

  • This place is no better than any other internet forum, full of bullies, know-it-alls, and trolls. There is NO one size fits all way to eat. NONE. Anyone who tells you there is is trying to sell something, if only their own competence regarding diet and nutrition. Food science can be barely said to be in its infancy and yet…
  • Anyone with a third grade reading comprehension could ascertain from my post that I was neither recommending nor endorsing an all fast-food diet, as I explicitly state such in the post. If one is able to eat ONLY fast-food and still lose weight then I think it answers the original question. Your comments are irrelevant.
  • Please see the documentary "Fat Head" by Tom Naughton for more on the topic of losing weight eating ONLY fast food. Not really recommended by ANYONE( including the filmmaker/s) for long term health, but he does lose 12 pounds in 30 days eating nothing but fast food by limiting calories to about 2,000 and carbs to about 120…
  • Wow, people really can't read, can they? The majority of posts are from people who've never even tried the plan, despite the original post clearly stating mind your own business if you haven't done it yourself. SIGH! Anyway, I actually have tried it, being A+ myself, and really enjoyed the food for the most part. I didn't…
  • Okay, if your basal calorie level is 2,200 this means to lose one pound a week you should be eating 500 calories less, or 1,700 calories a day, not including the 400 from exercise. You should eat 2,100 calories a day every day you exercise, and 1,700 if you do no exercise at all. 1,380 calories (not sure where this number…
  • That's because you're obviously a fellow enlightened being. : P
  • Let me preface this by very clearly stating that I am still extremely obese, near four-hundred pounds, and everything I say should be taken with a grain of salt AND a spoonful of sugar (Mmm. That's tasty medicine!) until I prove myself further with successful weight loss and better health. Having said that, I have to state…
  • Thank you so much for your kind words; and may I say "same to you, only more of it"? : )