

  • I'm in Week 2 of P90X (first timer) and I'm loving it! If all goes well, and I get the results I'm wanting, I'll be moving on to Insanity sometime in March. I can't join the challenge, but I'd love to just have some fellow P90Xers!
  • I know how you feel, but try to not get too frustrated! As you build muscle from your cardio and other activities, the number on the scale will seem deceiving. Muscle weighs more than fat, so that could be a reason you're not seeing the results you want. I've switched to one of those scales that measures your body fat…
  • Welcome! I don't know about the cooking (I'm still struggling with that aspect... I'm no whiz in the kitchen) But as far as some good calorie burning workouts: RUN! It's not the most fun workout, but you burn tons of calories, and it's great for your body! Take a spin class/ hop on a stationary bike: 30 minutes on this at…
  • My husband is deployed right now! I'll shoot you a friend invite- We deployment wives need to stick together... Let me know if you need any extra support- it takes someone whose gone through it to understand those days when it's harder to get through the day :) Good luck- you can do it!
  • Hiya back! I just started using the boards too- definitely looking for great people to help support me on my progress and goals... and I'm always excited to do the same :) Are you from the UK? I picked up "hiya" while I was over there... it was so great to see someone else use it!!!
  • Welcome!!! I'll friend you :) Its always better when you have people cheering you on when you have a good day... and someone to push you when you're having a sluggish day!!
  • wow Tim, hope your recovery goes well- this site is awesome, and it really makes it easy to track what you eat and calories you burn. Hope you find this as useful and encouraging as I do. Feel free to friend me if you need encouragement!