ag27404 Member


  • I'm the same way. I've lost weight all over but have lost nothing in my chest.
  • For my heavy lifts (squat, deadlift, bench), I focus on that life only. They are fully body so a rest after each set can be warranted (if you are going heavy). I tend to do my accessory lifts as circuits to get done more quickly.
  • I agree with this. I work out with a bunch of guys who lift a lot more than I do (including doing squats with someone about a foot taller than me). Almost all of them are happy to let me work in with them and as I've become friendly with them, it's made going to the gym a lot more fun. I strongly suggest you introduce…
  • When I went to the doctor a few months ago for my yearly check up he kept listening to my heart. Finally he looked at me and asked - "Have you ever been told you have a heart murmur?" - Uh, no and that doesn't sound very good. Come to find out I've given myself a heart murmur by working out. The heart muscle gets stronger…
  • I have a Shine (I have not used any other device similar to this so my experience is limited to it) and I have not been overly impressed with it. I got the Shine because supposedly it could track swimming as well as cycling and running. I didn't found that it tracked swimming at all. It does well for walking, running and…
  • I'm only 5'4 and was 230 when I started out about 18 months ago. I started out walking....just half a mile, then a mile. When I finally joined my gym, the first time I was on the elliptical, I thought I was going to die. On level 1, I made it 15 minutes. I never believed I'd make it any further. I also had knee issues. I…
  • I know know nothing to help you with 1-4. On #5- when I first started running my knees started to hurt. I assumed it was because I was heavy so I just pushed through it. Eventually I go to where I almost couldn't walk, much less run. I had to completely stop running for 6 weeks and I was lucky I healed as quickly as I did.…
  • Yes - hair loss is a big concern.
  • Have you tried running outside? I started running on a treadmill and was about to give up because of the knee pain but talking to some runner friends of mine, they told me to try running outside before quitting. I'm glad I did. I took to running outside quickly and the pain went away.
  • I think you will totally find it worth going to a good running store to be properly fitted. It can make a world of difference!
  • I would check with your vet to make sure running at 5 months for a GSD is my experience (dog training/rescue for 15 years) for larger breed dogs, it is recommended you wait until they are about a year old before you start to run with them. That said I've completely given up on running with my dogs. I decided I…
  • Could you cross train on your 'off-running' days? I tried running daily but it took a toll on my body, specifically my knees. So I started to add in other activities (weight lifting, swimming and biking) to compliment my running. It has not only helped keep me from getting bored or burnt out on running, but also helped…
  • I am down 3 inches in my waist, 3 inches in my hips, an inch on my thighs and an inch on my chest. My trainer was so surprised about my waist he measured it 3 times!
  • The battery life on my forerunner 210 is pretty good, actually (I know someone said they had to charge after every activity but I have not had that issue). I have used it with no problem on half marathons and still had plenty of juice left. I typically can get 4-6 activities in before I need to charge, depending on how…
  • All of these are good suggestions. The one thing I would add is dry needling. It sounds like a bunch of voodoo to me but the physical therapist I was seeing to help strengthen my glutes, back, etc suggested it when after 6 weeks I was still having knee issues (BTW - I "self diagnosed" with IT band issues and he told me…
  • I have a Garmin 210 and I've liked it. I've had some issues with connecting with the satellites (I'm glad to hear it isn't just me!) at times. It's a nice to have. It helped me a lot when I first started running to know that I was actually making progress. I have found that downloading and looking at my data is really…
  • Garmin actually has a foot pod if you do a lot of running on treadmills. I find it helpful for when the weather isn't agreeable to run outside.
  • I have run twice a day and have a few friends who do so, but if you are new to running I wouldn't recommend it as too much of a good thing is bad for you and can lead to injuries. I'd stick with running once a day. I think your gain will be more giving your body an opportunity to recover. I'm with Minnesota - I just use…
    in Running Comment by ag27404 May 2014
  • After much research, a failed rack (or 2) from Amazon and a long talk with my bike shop, I ended up going with the Saris Bones 2 and I'm happy so far. I like that it has 6 tie down points (rather than 3). I have a Ford Focus and it fits perfectly.
  • I recommend cross training days and so does my personal trainer. Do you have to do it? No, but strengthening your entire body and using different muscles will make you a better runner in the long run. (No pun intended :) )
  • Most running shops sell both arm bands and waist bands. I have both and found I prefer the waist band but that is just me (I tend to not listen to music while I run so this is not an issue for me). I also have a Nathan's water belt for my longer runs that has a pocket that fits my phone and keys. I also know you can find…
  • Maybe for some people. I personally like having the data (but that is just me). I can look at trends and compare my weight back to my food diary to see what I was eating that made an increase or decrease (i.e. lots of salty foods). Also, I have a scale that measures body fat % as well as weight and water %. It's been…
  • I have! I have at least 1 cheeseburger a week. It's my reward for myself after my personal trainer tortures, I mean, trains me for an hour. It is funny though, the longer I've eaten "healthy" the less I craze the "bad stuff". But really it comes down to all in moderation (at least for me). If I can't have it, it makes it…
  • I haven't read the other replies so I don't know if I'm repeating anything. If I am, I apologize. First - in all types of exercise - running, walking, biking, weigh lifting - you have days when you feel on top of the world and you have days you think "What they heck am I doing out here?" It's all part of exercising,…
    in C25K Help! Comment by ag27404 April 2014
  • A year ago I was pushing it to make it into a size 18. I was well on my way to a size 20. This week - I fit into a size 10 and it looks perfect. I'm looking forward to purchasing clothing that is sized in the single digits.
  • Look at the small goals, not the big ones. The big ones can be overwhelming. 4 lbs lost is wonderful! That is a great start. Now remember it is just one step at a time. I'm about to turn 35 so I'm not much younger than you and I know that feeling of 'what is the point' - no one can answer that for you but you but find each…
  • I agree with this if you are trying to lose weight (honestly trying) and it isn't working, I'd talk to a doctor. If you log your food on MFP, it is easy to print out. Bring this with you to start the discussion. Good luck.
  • This and also assess if you 'click'. My first trainer was good but she and I didn't click. She left the gym which was a blessing because my new trainer and I get along fabulously. You want someone you can work with.
  • This looks awesome. Thanks for posting the link!