What We're Eating



  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,300 Member
    Breakfast: Strawberry Carnation Instant Breakfast
    Lunch: 3 ham and cheese sliders and olives
    Snack: Honey dew melon
    Dinner: Roasted boneless, skinless chicken thighs and parmesan pasta roni
    Dessert: Chocolate pudding cup and a mini ginger ale

    Meals right now are just not that fun or exciting. Though I will say dinner is exactly what I needed. I was looking for basic comfort and it hit the spot.
  • donidaily
    donidaily Posts: 825 Member
    Breakfast: overnight oats with chia seeds, greek yogurt, and mixed berries
    Snack: iced matcha
    Lunch: some leftover vegetable tagine, a boiled egg, slice of toasted sourdough (fridge odds and ends)
    Snack: banana
    Evening: dinner out at an Indian restaurant, served family style, I had a little rice, saag paneer, chaat, vegetable dumpling (not sure of the proper name!), and paratha, an alcohol-free beer to drink
  • justanotherjen13
    justanotherjen13 Posts: 419 Member
    Breakfast: coffee with French vanilla creamer
    Lunch: chicken & provolone sandwich on wheat with carrots and sweet & spicy chili rice cakes
    Dinner: cajun tilapia with black bean & corn salsa over brown rice with broccoli and brussles sprouts
    "Dessert": generic Life cereal
  • donidaily
    donidaily Posts: 825 Member
    @justanotherjen13 I looove cereal for dessert!

    Breakfast: overnight oats with chia seeds, oat milk (ran out of yogurt), and mixed berries
    Snack: draft latte
    Lunch: falafel wrap with lettuce, tomato, and tahini sauce, side of steamed broccoli with a little olive oil and salt
    Snack: cucumber with hummus, a recess seltzer Evening: cold sesame ramen omg this was so so good (unplanned, but so good) and a random cocktail

    Breakfast: rockmelon and 1oz ricotta salata
    Snack: iced cold brew with oat milk
    Lunch: jian bing (Chinese kind of crepe, been wanting to try it for ages!) and a Thai milk bubble tea, fueling up to donate blood
    Snack: potato chips after 👆
    Dinner: two slices of NY’s best pizza, a glass of orange wine with seltzer on ice, I might still have a yasso frozen yogurt bar

  • donidaily
    donidaily Posts: 825 Member
    Funny story, today’s sandwich for lunch was NOT the plan. Our office manager cleaned my lunch and snacks out of the refrigerator! She does this periodically and I get that there were some things in there that needed to be tossed (not mine) but I had such a nice packed lunch and found it literally in the trash. After I got over my loss I had to laugh!

    Breakfast: kale salad with quinoa, dried cherries, pumpkin seeds, ricotta salata, dill, and mustard vinaigrette
    Snack: iced coffee, some blackberries
    Lunch: toasted panini with broccoli rabe, eggplant, mushrooms, tapenade and fresh mozzarella
    Snack: handful of cherry tomatoes, cheddar sun chips
    Evening: some cantaloupe, a mini ice cream cone
  • justanotherjen13
    justanotherjen13 Posts: 419 Member
    Breakfast: coffee with French vanilla creamer
    Lunch: turkey/chicken/provolone sandwich on sourdough with carrots and low-fat cottage cheese
    Dinner: bacon mushroom cheeseburger on sourdough
    Snack: white cheddar Cheetos (half serving)
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,300 Member
    Breakfast: Chocolate Carnation Instant Breakfast (ever since I was so sick, I am hungry in the mornings but can not stomach much. These at least let me get SOMETHING down.)
    Lunch: 2 pieces of grilled chicken, 2 hawaiian rolls, and bean salad
    Snack: Strawberries and raspberries
    Dinner: Taco bowl (taco meat, fresh pico, avocado, taco sauce, cheese, sour cream, and black olives) with some chips
    Dessert: Snickers bar
    Drink: Minute Maid Mango Aqua Fresca
  • MachOne4
    MachOne4 Posts: 16 Member
    Breakfast: tea, toast, 2 boiled eggs
    Lunch: vegetable soup (home made) 3 slices of whole grain bread
    Dinner: Fish fingers (6), beans, mash potato
    Snack: Decaf tea and banana
  • donidaily
    donidaily Posts: 825 Member
    Breakfast: kale salad with quinoa, dried cherries, pumpkin seeds, ricotta salata, dill, and mustard vinaigrette
    Snack: plums
    Lunch: burrito bowl with rice, beans, shrimp, cheese, and salad
    Snack: cucumber and cherry tomatoes with spicy hummus, a lemon seltzer
    Evening: probably a yasso frozen yogurt bar
  • justanotherjen13
    justanotherjen13 Posts: 419 Member
    Breakfast: coffee with French vanilla creamer
    Snack: half portion of sour cream & onion Veggie Straws (needed something after working in the yard for over an hour)
    Lunch: turkey/chicken/provolone sandwich on sourdough with baby carrots
    Dinner: pork roast, rice, sauteed mushrooms, mixed veggies and brussels sprouts
    Dessert: 1 Oreo cookie from my daughter (although I'm thinking of asking for another)
  • donidaily
    donidaily Posts: 825 Member
    Breakfast: overnight oats with chia seeds, greek yogurt, and mixed berries
    Snack: iced coffee, cucumber and baby carrots with spicy hummus
    Lunch: pasta with pesto, green beans, and cherry tomatoes (had this cold, kind of pasta salad) Snack: a small piece of coconut cake at monthly staff birthday celebration, divine
    But then: the cake got me craving and I also ate two cookies and a bag of sun chips while working late 😕
  • LenGray
    LenGray Posts: 840 Member
    Hi everyone! Hope you're all doing well :) I'm going to start posting my protein counts on here for a bit of accountability, if that's okay, since one of my goals in the coming week is to prioritize protein and get 100g each day.

