

  • Personally I think that lady is crazy....age in my book has no bearing....I know a girl who is 25 baby born with cleft pallet , I know a mom who is 24 had three miscarriages AFTER having a baby, and now she just gave birth to a baby boy, I know a me, who had 2 kids in my twentys, remarried and he is 10 years older, 42 and…
  • i myself cannot tell you what clean eating is.....but I would assume it would be eating healthy things for your body to use! I am really really new to MFP....and it has helped me more than ever. I didnt realize what a bite of this and a lil of that was costing me. I am pretty positive that I have never ate this healthy in…
  • Thank you guys!!!! I guess I probably coulda looked it up....but now you have made it even easier for me to find!!!! Thanks Thanks! And good idea about he meat, turkey and no idea what edamame is but willing to try it!
  • I wouldnt say I was new to trying to lose weight since I have been on all the diets......all the pills....and even tried a lil exlax/starving......WELL NONE of that works haha......Your gonna do great!!! I am fairly new to MFP but love it....It does hold me accountable and just the other day I thought wow I am doing good…
  • Well i am way under....I eat special K in the morn with some 2% milk and I do like some grains and cheese for lunch and supper like broth or greens, salads, i have had steak (which runs thru me), I do just doesnt seem to add up to 1300 cals and ya I dont eat my exercise cals, but I should at least eat 1300....I…
  • OK so I have the same problem ALWAYS under my 1300 cals, plus I do the tredmill for 40 to 60 min a day which adds a ton of calories to what I can have......this my be TMI but dairy binds me up, as does peanut butter lol........then I bloat and then way less hungry....MFP says I am just starving myself to death, but I am…
  • Thank you all for the great insight...I am going to go with MFP for right now and purchase something in the future for more accuracy...I dont eat my exercise calories anyway, I just wanted to know why there was such a big difference, and yes the preset of a 150 lb male would make total sense since that is my husband and we…
  • Thanks...i have never thought of mom is one of "those"....I really dont want to hurt her feelings but then maybe she wouldnt laugh at me (hurting mine). She has a beautiful body and always trying to lose 10 lbs which would make her look sick if you ask me...but she is fad diet after fad diet and had me running…
  • I am not mad at any of them.....and yes i never thought of it like that....that they are being positive in the way they know how...I work at home, so I had to make my whole house healthy haha....I just want my friends to get it just a little, instead of tempting me at every is hard enough just to do it, let…
  • is nice to hear
  • I was on the pill (many kinds) and they all made me feel preg. So my dr suggested depo shot.....NEVER NEVER do that....I gained 30 pounds in a few short months....great was i never had my periods......suck was I gained a ton of weight.......great I didnt get preg.......suck was when my husband and I wanted tooo we couldnt…
  • never mind.........hahaha
  • I am 230....age 35....5' 5" anyway.....the 300 to 600 isnt accurate...but in 60 mins going 5 miles per hour and flux between a 2-4 incline i lose about 300 cal range....and this thing tells me i lose way more...I also dont usually eat my cals...but it tells me i am way under my cals everytime i log out for the day lol....i…