

  • only if you have the luxery of time: prepare as usual place in a oven safe dish sprinkle with brown sugar add some raisins or dried cranberries broil until sugar is carmelized it gives it a new crunch/twist on the boring
  • I've been on the pill for-ever. BUT, one of my girl friends was on mierena and she loved it! Until she realized that she was pregnant and had to have it taken out. I did work for the 5 years she had it! :happy:
  • cut them up, skillet them a bit, add some scrambled eggs, onions and peppers = migas! chalupas nachos flautas quesadillas tacos
  • I'm there with you. But my meds for my chronic condition make me (for lack of a better term) pukey. If you are not "hungry" have you tried protien supplement drinks or meal replacement bars? It is not a long term solution, but your stomach needs to be lined for the medication anyway, so it might help. I usually have…
  • Seriously?? Why do they always get bent out of shape about the little stuff? :grumble: It never fails! If you hadn't been together for long, I may question it, but I swear on brownie bites, he needs to get over it! :bigsmile: ::sigh:: men are goofy...if we didnt love them, who would?
  • I've seen those, but my issue is that I have Fibromyalgia which often seriously limits my ability to move. I have to stick to swimming, yoga, and tai chi. When i am at my strongest (and since work has gotten really in the way, i fell off of the gym wagon :bigsmile: ) I can do some stuff like the Jillian DVDs. However, when…
  • Man, I feel like a woman - Shania Twain
  • HAHAHAAA! I know that... I wonder if you can log that under vigerous activity?? :happy:
  • My fiance' is a club DJ - electronica, dub step, what he mixes for me, I hardly know an hour has gone by and i'm still jumpin!:tongue:
  • where can i find the shopping exercise? I sweat like no business and am exhausted when i am done.