GrnEydBndit Member


  • I just started also. Completing my 2nd week and also trying Intermittent Fasting with the same times. Drinking lots of water helps me to stay full longer. I use Crystal Light to help.
  • Good job!!! Keep up the good work. I'm with you on the scale thing. I measure my success by how I fit in my clothes, my energy and how I feel overall.
  • I like fresh fruit and veggies (carrots). Smoothies are always awesome. I use frozen fruit, kale/spinach, yogurt and honey as a sweetner.
  • I love doing this!! So good. Add in almond slivers for a nice crunch :smile:
  • Awesome! Thanks!!! I wrote out a daily plan for myself and included 2 days of the dvd but with other daily workouts (gym & home excercises of my choice). And will probably opt to do it on a 3rd. I do this so I won't get bored. Hopefully once my stamina increases I'll be able to do more. I'm not following the meal plan but…
  • It's really hard. I've only done it a few times. I tend to yell at Jillian and call her names as I go. lol I haven't made it past level 1. Get it from Walmart, they have it cheap there.