What We're Eating



  • donidaily
    donidaily Posts: 825 Member
    Busy week over here too!

    Breakfast: overnight oats with chia seeds, greek yogurt, cherries, and walnuts
    Snacks: tea with oat milk, an iced matcha, baby carrots with hummus
    Lunch: whole foods avocado ranch salad, half a piece of grilled salmon, sun chips
    Snacks: the other half of yesterday’s lemon poppyseed oat bar
    Evening: went to another co-worker’s farewell (seems it’s quitting season), had a nonalcoholic beer
    Then: when I got home, two corn thins with cheddar spread, a mandarin, and a trader joe’s hold the cone

    Breakfast: a draft latte with oat milk
    Snacks: baby bell peppers with hummus
    Lunch: salad with kale, cucumber, peach slices, goat cheese, pecans, herbs and balsamic vinaigrette, a slice of sourdough
    Snacks: two bite-sized cupcakes at our work Pride picnic
    Evening: went to a reception for work, I ate light earlier knowing I had these two social things on. Had a glass of prosecco, some veggie kimbap, cheese cubes and grapes, a little mango mochi and a piece of brownie. Happy I kept track!
    Then: when I got home half a beer.
  • DiscusTank5
    DiscusTank5 Posts: 391 Member
    Welcome Donidaily!
    Managed to miss my mouth when drinking my tea, and got tea on my burned toast.
    Hear, hear to those just joining this thread!

    And a big "boo" to spilling tea. This happened to me yesterday while sitting on our wonky love seat (the foot rest comes part way up and gets stuck). I managed to spill near-boiling tea on my stomach and shorts. Ouch!

    I made dinner for a friend tonight who a) just had a baby and b) nearly died from complications during the delivery. Her favorite dessert is tiramisu, so my daughter, one of her friends, and I worked for more than an hour stirring the custard over a double boiler, whipping the heavy whipping cream, and then assembling the dessert. Needless to say, my calories for the day are out of sight, but I make homemade tiramisu maybe once every few years, so . . . worth it!

    Breakfast: apple with almond butter; black tea with milk
    Lunch: half of an Uncrustable; small box of yogurt covered raisins
    Snacks: a pink drink from Starbucks and the aforementioned tiramisu (one for my friends' house, one for mine)
    Supper: jasmine rice, new potatoes and carrots in a sauce; a roll with whipped butter and jam; homemade cole slaw; cantaloupe and grapes
  • LenGray
    LenGray Posts: 834 Member
    @donidaily, Your lunch on Friday sounds so good! I might have to see if I can find a vegan version somewhere lol

    @DiscusTank5, I'm glad to hear that your friend is okay. High-risk pregnancies are terrifying and it's good to hear she has people who are supporting her as she recovers.

    Today was a pretty active and fun day. I went swimming and hit a personal best for the summer with 16 laps in 30 minutes (my previous best was 12) My dad and I also decided to make tonight a movie/grill night so we grilled burgers, listened to music, and watched a bunch of Bruce Campbell stuff :)

    Breakfast: Coffee with soy milk and peanut butter toast with banana
    Snack 1: Apple slices
    Lunch: Oil-free tofu pasta salad (I used hummus instead of mayo) and fishless filets
    Dinner: A lentil-walnut burger with vegan mayo and tomato-basil baked pea crisps
    Snack 2: A chai soy latte and a slice of banana upside down cake
  • Corina1143
    Corina1143 Posts: 3,091 Member
    Breakfast was celery juice
    Skipped lunch
    First dinner was chicken strip, mashed potatoes and cucumber salad. So good! A rare treat.
  • donidaily
    donidaily Posts: 825 Member
    @DiscusTank5 What a lovely thing you did for your friend! I hope you — and she — enjoy every bite.

    @LenGray the salad was amazing, I am planning to have it again soon! I think you could boost the nuts or add pepitas to make it vegan. The sweet x acidic peaches and balsamic is an amazing combo!

    A gorgeous summer day, saw a proposal on my street! Almost 15,000 steps running errands and enjoying the weather.

    Breakfast: overnight oats with chia seeds, greek yogurt, cherries, and coconut flakes
    Snacks/first lunch: iced matcha latte, mushroom danish
    Late lunch: carrots, snap peas and hummus, a balti pie with ketchup
    Snacks: half a beer and a chocolate digestive cookie
    Evening: draft beer out at a bar, some tortilla chips and salsa when we came home

    Slightly over on calories but not worried, I often skew a little higher on the weekend and lower when I’m in my weekday/work routine.
  • LenGray
    LenGray Posts: 834 Member
    @Evamutt, Hi and welcome! And don't worry-- no food plan is too boring :)

    I ate pretty close to maintenance today. I thought about going for a bike ride, but decided to have a rest day instead since I've been feeling a bit worn down. I'm still a little noshy, so I might grab some grapes or apple slices later on.

