teresa7926 Member


  • Congratulations on being alcohol free - that is a major accomplishment. One step in your journey to being the best self you can be, especially now that you are a daddy.
  • my go to travel companions are: tuna pouches, string cheese, ind. almond butter packets and ind. packages of apples slices, quest bars (you can even bake them ahead of time on parachement paper for your own special cookies), jerky, raw nuts. individual humus with baby carrots. You can even buy individual serving sizes of…
  • Yes - I need something to get me started up again
  • I did the program over the summer and completed my first 5K mid September. By the time you finish the program you will wonder what you were so nervous about - lol. Its a great program.
  • I used the C25K app on my phone over the summer. It motivated me and helped me work on endurance. Ran my first 5K in the middle of September. I am now using the 10K app to run an 8K Thanksgiving Day.
  • Great way to keep me going as I am just finishing up C25K. 3 1/2 miles already today :smile:
  • Congrats on starting the program. I started last week. If it is just cramping, make sure you are hydrating and getting enough minerals. Make sure you stretch before and after.
  • I find all your responses very interesting. I have just started running again after many years of being a cp. I am using the C25K program to start. When I met with a trainer at my gym I was asked what my goals were. I want to run a few 5K's this summer and possibly work up to a half marathon. I also want to tone up and…
  • Vanilla almond milk works great in decaf coffee in place of creamers. And you dont have to worry about using artificial sweeteners
    in Coffee Comment by teresa7926 May 2014
  • Having a difficult time with adding ticker - not very literate on the techonology end of life. Will post it later.
  • Just starting C25K so I will say 30 miles. I have a 5K the end of June that I usually just power walk each year and this year I would like to run part of it. I would like to do another 5K in August that I intend on running the entire thing.
  • I have made pizza at home using Flatout wraps for the crust. They get crispy but not crumbly. Another alternative is Sandwich thins. I have found a thin, crispy crust works best and have been able to find a few places to go locally also. Thankfully my favorite place preop has a thin crust. I am almost 10 months out and am…
    in Pizza Comment by teresa7926 April 2014
  • I was sleeved 7/1/13 - feel free to add me also.
  • As I read this, you are in surgery. Prayers for quick recovery. Welcome to a new world. :)
  • Looks great, Please count me in.
  • I have the same problem, but also the ones that wrap around your ear also are too big and wont stay. I finally found a pair at target. Not sure who makes them, but they are labeld as made for womens ears. They twist and lock into the ear and cost around $25. Have not had an issue since I purchased them.
  • I have found a new item (at least for me) and I love it. Bariwise hot chocolate. Depending on flavor, 80-90 cals and 15g protein. The best part is you can actually make it hot and drink it hot - without it curdling - which is needed now that winter weather is here in western New York. I purchased it online at Bariatric…
  • Good luck on your surgery. Keep us posted and feel free to ask questions and/or for help. You may add me as friend if you wish. I had my surgery on July 1.
  • That looks great - thanks for sharing. I will be trying it in the next few days
  • I was sleeved July 1 and am down 42 lbs. I too have the fear of eating too much and recently my WL has slowed to almost a stall. I have upped my calories and protein hoping that will jump start at bit. Exercise is a problem right now. Not making excuses, however the reality of my life at the moment is making it difficult…
  • Other than walking, my surgeon wanted me to wait one month before any other exercise
  • Sorry to hear about the insurance company frustrations you are experiencing. I was fortunate that I did not have to go through that step, but have heard t hat so many others have. Some companies actually require a specific weight loss before they authorize, which makes no logical sense at all. As you stated, if we could…
  • You are in the right place. MFP is so easy to customize for our needs. The community boards are also very helpful. I had my sleeve on 7/1 and have learned so much through the members here. The preop was the hardest part for me so far. Best wishes as your surgery date approaches.
  • Thinking of you as your surgery day approaches, The fast is almost done, and is the hardest part. You will be thrilled with the next steps of your journey. Best wishes.
  • Best wishes on your journey through the process. I had my sleeve on July 1. Feel free to add me if you would like.
  • It will get easier each day to get the required amount in. I was so concerned about it. When I spoke with my surgeon at my one week appointment about my lack of getting in the required protein and liquids, he told me he didn't expect me to walk out of surgery being able to get the required amounts in. By three weeks I was…
  • The week will go by fast. Spend the time researching, reading and preparing your kitchen for the changes ahead. Even start working on some physical activity. Its never to early to start on a good habit. Best wishes on your surgery next week in case I don't get an opportunity to say so as the day approaches. I had my sleeve…
  • I am now attending a support group. For me the past few weeks have been difficult with extra long hours at work and the food has started flowing now that the rest of the staff is back for the schoolyea4r. I do not think I prepared myself mentally for this. The summer was easy, but now not so much. But I chalk it all up to…
  • Congrats on your surgery. I have sent you a friend request.
  • I am almost 2 months out. So far the only food I have had a problem with is pasta - actually made me sick!