crammar Member


  • I’ve been using MFP for over 5 years now without missing a day. Works for me and I’ve nw lost 30kgs since the start of my journey. Now 56 years old and have a six pack for the first time in my life. It works if you stick with it.
  • I only really started to lose weight when I gave up snacks. I know it sounds hard. Yes, you will feel hungry but use that feeling in a positive way to drive you to keep going. Believe me. I’ve been fat all my life and have now lost 30kgs and kept it off for 4 years. Snacking actually makes me hungrier and I was eating the…
  • Wow, I’m now classified as a senior at the ripe old age of 56! I’ve been using MFP for 5 years now without missing a day. Lost 30kgs and finally managed to have a “six pack” for the first time in my life. No going back now. Love the lifestyle.
  • Fitbit Charge 2 is great. I find it remarkably accurate and trackis my activity very well. I’ve tried a number of other brands and in my opinion, the Fitbit products are excellent. Personally lost 30kgs using a Fitbit Zip and MFP. I have never been as fit and lean in my life and I’m now 56.
  • Count me in. Just about to start Keto after losing 30 kgs using MFP. LETS DO THIS !
  • Never tried ww but counting calories works for me. Over 3 years using MFP and I'm down 30kgs. Been fat all my life and now, at the age of 55, I have my first ever 6pack. I need to be accountable to myself. Track everything, it's easy. I'd suggest if you find it too hard, you may be eating too frequently (or too much). Make…
  • Low carb is certainly a great way to go. I've now been able to kick most of my bad habits such as eating a large bowl of icecream after tea, eating biscuits etc. it's empowering. 30 kgs lost since my journey began 3 years ago. I've been fat all my life and now, at the age of 55, I finally have a 6 pack. If only I…
  • Melbourne. 3 years using MFP continuously. It works
  • Depends on your goals and activity levels. You can work it out as a percentage of your macro nutrient intake or by lean Bodyweight. I train in the gym 4 times per week and consume approx 40% of my diet as protein. Works out to be roughly 2 grams of protein per kg of Bodyweight. What are you trying to achieve with your diet…
    in Protein Comment by crammar December 2016
  • Protein powder is just like any other food source and the calories certainly do count towards your total calorie intake just as the protein contributes towards your daily protein intake. You can take it anytime however it's usually recommended to drink it straight after excercising. I sometimes use it as an in between meal…
  • Melbourne here. MFP user for 3 years...
  • Given that you are happy with your size and strength gains, don't change a thing until progress stops. I think people generally change routines more often than they change diets and don't allow enough time to evaluate. I am currently alternating high rep days with low rep days and find that I am doing well but like to…
  • Hello, I live in eastern suburbs of Melbourne. Been using MFP for just on 12 months. Dropped from 107kg Down to 77kg in 10 months. Keeps me motivated and on track. Weight training. 5 x week. Walking as much as possible. Currently sitting around 17% BF and want to get under 10% to see what I can really achieve.
  • First year 2013 and dropped 30kg in 10 months. I'll definitely be here in 2014 and beyond Use fitbit daily. Train 5x week with weights Been trying to lose weight for 35 years and I've finally achieved what I didn't think was really possible. Chris
  • Hi Allen, I'm much the same. Been using MFP for just on 12 months. Dropped from 107kg Down to 77kg in 10 months. Keeps me motivated and on track. Weight training (bodybuilding). 5 x week. Currently sitting around 17% BF and want to get under 10% to see what I can really achieve. I have a six pack at the age of 52 - first…