

  • I bought a pair of New Balance yesterday and went for a walk/jog in them and they are much better. I'm going to keep the Nike's because I like them, but I will only wear those to town and such. For my exercises, I will stick with New Balance. And after 3 sessions, my soreness has eased and it's actually a pleasent soreness…
  • Most of the pain is in my thighs (inner and outer), shins, and hips. I just bought a new pair of Nike running shoes over the weekend. They were comfortable in the store, but when I walk and job in them, they do make my feet feel kind of weird. Like they are moving my feet in an unatural position. My right foot feels like…
  • Yeah, I have been doing cardio for 2 years. Mostly, treadmill walking, zumba, and walking DVD's. I've always been a little sore with these, but not like this. I think I may be pushing it too hard on the jogging segments. I will maybe tone it down a bit to start with. I wear a HRM and after my jogging intervals, my heart…
  • I bought a pair of Nike's on Saturday. They are running shoes, but I forget the style. At first they were super comfy, but after going for a 3 mile walk on Sunday, they gave me a blister on the inside of my right heel. My left one is fine and doesn't hurt at all, but my right constantly rubs and causes blisters each time I…
    in Shoes. Comment by bella51708 April 2013
  • For me, the biggest shocker was Olive Garden meals. That is by far my favorite restaurant, but most of the meals I would get were 1400-2000 cals JUST in the entree. That did not include the salad, breadsticks, and dipping sauce I would eat with it. Even the salad there is crazy high in calories due to the dressing they put…
  • Actually, nuts are a great, healthy snack if you measure out your portion. I'm under a doctors care and being monitored with my weight loss and she suggest I use peanuts and/or almonds as snacks to keep me full between meals. Really good healthy fats. You just can't over-do it and eat the whole jar.
  • You are truly awesome!!! I, like you, had SO much weight to lose at the beginning. I was afraid of all the things you stated. I had been big my entire life. I weighed 298 when I got pregnant with my son and 318 when I gave birth. I was happy I hadn't gained much, but I was still morbidly obese and after becoming a mother,…
  • This sounds like my Mom. She is still on the fat-free/low fat diet that was common in the 90's. If something says lowfat or fat-free you can have as much as you want of it. She use to be obsessed with fat content in everything. She would not buy anything with more than 3g of total fat. Craziness!!! The scary part is, she…
  • With the little amount of weight you need to lose, I would say some intense strength training would help here. As for calories, I would eat whatever your maintenance calories are (your TDEE). When doing strength training focus on the muscle groups you want to see a loss on. By toning them, you will see a difference in how…
  • What about when you are morbidly obese? I have about 90 more pounds to lose and MFP has my calorie goal set at 1300 for a 2#/week weight loss. I have been staying within about 100-200 cals of my goal everyday and exercising (I do eat most of my exercise cals back) and I'm in a plateau. When I eat at my goal per MFP, I'm…
  • I have had 6 post-op doctor visits, but they don't ask to see any food diary. How can it be healthy to eat only 800-1,000 cals a day. I'm eating 1200 a day now and am famished most days. My stomach usually growls the whole day and sometimes causes stomach pain from being hungry.....How can it be "unhealthy" for a…
  • Thanks for your help guys!!! I will adjust my cals with good, healthy foods. I guess MFP's goal of 1300 net threw me off.....
  • My thinking was that since I had so much excess body fat, that I could eat less and my body would be forced to use the fat stores for energy. I guess that's wrong, huh. I lot of times, I'm just not hungry though. My height is 5'4". My maintenance calories would be 1760 for my goal weight of 150. I will try to incorporate…
  • I believe the advice here will depend on how much you have to lose. For me, I have about 100 pounds to lose, so I can realistically lose 2lbs a week and be healthy. My BMR is 1889 and my TDEE for a sedentary lifestyle is 2261. MFP has me set at a net calorie goal of 1300. I work out 4 days a week for a total of 200 minutes…
  • Hamburger Helper Cheeseburger Macaroni Not the healthiest thing, but it was leftover from dinner last night. Tomorrow will be homemade chilli with ground beef, canned tomatoes, and kidney beans. My lunches are usually a Healthy Choice entree or Smart One's as well unless I have leftovers from dinner that can be re-heated…
  • I feel kind of silly admitting this, but I take a children's chewable twice daily per my doctor. They taste great and I get all the nutrition I need without having to swallow a large pill. They contain 100% of your DRV of iron. I too have had problems with low iron and taking these everyday has improved it. I also take a…
  • And what do you do if your net calories according to MFP is below your BMR? Is that okay? So many people say not to eat below your BMR for health reasons. My BMR is 1889, but MFP has my net calorie goal as 1300 for a 2 pound/wk loss.
