Lap Band instructions vs MFP calories

I had the Lap Band placed May 23, 2011. I was 415 pounds when my pre-surgery liquid protein diet started on May 9th. I've lost about 40 pounds since. For the last 3 weeks, even though I have been sticking to the eating plan given to me by the nutritionist I have lost only a pound. I have been eating 800-1000 calories a day, usually over 100 grams of protein (cottage cheese, tuna, sliced meat, cheese, meat substitutes) and trying to stay under 75 grams of carbs a day. With so much to lose, I feel like I should be dropping 5 pounds a week eating like this. I have slowly started exercising in the last 2 weeks.

So in the last week after reading a lot about eating too few calories I decided to up my calories to 1200-1400. I adjusted the protein, fat and carbs according to their recommendations. But according to MFP, this is still below what they say I should be eating.

I know that losing 40 pounds in 2 months is really good and I am happy, but most of that came off during the pre-op diet and the first 2 weeks after the surgery. Not seeing the scale move in 3 weeks is very disheartening for someone like me who has sooooo much to lose. I dont know what to follow, the Lap Band nutritionists guidelines or MFP. Are there other Lap Banders out there who have experience with this?

I only have 10 days of tracking on here since I was tracking all my other food through a different site and decided to switch to MFP. Also, I know I am way overboard on the sodium, but that is nothing new for me since I do tend to eat a lot of processed foods.

Any constructive advice is appreciated.


  • monocot
    monocot Posts: 475 Member
    I had wls Jan 5, 2011. I have lost 75 ish Lbs.
    I lost most of my weight in the first 4 months. after that I slowed down. Last month I lost 2 lbs in total.I consume around 900 calories a day unless it;s been a bad week.. with about 70 grams a protein recommended but i don't always reach that.
    Have you been working out and drinking alot of water? Some times your body needs a break and time to adjust to its weight lose in such a hurry. everyone is different. Go by what the doctor says. This website may be great but with surgery, The doctor knows best and the website doesn't realize you had surgery
  • aflane
    aflane Posts: 625 Member
    As you said, you eat WAY too much processed food. Your sodium counts are anywhere from 1000-4000 over the daily MAXIMUM allowance of 2500. Get off the processed food. Try some fruits and veggies instead. They're better for you.

    ADDITION: I just read through your entire diary. I have a hard time believing that after lap band surgery, the doctor would want you eating fast food for every meal. You need to start eating in a healthy manner. Overly processed and fast foods isn't the right way.
  • jpeper1966
    jpeper1966 Posts: 79

    Ok enouh shouting, but really, listen to your doctor and stick to that plan.
  • aclark6818
    aclark6818 Posts: 209 Member
    It sounds like you found a happy medium by boosting your calories to 1200-1400 calories. I eat less than what MFP suggests also. It may be your sodium--are you drinking enough water? My sister has a lapband in and she is also experiencing difficulties losing weight. Keep working on it and ask the nutritionist what they would suggest. Good Luck
  • tfemerson
    tfemerson Posts: 6
    While I have no experience with the lap band, I can tell you that you really need to eat more. 1200 calories is not enough for someone of your weight. I know you want to lose quite a bit (and congrats on the 40 pounds BTW!), so losing slowly is going to be your best bet to keep the weight off. You can do it! Be patient, though, your body is getting used to all of this, and if you're adding exercise to your plan, you'll need to eat more to compensate for that, so your body doesn't go into starvation mode.

    It will happen for you in due time, and you'll get in a rhythm.
  • stanvoodoo
    stanvoodoo Posts: 1,023 Member
    I would check with the Nutritionist or whoever is supervising you. That may be too many calories for this soon and/or the size of your band. 900-1100 w/110 grams of protein should be about right which is close to what you stated.

    It maybe that you are just getting back into the exercise routine. It could be a short stall while the body adjusts to exercising again.

    You have to ignore the warning on MFP when you are under Doctors orders, the site cannot adjust for that.

    If over on sodium that can also be your problem. It makes you retain water. So you will really need to make sure you are getting in your 64oz of water every day.

    Otherwise, you have done great and maybe just need to be pateint!

