Eat Right For Your (Blood) Type



  • surfrgrl1
    surfrgrl1 Posts: 1,464 Member
    I went to the doctor one time and asked if they could tell me what my blood type was, because i wanted to try the diet. They looked at me like I was an idiot---needless to say, I still don't know what my blood type is.
  • k8e308
    k8e308 Posts: 5
    For those who don't know what your blood type is, you can either donate blood and they'll type it and should keep a record you have access to, or you can order a home typing kit for fairly little money. Just google it you should come up with several options.

    I would like to apologize for the confusion over the word "diet". To me, a diet is how you eat, regardless of whether you are eating to maintain, lose, or gain weight. I realize it has different connotations for different people, and I should have defined it in my original post.
  • Kimipeli808
    Kimipeli808 Posts: 9 Member
    Go donate blood. They will be able to tell you what yours is. I know mine is O+, and I just read on that diet's web site what my "personality" was according to my blood family LOL as I read it as it couldn't have been more WRONG.
    I was hoping that this would be a good thing for me to I'm not sure.
  • k8e308
    k8e308 Posts: 5
    I'm not sure what's on the website, but the book actually laughs a little at the idea that your blood type determines your personality. If the food part sounds good to you, then try it.
  • Logicalpoots
    Wow, people really can't read, can they? The majority of posts are from people who've never even tried the plan, despite the original post clearly stating mind your own business if you haven't done it yourself. SIGH! Anyway, I actually have tried it, being A+ myself, and really enjoyed the food for the most part. I didn't stick with it, even though I was losing weight and feeling more healthy, because it became difficult to avoid restricted foods when eating out, at dinner parties, etc. I agree that the science is negligible, but I think the focus on healthy whole foods in general is a panacea regardless of blood type or the specific plan you choose from those offered in the book. Good luck! : )
  • Espressocycle
    Espressocycle Posts: 2,245 Member
    I don't even know my blood type.