

  • Dated for 7 years before getting engaged at 24, married at 25, still married and coming up on 2 years married, 10 years together.
  • My mom got them done a few years ago. Be warned, they look very harsh at first! They fade tho, so they look more and more natural as time goes on. I guess just make sure you go to a really skilled tattoo artist so they look really natural.
  • I got the Polar FT4 and it's been great. I think it has less features than the FT7 but it does everything I need it to do- tells me my heart rate, how many calories I'm burning, how long I'm in "the zone", and keeps the last 10 or so sessions in the log. I log my exercise on here anyway, so I don't need it to keep more…
  • I agree that you should weigh the food. I do that with chips because a lot of times the number of chips in the serving is completely different than the number of chips in the stated weight.
  • There's an entry already in there for Bubble Tea- Fruit Shake
  • I like to leave it at sedentary so that any extra calories I burn by running around like a crazy person are just bonus and I don't see them in my exercise calories so I don't feel inclined to eat them back. But that's just me!
  • Whenever I find a discrepancy, I usually go with the lower number, just in case. Like the above poster, I'd rather underestimate the calories I've burned than overestimate and accidentally each more than I should.
  • I've lost 12 pounds and really the only person to notice is my husband, because he's the only one to see me in my underwear! But I do think that after a few more pound other people will begin to notice. Also, I'm still wearing all my large and size 14 clothes, which are getting big, so it might not look like much until I…
  • This is actually exactly how I cut calories when I started eating better. I realized that I didn't need a huge lunch AND a huge dinner, and cutting lunch to around 300 calories has been amazingly easy to do. I'm not any more hungry around dinner time than before and I've lost weight without feeling hungry!
  • In Defense of Food by Michael Pollan is not exactly a diet book, but it deals with what we eat and why, and it totally changed the way I view food and how I eat.
    in Books Comment by sprky182 August 2011
  • You can definitely see that you are more toned, which is why sometimes the scale isn't the best indicator. Looking great!
  • He has a book, which is basically a longer version of this article, called In Defense of Food. I found it really really interesting and it changed the way I think about food. He also has another book, The Omnivore's Dilemma, which is more about the social and political systems that control our food. Both super interesting…
  • On my last 5+ hour road trip, I packed a bunch of different easy to eat, healthful snacks like ziplock snack bags of portion-measured pretzels, goldfish, string cheese, sliced fruit, and granola bars (not just for me, for the whole car!)
  • I had a similar start but I kept at it and then I started losing. I didn't really start losing anything until after about 2 weeks.
  • From what I've been told, exercise is cumulative, so you can break it into multiple sessions.
  • You can't expect your body type to change, once a pear, always a pear (but like you said, a smaller pear), but based on your photos, you already have a hot body! Embrace it- you look fabulous!
  • I noticed that when I put in the weight training I do it doesn't add that into my calories burned. Should I be adding it to the cardio section as well?
  • I think they are mini muffins, so the 39 calories might be correct, but does still seem kind of low to me.
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