    Best of Luck!
  • sla0814
    sla0814 Posts: 240
    I agree, it could be sodium levels but I'd talk to your doctor. He/she will know best!

    Congrats on your weight loss so far and keep up the amazing work!:)
  • MochaMixAZ
    MochaMixAZ Posts: 844 Member
    Agree with other posters.

    You're on the right track - upping your calories was wise, I think.

    The first month or two are gimmies after WLS, but after that - it's the same work as for anyone: healthy food choices and moving more. Watching sodium is important, but so is getting lots of whole grains, lean meats, healthy fats. Consider eating multiple times during the day: maybe even 8 meals of about 150 a piece.

    Stick with it. You're on a healthy road - now you just have to stay the course, make some great food choices, drink your water, and keep on moving.

    Best of luck!
  • TriumphantLife
    TriumphantLife Posts: 56 Member
    Hi. I had Gastric and no you need to stick to the guidlines the Nutritionist gave you. I also work for a Lap Band and Bypass doctor with over 3000 patients. Your eating lifestyle is going to be different from MFP. Let me know if you need anything else.
  • Kelly_Wilson1990
    Kelly_Wilson1990 Posts: 3,245 Member
    I had weight loss surgery on February 7, 2011 and I have lost about 70 pounds. I stick with my nutrition plan from my nutritionist. I eat 1/2 cup of food 6 times a day.
  • Bruzzeseangel
    I'd say that since you've started recording what you're eating physically print out yourr food log and bring it to your nutritionist/doctor. They can look over what you're eating/not eating and what MFP is telling you to do. They may be able to suggest different foods (less processed etc) that can help you reach your goals. But you MUST rely on your doctor as MFP isn't one and isn't aware of you surgery. Great job so far and good luck in the future!!
  • EDesq
    EDesq Posts: 1,527 Member
    This is a Calorie Counter! Try for great advice and experience from others who have had YOUR type of WLS.
  • kellygirl5538
    kellygirl5538 Posts: 597 Member
    I highly suggested getting better educated about food. Process food is a NO NO. You are not eating enough....just crazy combo of food. . The more you learn about food the better you loss will be. I never had weight loss surgery but if you don't start changing your diet you can gain not loose. you can do it!
  • kellygirl5538
    kellygirl5538 Posts: 597 Member
    I highly suggested getting better educated about food. Process food is a NO NO. You are not eating enough....just crazy combo of food. . The more you learn about food the better you loss will be. I never had weight loss surgery but if you don't start changing your diet you can gain not loose. you can do it!
  • stronglikebull
    girl. your sodium is INSANELY high. you acknowledged that you eat too much, so why not change it? 3 hot dogs a day is crazy. fruits and vegetables. if you need something portable, nuts and dried fruit. tuna cans. smoothies or protein shakes.

    i have a hard time believing that your nutritionist told you to eat what you're eating. you need to pay attention to what they're telling you. your body can not heal if you keep treating it badly.
  • MochaMixAZ
    MochaMixAZ Posts: 844 Member
    Okay, so I'm feeling the need to comment to some of your commenters. :-)

    1st - you're doing FINE. If you're following the advice of your doctors and nutritionist - you're doing fine. The weight will come off.

    2nd - I *completely* advocate and support a whole food diet that eliminates or significantly cuts back on processed foods. However. It won't kill you. While it's not my preference, and there is research that suggests the additives, salt, and processing can cause other issues - - - the bottom line is it's calories in and calories out. With gastric alteration of any type, you have to be even more aware of taking in the right kinds of food more often, and most likely supplementing with an oral multi-vitamin. Again, I really do support a whole foods diet - - - but processed food is not the devil.

