Weighing and calculating all your foods is not the answer. Eat better!!! Exercise more. Do weight lifting, light to tone and do cardio. Whole foods , good foods, good fats, raw dairy, raw foods, experiment with different grains and seeds. Raw nuts. Eat MORE!!! Probiotics. You body will love you and it will show.
Maybe change what you are eating and how often you are eating. Whole foods is the best bet. Bring fats (omg yes) back into your life, stay away from soda's and what not. It has helped me. I exercise daily so I pick and choose what I do. Sometimes it is an easy day, sometimes I go all out. Strength and cardio. If you do all…
We have been practicing USARS so it is mandatory to cross train to build our endurance. I like hiking and walking up hills, also stair climbing. Jogging is good too. Oh and some insanity... burpees are good on a moderate basis , hahah coach has had us doing 50 or so a practice.
YOu have come to the right place. Derby is fantastic and it will let you do things you never thought you could do. :) Good luck, add me for support and derby shares.
Getting it done :)
YAY I found the new thread!!! Add me if you want to get motivation or motivate. Pretty active girl right here! :) Always looking for people to share the excitement goals, changes, lifestyles, and exercise!
6 miles added, skated 1 mile walked 5 miles last night ;) YAY this is rad. I want to go for 100 miles.
3/1 4 miles walking 3/2 3 ,miles walking up and down a huge hill 3/3 1 mile skating
Is there a march thread?
DONE! Let march begin.
8 miles added I will finish this tonight with skating for 4 hours :)
2/20 2 miles walking 2/21 2 miles skating 2/22 4.5 miles walking
02/19 3 miles walking 2 miles skating
Half way there.
Keep it up, only 30 more miles to go!!! I got this, you got this, we got this.
Feb 10th 2 miles skating Feb 11th 1 mile jogging Feb 12th 3 miles walking 1 mile running 2 miles of skating 8 miles as of 2/13/13 18 total!
Can I start, I walked 8 miles last week and jogged for 2, so I am at 10. I will try to make my ticker now. :)
I want to do a 5k in June and be able to run the whole thing without breaking stride. It WILL happen!!! I gotta take the motivation I have on my skates and put it towards running!
You should, it is awesome fun :)
Hey I am Toni, live/work in IB by day and live/play in Clairemont/linda vista by night. :) Roller derby girl, with San Diego Roller Derby... Love love love it. I am here to lose some weight and keep it off. I love skating, roller derby, walking, swimming, bodyboarding, and Insanity (working on my endurance and cardio)...…
Hey hey, Toni Rockalishous Isbelle . I am glad to be a part of an awesome group called San Diego Roller Derby. I started in Feb of 2010. It was the best decision I have ever made. :) It is good for the mind, and the body. I joined fitnesspal as a recommendation from one of my facebook friends. I do not think they are on…
Awesome Awesome Awesome. :)
I use a rolling bag everyday, and I am far beyond lazy... but try carrying your skates and gear on your back and see how you feel. If you do not like them do not use them, plain and simple. They are made for people who need them , banning them, wow.. sorry I feel this is super silly.
Roller Derby (changed my life) roller skating, insanity, walking :) add me if ya want
I take one day off a week. I do not see the plus side of not being active for any longer than that. It is usually Saturday. :)
EAT and exercise or be active at least 30 minutes a day, 6 days a week :) Small meals throughout the day. Starving yourself does not promote weight loss as you can tell. And yes, whole foods are what the body needs, it processes them accordingly and does not store them away because it does not know what else to do with…
Try taking a day off, and exercising twice a day on three or four of the workout days. Maybe eat smaller portions more often. Hope all the best to you. I have been there!!! The things I have listed have worked for me. Add me if you would like and do not give up!!!
Keep it up. Success :)
Fantastic, keep it up, truly inspiring.
Feel free to add me, anyone that is dedicated and ready to lend support and get support. All of my friends here seem to have fallen off the wagon, I admit I have a few times as well, but I am always back and ready for action. I am looking at about 60 pounds to lose as well. I have already lost about 40 on my adventure, but…