

  • Yes you are correct a pound is a pound. This article can explain it better than I can. http://exercise.about.com/od/weightloss/f/gainingweight.htm
  • The only problem I have with this challenge is it's inaccuracy and the possibility of someone getting bummed out from what they think are lack of results. The challenge should be Body transformation, not weight loss. Please let me explain why. Lets say you want to loose 25 lbs. So you start cutting back on your calories.…
  • very true. thanks!
  • wow! this guy gets really technical. Interesting stuff.
  • thanks for the info. I think I would feel better paying the monthly fee. to me, if the guys that knowledgeable, and helpfully, he deserves to make the $
  • where would you suggest the best sources for nutritional information then?
  • Not surprising. The majority of people still, understandably, get their information from Men's Health or blogs. And the blogs don't exactly keep up to date on nutritional developments... But isn't Aragon a regular contributor to Mens health magazine? I thought him to be a very trusted name in the sports nutrition field?
  • I know that breakfast is a very important meal. It starts your day after not eating for 8 hours or so. I don't think theres a magic number of how many minutes you should have it within. Although within an hour or so would make you feel less hungry :) The amount of protein (grams) is based more on ones individual needs, not…
  • thats a shame. Ya gotta love social media! ha!
  • The OP left a long time ago, did anyone notice?:tongue: [/quote] can't say I don't blame the OP for leaving. probably got scared to death posting a response without getting there head chopped off ;) cant everyone just play nice, nice together?
  • i love eggs! i have 5 eggwhites (with one yolk) each morning for breakfast. i ad a slice of pepperjack cheese for a little extra zing. i was placing them on top of a slice of whole wheat french toast (dipped in the egg whites) but have since, stopped eating bread and pasta :(
  • I can see how misinformation can get thrown around on the internet so easily. And I get it, that we should try and post as educated information as we can. but i do have to say, as a newb on here, I notice that there seems to be a lot of sarcasm and hostility to wards one another. that doesn't seem to help matters any,…
  • but isnt the idea in here to share what works? Since every body type is different, it would make sense no? For example dont some peoples body types work better with higher carbs, and others with proteins then others? If so. Arent they right to share there success for someone else to try?