    After lap banding and/or gastric surgery, your diet will absolutely be different. Your calorie and intake will NOT be normal - that's part of the process. So, while 1200 calories for someone at 400 lbs seems severe (and it is), that is part of the weight-loss-surgery bargain. And why, again, what you do take in should be as fulfilling and nutrient rich as possible. Others have posted concern over the fast food, and I echo that. My rationale is that now is a great opportunity to try changing your diet and liking other foods. You've got a time-limited advantage here to change your tastes and opt for healthier foods. Otherwise, over time - the bad will not help and you are likely to regain your weight. However, again, the fast food isn't precisely evil - a little bit here and there as a treat should be considered as an option. And, quite frankly, if you consume just 150 calories of fast food 7 times a day, you'll still lose weight. But you may suffer in other nutritional ways, and you will have lost the opportunity to begin changing your eating habits to set you up for longer term success.

    3rd - the idea of printing your food diary is AWESOME. If you track your food and print it - you can get specific feedback from your healthcare provider.

    4th - And most painfully (and hopefully not offensively), the people here are great and supportive. Use them. However, most of us are not doctors or providers. So, while we can give our humble opinions, a little misinformation could take you into a dangerous zone. I am an RN, but I quiver when giving advice - we just don't know your context and what is right for your body. So, as always, please check in with your provider.

    Especially with following the diet and keeping your calories in check, you really should be seeing progress. It might be time to make a check-up appointment. Perhaps your band needs to be tightened - maybe it's a plateau - maybe it's something else. The great thing about WLS is you've got a whole team of people ready to support you, that know you.

    Best of luck!
  • los4825
    los4825 Posts: 6
    I had the lapband done in Dec 2009. I lost 40 lbs quickly and stayed there for about a year. Sorry to say, but it isn't easy finding what works for you. I finally got tired of being obese and went back to my doctor this October and had all the fluid removed so I could eat normally and lose weight correctly. I started eating every 3 hours, no processed foods, and working out 2 hours a day. I am down another 85 lbs since October and never go over 2500 of sodium. I have fine tuned my gym time and now only spend 1 hour a day while burning the same amount of calories. I know I am an exception to the rule and this might not work for everyone, but it did for me. PS, I'm getting the lapband removed in September! Yay! Friend request me if you want to see my food diary and anymore support you need. :)
  • MochaMixAZ
    MochaMixAZ Posts: 844 Member
    I had the lapband done in Dec 2009. I lost 40 lbs quickly and stayed there for about a year. Sorry to say, but it isn't easy finding what works for you. I finally got tired of being obese and went back to my doctor this October and had all the fluid removed so I could eat normally and lose weight correctly. I started eating every 3 hours, no processed foods, and working out 2 hours a day. I am down another 85 lbs since October and never go over 2500 of sodium. I have fine tuned my gym time and now only spend 1 hour a day while burning the same amount of calories. I know I am an exception to the rule and this might not work for everyone, but it did for me. PS, I'm getting the lapband removed in September! Yay! Friend request me if you want to see my food diary and anymore support you need. :)

    AWESOMELY FANTASTIC inspiration!
  • jeannette120
    jeannette120 Posts: 65 Member
    Thanks for the responses...I looked at my diary again and did realize I am over the top on processed food and sodium. I have never cooked in my life and ate out almost all the time (which is of course why I became so overweight) so I am slowly learning. I plan to make an appt with the nutritionist and go over everything again. I will truly focus on trying to lower my sodium intake and eat "cleaner".
  • MAG2010
    MAG2010 Posts: 30
    Yah at first I dropped weight like crazy!!!! But once the initial post surgery diet was over and I was living normal life again on the bander diet, I don't lose any faster with my lapband than I did w/out it. I'm a 1-2 lb a week loser eating about 1200-1300 calories a day. It's totally fine with me. I knew that it was different from bypass in that my weight loss WOULD be no faster than anyone else eating a healthy diet. It just helps me stick to smaller portions (when I follow the bander diet). Sure, I could eat slider foods till it came out my ears and never feel restriction and never lose or even gain. The processed foods are so bad (but so convenient - especially for a working mom!!!) But when I eat the dense protein I'm suppose to, I feel it.

    I can't eat less than 1200 w/out feeling sluggish and useless though. I also don't beat myself for eating a little more on days I work out. (I never go over 1500/day though). On those days I allow myself more snacks a day like greek yogurt, low fat cheese. So I may eat 5-6 times a day vs. 3-4 on days I don't work out. But my meals sizes are always small.