Birth Control Help

So I was on the pill for about a year then I switched to the shot for about 2 years. I gained a bunch of weight and I'm pretty sure it was in part due to the shot. I went off of it for a while and back onto the pill. I'm pretty forgetful so I recently went back on the shot.... Now that I'm trying to lose weight I don't know if the shot is hindering me. Also, I noticed that when I'm on the shot I'm very emotional, I have sever mood swings and I get really depressed. I have also read a few places that you shouldn't be on the shot for longer than 2 years because it takes a toll on your bones and there isn't much information about the long term effects of it. I was considering an IUD but I don't know anyone that has had one before. Anyone have any suggestions or anything that would help me out?? All information is greatly appreciated!! Thanks.


  • brknllama
    brknllama Posts: 113 Member
  • MrsZMartin
    MrsZMartin Posts: 165 Member
    Everyone reacts differently, so you're gonna have to do some trial and error. For me, no pill works. I have crazy side effects from every one I've tried (nearly a dozen-I'll spare you the details). I was on the shot for 5 years with very little side effects (more pimples than normal, but not bad). I loved it. BUT, I decided to come off of it b.c of the rumors of how long it can stay in your system. Now I'm on the nuvaring. It has been great for me. Just one more option to try :)
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    If you are forgetful, the nuvaring is really good. 2 times a month you think about it. that is it :) ask your physician about it
  • nmescalera
    nmescalera Posts: 233 Member
    i have an implanon. is the implant that goes in your arm. its good fo 3 years.
  • sailin4her
    sailin4her Posts: 16 Member
    Supertracylynn is my wife on my friends list she was on iud 3 times she was able to lose and keep off 50 while on iud so talk to her
  • wdwghettogirl
    wdwghettogirl Posts: 559 Member
    I've been on Nuvaring for a few years now and I LOVE it!! I was on the Ortho Evra patch for a while too, but I like Nuvaring MUCH better. :) Talk to your doc about your options.
  • AshleyNRi
    AshleyNRi Posts: 33
    I also gained weight on the shot and now have Mirena IUD...and I'm never going to do anything else! It's awesome! If you have any questions, feel free to message me :)
  • Jorra
    Jorra Posts: 3,338 Member
    I started the shot at the same time I started MFP, it hasn't hindered me so far. I always make sure I get 150%DV calcium so the effect on my bones is lessened. If you don't get enough calcium in your diet, take a supplement like Viactiv.
  • MemphisMarly
    MemphisMarly Posts: 215
    I use the Implanon arm implants. It's similar to IUD in effectiveness rate, and it's also several years (Implanon lasts 3 years). You might want to ask your doc about that.

    I will say that it left a scar on the inside of my left upper arm. The scar turned white pretty quickly, but it was a little bigger than I expected. (However, it's not very noticeable unless you point it out. I go sleeveless all the time, and no one has asked me about it in 5 months, unless I've pointed it out to them.)

    Word of caution -- I had a *very noticeable* bruise around it for several weeks. Keep a plan in mind -- you may want to carry a thin sweater for a while or get a short / 3/4-length bolero.

    I gained 27 pounds in a few months when I started using birth control (mini-pill), but I didn't gain weight when I changed to Depo or to Implanon. Best of luck to ya in finding something that works for you!
  • jacque1109
    jacque1109 Posts: 129
    I always gained weight on B.C. --- when I had my daughter, I got IUD (paraguard) and it's been awesome... the only thing effecting my weight loss now is chocolate ha ha ha LOL
  • ashleymariec89
    ashleymariec89 Posts: 135 Member
    I agree with the others in this post. I have been on Nuvaring for 5 years and have never had a problem with it, and it has not hindered my ability to loose weight. Do make sure that you are using adequate contraception thought because you drastically increase your chances of getting pregnant by loosing weight if you are currently at an unhealthy weight.
  • 2SandyCheeks
    It's not a very popular choice, but I was afraid of being on the pill because I had an aunt who had a stroke at a young age. I've been using a cervical cap with spermicide a long time. If the hormonal solutions are not tolerable, you might look into the non-hormonal alternatives. Cervical caps are difficult to find. I think they are more popular in the UK than in the US.
  • MysticMaiden22
    MysticMaiden22 Posts: 325 Member
    I've never been on the shot, but was on the pill since I was 18 years old (I'm 27 now). I've gone off of it a few times, but have always had problems with headaches, weight gain, and moodiness. I've been off the pill for nearly 3 weeks and so far the headaches and moodiness have disappeared. My gyno was afraid that I was at risk for a stroke at a young age. My doc is going to give me an IUD. I'm looking forward to it.
  • Cadenpet
    Cadenpet Posts: 79
    The depo shots are shown to have permanent effects on your bone density if used over 2 years.