  • Your body isn't going to gain weight that quickly. It takes time to actually gain weight, just as it takes time to lose weight. As long as you are staying within your calorie goal on MFP, you will lose. Daily fluctations for me range from 1-2 pounds, but overall, it goes down. Kind of like 1 pound up, 1/2 pound down, 1/4…
  • I use to eat a ton of fast food. I would go out for lunch everyday and eat it and then I would get it to take home for dinner. My go to places were McD's, Burger King, Taco Bell, Pizza Hut, Dairy Queen, and Papa Johns. I still get it for take out occasionally (1 or 2 times a month), but I select better options. I only get…
  • I do this as well. I was eating cookies, chips, candy, pretzels. Whatever was in the house. I still do it occasionally, but I have forced myself to go to the healthy snacks. String cheese, apple with PB, jello, sugar free pudding, etc. I don't by candy or cookies anymore so I can't eat them at night. My doctor also gave me…
  • Homemade mac and cheese, Reeses cups, Cool Ranch Doritos, Jelly beans. I replaced my unhealthy snacks for healthy ones (peanuts, almonds, string cheese) and I stopped buying them. As for the mac and cheese, I haven't yet conquered that one. I still like to make a gooey, delicious mac and cheese from time to time. I just…
  • Find a replacement. No soda is healthy, even diet and caffeine free. When I started my weight loss, I loved Diet Dr. Pepper. I completely gave it up and switched to tea sweetened with Splenda. The first 2 weeks were the worst, but it slowly got easier. The only thing you can do is have the will power to stay away…
  • I'm 5'4" and started out at a whopping 326. My eating habits had spiraled out of control. I've never been small all my life. I've struggled with obesity since middle school. Last April, I drastically changed my diet and began exercising. I'm now down to 246, but my goal is 140-150. I hope to be down to that in another…
  • That is how it works for me. I'm 5'4" like you, but I weight 250. I want to lose another 100 pounds and am losing about 2lbs a week. My calorie goal is 1410 and I exercise off 450 calories bringing my calorie goal to 1860. I usually try to keep under that a bit though (in case I overestimated my exercise calories or food…
  • I do this as well, but it's because the lean cuisine's are mine and the snack cakes are my husbands and stepson's. Not everyone in my house is on a diet and I do all the shopping, so I get them these for their lunch. I don't know how they get by with it, but they eat those things and are both thin and healthy. If I were to…
  • Yes, I definitley notice. I much more aware of calories in fast food items and when I see people ordering these huge burgers and fries with basically a liter of soda, I cringe. I use to be there too, but I just want to run up to them and make them aware of how many calories they are eating. The only thing I get at fast…
  • I drink 1 cup a day in the morning. I use 2 packets of Splenda w/ fiber and a ton of powdered creamer. It's 10 calories/tsp, but I don't measure it. I just shake some in. I'm probably putting in about 7-8 tsp which is 70-80 calories. To me, it's worth it. I have given up so much other stuff, I don't want to give up my…
  • You think that's bad!! My water broke early when I was pregnant with my son. It was 1pm at work. I went to the hospital and they kept me for a few hours. They decided to transfer me to a regional hospital with a NICU. I had eaten lunch at 12pm. They wouldn't let me eat in case I went into labor. Finally, at 11pm that…
  • Yes, I drink water all day every day, I just forget to log it most of the time. LOL I absolutely cannot stand fat free salad dressings. For me, the dressing makes the salads. So, I figure if I can fit it into my daily calorie goal, I will stick to regular dressing and enjoy my salad. Great tip on the bananas. I use to eat…
  • I'm 5'4". My heaviest weight was this past April. I weighted in at 326. About 5 years ago, I was down to 235 (the lowest in my adult life). I met my husband and slowly gained every bit back and more. When I got pregnant in 2009, I weighed 297. I went up to 318 during my pregnancy and only lost 6 pounds afterwards (312 in…