

  • weekends are also my downfall! I'm at my lightest Saturday morning, but come Monday morning ...... but to be honest, I'm used to that! As long as I'm good throughout the week, I dont mind going off the rails at the weekend and then starting again on Monday! I'm still going in the right direction :smile:
  • ha ha thats hilarious! I think I'll pass all the same, but I can see where you're coming from!
  • Fantastic! I've got so many things that dont fit, YET!
  • WHAT???? 41lb and no change in size? Now I would be disheartened by that! Sorry, probably not what you need to hear
  • I've also lost 11lb at the moment and I also havent really noticed a difference in my clothes ... BUT I'm not disheartened and I KNOW the difference will start showing itself soon. Well done on the 11lb and keep up the good work - it doesnt happen over night x
  • ooh, good post! I'd definitely say wine, pizza and mexican food!
  • wow, well done, thats brilliant!
  • WHAT???? I cant believe that?! Thats absolutely crazy!! I've got tattoos and I work in a solicitors office - so I'm not a total loser! Or may be I am!
  • I'm having fish in sauce, baby new potatoes and peas mmmmmm
  • I've got 10 tattoos and I also work in a solicitors! But they are mostly in places that are covered anyway. I have one on my arm which means I now have to wear sleeves all the time. The only one I dont worry so much about covering is on my foot because eyes aren't automatically drawn to your feet!
  • good luck - YOU CAN DO IT!:wink:
  • Hi Rachel - Gil in Birmingham here - yep its sunny here too! Makes a change! Oh, and good luck with the weightloss x
  • Just me :smile:
  • well what can I say, well done you too I've already had a drink so I'm a bit too late for re-evaluating tonight. Perhaps i'll try that tomorrow, but then I'm out tomorrow night :indifferent: but on a different note, we're all here to help each other right, so my downfall is your correction right?
  • well done to you, but really? ONCE A MONTH? *kitten*! I've gotta start getting my head round this!
  • Damn husbands - mine can drink brandy and coke until it comes out of his ears! He's as fit as f ........... puts me to shame, gyms, cycles ..................................... basically everything I dont! :angry:
  • Thanks Paul, and the other girlies, well not sure if you've read my other posts but if you have you'll see where my downfalls are! :embarassed:
  • Well at least I'm happy to see I'm not the only one! I only joined a week or so ago, I managed to cut the food right down in that first week and still lose 5 lb, whilst still drinking wine. I'm now coming up for my second weigh in (3 days) and somehow already know that I wont be as lucky second time round! Although saying…
  • I've tried that too - but prefer the taste of straight wine - did wonder if I should have joined AA instead of this site ;-) Great signature btw - same applies here!
  • well I can say after my first week I managed 5 lb!!!!! I'm sure I wont keep up at that pace, but its definitely making me want to continue! AND I managed the whole of Easter weekend without a single piece of chocolate! If only I could say no to other things as easily! Thanks for the good luck girls xx
  • Wow such an inspiration! Just looked at the before and after pictures - you look like a different person. Well done you!!!!
  • hi there, I work in the centre of Birmingham but live in Halesowen. I only joined Monday but I'm hoping to be spurred on!!!!!! I've even used the ticker on a website I use regularly so that others can see my progress, or not as the case may be! Ok, the ticker is showing 0lb lost but I cant lose any the same day I start can…