling better…
  • I did run in the rain this morning...doesn't like it's going to stop at all today again! I'm glad I did it, but still glad I didn't yesterday. My knees have been hurting real bad and I bet it helped to let them rest an extra day!
  • Well, I will be honest...I ate terrible the last 2 days so I've gained 2 lbs. I have just wanted to eat junk and I basically did! I am sure some of that is from all the salty stuff I ate. I did drink at least 8 glasses of water every day. I didn't get to run this morning due to rain. It has been raining all day and is…
  • that's not the program I got online. I started week 5 and today I did day 2: warm up with 5 min brisk walk, 8 min jog, 5 min walk, 8 min jog. That was off of the c25k website.
  • my username is arobles3231....some of the numbers were switched. I'm excited about this! Thanks for starting it up!
  • I'm in! CW 117 GW 110
  • I am right there with ya! When I started I was 142.5 and now I am 117.5. I am trying to be 115...these last few are hard to get rid of!! People say I don't need to lose anymore but they don't see me without my clothes on! I have finally lost my baby weight....2 little ones 14 months apart....but I just want to lose a few…
  • My husband brought home 3 huge slices of strawberry cake with icing and then made brownies last night. I left lunch today right after my sandwich so I woudn't be tempted! I have 1 lb to's a stubborn one too! I hope to have it gone by the end of the weekend!
    in I caved! Comment by arobles3231 May 2010
  • I have gotten a false positive before but I had a cyst and they said sometimes it can do that! It was also taken at night! My second pregnancy I took 3 tests a week apart each time and the third one finally said positive. It was a complete surprise since I already had a 5 month old but things couldn't have turned out…
  • My brother has lost 64 lbs using the Wii. I'm not sure which game he is doing but it has done wonders for him. He says he is in the best shape he's been in since high school!