    Breakfast- Coffee with caramel almond milk creamer and a breakfast sandwich with vegan mayo, hot sausage, just egg patty, vegan cheese, lettuce, and tomato
    Lunch: Leftover eggplant tofu with rice and broccoli
    Snack 1: A small serving of grapes
    Dinner: Hummus-based pasta salad with vegan kielbasa
    Snack 2: Two peanut butter maple cookies

    Protein: 103 grams
    Exercise: I might do some yoga later if I get sleepy after lunch
  • LenGray
    LenGray Posts: 840 Member

    And do you find low protein makes you feel more blue/lethargic LG - and impacts your desire to exercise?

    Sorry for the late reply--I had missed this during my last peek into the thread. I think low protein definitely makes me feel more moody and tired. I think the lack of exercise is a bit of a side symptom though, since if I'm not focused on hitting my protein goal, I'm definitely not focused on any other health habits.
  • justanotherjen13
    justanotherjen13 Posts: 419 Member
    Breakfast: coffee with French vanilla creamer
    Lunch: turkey/chicken/provolone sandwich with low-fat cottage cheese
    Dinner: petite sirloin steak with instant potatoes, mixed veggies and brussels sprouts
    Snack: thinking about having some microwave popcorn later
  • LenGray
    LenGray Posts: 840 Member
    How's everyone's weekend going so far?

    Today's eats:

    Breakfast- Coffee with caramel almond milk creamer and peanut butter banana toast
    Lunch- Chickpea frittata
    Dinner- Vegan BLT with tempeh bacon and a bowl of black bean-lentil soup with spinach and kielbasa
    Snack- Peanut butter maple cookies with some ginger-peach tea

    Protein- 103 grams
    Exercise- Nope, but lots of cooking and running around
  • LenGray
    LenGray Posts: 840 Member
    I had a nice, relaxed day today. I'm off work at one of my jobs for a few weeks, so having just the other one felt a bit luxurious lol Hit my protein goal again today but remembered my main struggle with this amount of protein-- I feel like I'm always eating. Not a bad thing, by any means, but it gave me some interesting insight into why I might have let myself slip the past few months when time was at a premium.

    Breakfast- Coffee with soy milk and seedy oatmeal with blueberries and peanut butter
    Lunch- Vegan frittata
    Snack 1- Apple slices
    Dinner- Lentil and black bean soup with a vegan BLT (hummus this time instead of mayo)
    Snack 2- Maple peanut butter cookies with coffee

    Protein- 101 grams
    Exercise- Took the dogs for a long walk :)
  • gentlygently
    gentlygently Posts: 752 Member
    Hey again LG ! And that sounds a good plan,

    I’ve had a few days of feeling poorly - so it was nice to get back to some exercise today - brisk dogwalk this morning, Pilates this evening.

    Food wise:

    Breakfast - muesli with mixed fruits of the forest, extra walnuts and yoghurt
    Lunch - pumpernickel bread with ham, humous, stuffed vine leaves, olives, raw sugar snaps peas and tomatoes. Melon.
    Evening - Spanish rice with green peppers, chicken thigh and chorizo. Salad leaves. Strawberries.
    Snacks: some roasted almonds

    I am also upping the protein a little and noticing I am not getting as hungry for snacks. And I am also finding my sweet tooth Drive is calming (I even preferred dark chocolate the other day, wow).
  • LenGray
    LenGray Posts: 840 Member
    @gentlygently I'm glad to hear that you're feeling better. Btw, your lunch sounds delicious!

    Today was my first day dealing with a fair bit of hunger since bumping up my protein, so I was a bit snacky, but offset it by taking my dogs for a few more walks and eating some pretty high-volume, low-calorie meals. I still have some calories left, so if I'm too hungry later I might have some apple slices or strawberries.

    Breakfast: Coffee with soy milk and two slices of chickpea frittata
    Snack 1: Strawberries
    Lunch: Vegan BLT with black bean and lentil soup
    Snack 2: Popcorn
    Dinner: Pasta salad with hummus, tofu, chickpeas, carrots, celery, and onion
    Snack 3: Maple peanut butter cookies

    Protein: 100 grams
    Exercise: Some yoga, lots of walking, and a bit of dancing while cooking :smiley:
  • LenGray
    LenGray Posts: 840 Member
    Hi everyone! I hope your week is going well ^_^

    Today was a little less snacky and a bit more active, which was nice. I also did a Yoga with Adriene video (Center- Day 1) since my dogs weren't wanting to walk. All in all, it was a really nice day :)

    Breakfast: Coffee with soy milk and a green smoothie
    Snack 1: Strawberries
    Lunch: Pasta salad with extra hummus
    Snack 2: Popcorn
    Dinner: BBQ seitan with mashed potatoes and mixed veggies
    Snack 3: Maple peanut butter cookies

    Protein: 103 grams
    Exercise: 30 minutes of yoga
  • csplatt
    csplatt Posts: 1,182 Member