gentlygently Member


  • May I suggest that you empower yourself with a little knowledge - eg by googling. Make a cup of something hot - sit down with a note pad and find out for yourself the calorie content etc of your long list. You will quickly get the hang of what is low or higher calorie. (Low sodium and low sugars is reasonably easily…
  • Lentil-walnut burgers sound really good btw LG - are they?
  • I enjoy peeking into other people’s food world too! I eat a lot of the same stuff (Saturdays starts with boiled eggs, weekday lunch is nearly always a humous sarnie) - especially when it is just me, not the family being catered for. Hope you are feeling perkier soon LG (Tho well done on the swim result!) and that sounds a…
  • Yesterday - after my soggy toast for brekkers, I had something totally unmemorable for lunch. But I do remember I made a mixed bean and pea salad as part of it. Evening: venison burger with rice, mushroom and peas followed by raspberry icecream (Swedish Delight, dairy free and lower calorie) with some banana and almond…
  • Welcome Donidaily! And well done on those NSV’s - healthy snacks is a good indicator of a mind shift I think. Both Monday and Tuesday were calorie deficit days - mainly cos it is too hot to trot (or care about eating) here in London! I can’t remember what I ate Monday apart from pinging a ready prepared bean curry (and…
  • Sounds a fun weekend! Today: breakfast was toast and PB and jam, water melon Lunch in the garden - quarter of pork pie, goats cheese and French stick, plus salad (we called in at the deli on the way home from walking our spaniel - up and out early to avoid the heat, but he got to swim in the river too) ‘Dinner’ - falafel…
  • Thanks. Fig roll = fig newton - does that help? (Ie fig paste in a roll of pastry… love them, and you can pretend it is one of your ‘way to five’ plus it is pretty high fibre - for a biscuit!) Today - whilst I’m here: Breakfast - boiled egg, marmite toast Lunch - 2 slices of bacon in a bun (healthiest option at the mobile…
  • Wales and a London cemetery in the spring…
  • Fellow hiker here … today Crystal Palace Park in London. (And if you zoom in you can see my walking companion, a working cocker spaniel… having a stick rest)
  • Tortilla….(as in the deep Spanish omelette with eg potato/courgette/onion and ham in it. Good cold. Lots of variations you can make) Smoked Salmon on German rye bread or bagels (Ie a very different type of ‘sandwich’) Salmon fillet with potatoes in plain yoghurt and mange tout (ie cold version of a hot meal) Non green leaf…
  • Hello! I like the range of foods you all eat. This was me today: Breakfast - whole meal seeded toast, 1.5 slices - with homemade marmalade and fig jam. Lunch - tortilla (2 small) with humous, felafel, poached egg and spinach/watercress/tomato and fresh dill salad. Half an apple, grapes. Dinner - spaghetti bolognaise - with…
  • Another gentle 20/25 min swim for me today - but it felt easier than last time which was good and the pool was wonderfully quiet (3.30pm - just before the kids and commuters)
  • Yep - the feel of the water as you first push and glide into it is just fab!
  • Refied beans from a tin of you don’t fancy making from scratch - melt on some cheese, and add some sloppy tomato sauce (basically tinned tomato cooked down with herbs and garlic, mashed or blended if you like). We call this meal ‘Bean mush’ in my house and usually serve in soft tortilla but it would also work on mash.…
  • I had hip tendonitis recently and gained 6 lbs in 3 months. The tendonitis is thankfully on its way out now - but I worked out dog walking steps lost added up to a pound worth of calories each of those months… (Don’t worry the dog still got his steps - just I went for a dog chat not a dog walk…). I probably lost a lot of…
  • Back in the pool after a long long gap… just 600m, but I’m aiming to build it back up again gradually to my previous - fairly sedate! - 1k.
  • I fall into the ‘just try to eat healthy’ category our OP suggested. I have 2 freezers full of frozen meat and fish (and some fruit/veg/milk/bread etc) , lots of basics in the store cupboard - and I get a weekly fruit and veg box. I hate shopping and planning meals - and instead like to get creative. ‘Mmm I have half an…
  • I use a lot of the ideas above - and when my lettuce/cauliflower/broccoli arrive I often cut a mm off the stems and keep them in containers of water in the fridge (changing water from time to time). Just deep enough so they can drink away. Keeps them fresher for much longer - and you can also revive limp carrots etc this…
  • Great - thank you all! What great ideas. So far the freezer jam tempts me most. I’ve never made freezer jam and as a jam maker it would be fun to have a go at that. Mmm - maybe I’ll need to buy some more frozen strawberries to try the other suggestions!
  • A vote for Yoga with Adriene … (Lots of free videos including 30 day challenges - she posts a new one annually - so I just circle my way through them on repeat. Lots of variety…)
  • This seems good advice to me - go gently. Just one word of caution - I found losing baby weight easy, as the breastfeeding helped it all come off. But when I stopped breastfeeding - I found it harder to lose my new daily cake habit…. Ah well.
  • My plantar fasciitis disappeared first through lots of swimming (I guess as there is lots of strengthening and stretching of the leg and foot by doing all 4 strokes...). Swimming meets the cardio buzz goal.. Then later, when I pretty much stopped swimming, regular yoga really helped substantially lengthen my hamstrings and…
  • Yay - my hire water rower arrived this week...!
  • Covid curves here too. What I have done is A) ‘tell’ hubby enough is enough - we both have to eat/drink more sensibly from 1 Sept B) bought low calorie, rather dull (rich tea) biscuits for any afternoon snack - tho I often do fruit instead - so I don’t want to demolish the pack. Any other biscuits are either bourbons…
  • Cabbage with fennel seed is good Salmon - what about risotto? Or in a tomato sauce with pasta?
  • Sadly it seems my original question is hypothetical - no water rowers for hire in UK given the Covid rush on demand. Oh well...
  • I listen to a lot of podcasts: Including History Extra, Dan Snow’s history hit. Crowd Science, The Curious Cases of Rutherford and Fry (science/maths) More or Less, The Inquiry, The Documentary, Today in Focus (news based) Most of these are from the BBC and come highly recommended. You can get really good BBC radio…
  • Interesting how different everyone’s experiences are. In the long term I gained weight after stopping breastfeeding. I guess that daily cake/biscuit habit I gained whilst breastfeeding wasn’t that helpful... You mention a big initial weight gain in your second (?) post - which I imagine is hormones adjusting (water weight…
  • Thanks, Very helpful. As I am thinking of hiring not buying (and only WR on the books at the mo) - I think the WR will make a pretty good (and pretty enough!) addition to the household. Thanks again
  • Another fan of cooked fruit here - lovely flavours, sweet hit plus vitamin/fibre etc. How about: Baked apple stuffed with sultanas - no need to add sugar Banana slices cooked on the stove in a small dollop of butter, lemon, ginger and sugar Apricot or plums - quickly cooked in the microwave (or more slowly in the oven if…