

  • Pick yourself up...dust yourself off...start all over. Yeah. -Peter Tosh
  • Go for it! I'm a runner and I went from post pregnancy on the couch to a marathon in a year. It absolutely changed my life. You can run that 5K with no problem and I promise you'll get addicted to running - best vice ever! :smile:
  • I'm training for my third marathon in November. I was a stay at home mom for 5 years and just recently came back to work, where my routine SUFFERED! So after signing up for the marathon, I've committed to get back out there and lose about 10 pounds in the process. I'm a fairly slow runner with the fastest marathon at 4:30,…
  • While I have no experience with the lap band, I can tell you that you really need to eat more. 1200 calories is not enough for someone of your weight. I know you want to lose quite a bit (and congrats on the 40 pounds BTW!), so losing slowly is going to be your best bet to keep the weight off. You can do it! Be patient,…
  • I would eat what is recommended if I were you. I've trained for marathons where I have eaten nonstop (good things) and still lost weight. If your workouts are that heavy, you have to eat more, in my opinion, in order to keep balance in your body. If you don't, you will soon lose your ability to work out as hard, and you'll…
  • I've run two marathons and have never had hyponatremia, but I've been with people who have. It will make you really loopy at first because your sodium content is so diluted. Nothing wrong with a little sodium, so if you're working out a lot and sweating a lot, drink water, maybe mixed with a little sugar free sports drink.…
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