    I can't take hormonal birth control, which rules out, well everything except IUDs. I love my Mirena I have had it just over a year. My periods were horribly heavy and lasting 7-9 days before. Now, I haven't had a period in about 8 months. And the ones right after placement were very light and lasted about two days.

    You should speak with your MD about your options.
  • nmescalera
    nmescalera Posts: 233 Member
    I use the Implanon arm implants.

    I will say that it left a scar on the inside of my left upper arm. The scar turned white pretty quickly, but it was a little bigger than I expected. (However, it's not very noticeable unless you point it out. I go sleeveless all the time, and no one has asked me about it in 5 months, unless I've pointed it out to them.)

    Word of caution -- I had a *very noticeable* bruise around it for several weeks. Keep a plan in mind -- you may want to carry a thin sweater for a while or get a short / 3/4-length bolero.

    i guess everyone is different. i dont have a scar where mine whas put in. i did get bruising where it was put in but it wasnt really that bad. just looked like a plain ol' burise :0) and it seems to work because im not prego still! lol i've had it for over a year
  • errantfirefly
    I've been on the pill for-ever. BUT, one of my girl friends was on mierena and she loved it! Until she realized that she was pregnant and had to have it taken out. I did work for the 5 years she had it!
  • vdavis_89
    vdavis_89 Posts: 334
    I really appreciate all your advice guys! I havent had any kids so I dont know that the long term IUDs are an option for me. I dont want kids anytime in the near future but if that changes I want to be able to say "Ok Im ready" and I dont want to have to wait for the shot or pills to get out of my system. I looked at the nuva ring thing and Im a little afraid I would do it wrong :( Is it pretty easy to use? Im sorry if Im getting too personal lol
  • MysticMaiden22
    MysticMaiden22 Posts: 325 Member
    Well, I haven't had any kids yet and my doctor says the IUD (the copper one, ParaGard) is my best option. Plus, it's a simple office procedure to have it removed. Read about it here:
  • supertracylynn
    supertracylynn Posts: 1,338 Member
    I had 3 of the paraguard. I LOVED them! Got one after each of my kids, had the last removed because I got my tubes tied.

    There are no hormones added so losing/gaining weight is all on you.
    It's good for 10 years.
    If you choose to take it out, fertility returns in as little as a month.
    It's like you're using nothing (aside from 2 tiny strings up by your cervix), normal periods and all after your adjustment time.

    It's the same for mirena, except it adds hormones and sometimes periods disappear altogether. Plus, mirena is only good for 5 years.

    With both, there is a minor possibility of pelvic infections, which, left untreated, can lead to infertility. Even less likely is the risk of a perforated uterus. Many many many women enjoy the freedom and worry-free aspect of IUDs.

    And for your information, getting one without having kids first isn't That big of a deal... I have a child-less friend who has one and said it was no big deal, just a pinch.

    Good luck!!!
  • punk_mama
    punk_mama Posts: 93
    After my first was born I gave it a try a few times and I really hated it. It made me so moody/depressed and I worked my butt off to lose the baby weight and nothing happened. I didn't drop until I stopped getting the shot. When I stopped I probably lost 15lbs without trying too hard.
    I can't take pills, I forget too easily and I think they make me looney too.
    I have the IUD for 1.5 years now. My periods are crazy so that is the only down fall. Other than that is is great to not have to think. about bc 24-7