    Breakfast: Coffee with soy milk and ramen with dumplings
    Snack 1: Banana upside down cake
    Lunch: Tofu pasta salad
    Dinner: Lentil-walnut burger with mayo and tomato basil baked pea crisps
    Dessert: B&J's non-dairy Netflix n' Chill'd ice cream
  • donidaily
    donidaily Posts: 825 Member
    Hi @Evamutt, I love reading about all kinds of meals! I tend to eat a lot of the same things on weekdays then have more time to think and cook (and eat out) on weekends.

    I went on a glorious summer hike yesterday, I don’t have a fitness tracker but my phone says over 25,000 steps and elevation of 50 floors climbed. We were out for around five hours. Ate accordingly :)

    Breakfast: baguette with sliced tomato, basil, and balsamic vinegar, some watermelon and cherries, tea with oat milk
    Snack: split a lemon sugar brioche with my hiking pals. Fancy snack!
    Lunch: roll with butter, gatorade, and some cut fruit while eavesdropping on some Appalachian Trail thru hikers at a gas station
    Dinner: fish sandwich with fries, ginger beer
    Then: a dark chocolate digestive and trader joe’s hold the cone
  • DiscusTank5
    DiscusTank5 Posts: 391 Member
    LenGray wrote: »
    @Evamutt, Hi and welcome! And don't worry-- no food plan is too boring :)

    Dessert: B&J's non-dairy Netflix n' Chill'd ice cream

    Agree with you, @LenGray! I find it endlessly fascinating to hear what different people eat, esp. on MFP.
    With that said, tell me more about Ben and Jerry's Netflix n' Chill'd ice cream--I haven't seen that flavor in my corner of the world.
  • gentlygently
    gentlygently Posts: 752 Member
    I enjoy peeking into other people’s food world too! I eat a lot of the same stuff (Saturdays starts with boiled eggs, weekday lunch is nearly always a humous sarnie) - especially when it is just me, not the family being catered for.

    Hope you are feeling perkier soon LG (Tho well done on the swim result!) and that sounds a fab walk DD…

    I had a really full on Saturday - doing a (really really hard!) concert in town, afternoon rehearsal then the show itself. Very tricksy music, huge amounts of concentration but it went really well. A blast! So Saturday food was basically picnic variations to eat in the
    breaks. Probably calorie deficit.

    Sat am: boiled egg, toast, marmite
    Sat lunch: cheese sarnie, salad bits
    Sat pre concert: salami and blue cheese on rye bread, half a deli sausage roll,
    Snacks: chocolate wafers (eaten looking at Big Ben and the Houses of Parliament!), scone with jam,
    Post concert treat: cheese and biscuits, apple, wine - in the garden, calming the addrenelin…

    Sunday: I was cream crackered, so turned into a slug and barely moved…maintenance calories day.

    Breakfast - chocolate croissant
    Lunch - pitta bread and hummus / salami, salad, apple
    Dinner - beef and aubergine mince with rice and peas. Blackcurrant yoghurt with almond thin biscuit. . Alc-free beer.
    Snacks - scone and jam

    Monday: perkier! Cycled to work, walked the dog, and also spent a lot of time consoling my exam-stressed daughter…a lot..,

    Breakfast - rye bread toast
    Lunch - scrambled egg on toast, salad bits (carrot/lettuce/tomato), half a banana and lemon yoghurt
    Dinner - spinach and goats cheese puff, cauliflower cheese, jersey potatoes, broccoli and peas.
    Snacks: other banana half with PB, Apple, a couple of walnuts.

    Oh and Cherry Bakewell pudding …a rare full blown pudding on a weekday - to help cheer my daughter up. Yes training her well in comfort eating!

    Calorie wise - Just dipping into deficit.

  • gentlygently
    gentlygently Posts: 752 Member
    Lentil-walnut burgers sound really good btw LG - are they?

  • donidaily
    donidaily Posts: 825 Member
    @gentlygently Yummm cherry bakewell!

    Had a quieter day today after yesterday’s hike. It’s a holiday in the USA for Juneteenth so I was off work and out of routine, food-wise.

    Snack: cherries
    Brunch: a diner tuna melt with coleslaw and pickle, iced coffee
    Snacks: iced matcha latte and a macaron, couple of slices of watermelon
    Later: (that tuna melt kept me going for most of the day!) two corn thins with cheddar spread and tomato slices, baby carrots with hummus, and a trader joe’s hold the cone
  • LenGray
    LenGray Posts: 834 Member
    @DiscusTank5, Ooh, Netflix and Chill'd is really good! It's vanilla ice cream with fudge brownie bits, peanut butter, and pretzels in it. It's a rare treat, but absolutely worth it when I have the calories!

    @gentlygently, Thanks! I was really energetic today, but wore myself out again lol Oh well, I'll try to be a bit more moderate tomorrow, maybe...
    And yes! The lentil-walnut burgers are probably my favorite veggie burger right now. They're pretty easy to make and make 8 patties when you bake them ^_^ Here's the recipe, if you'd like to give them a go: link I cook the rice and lentils together to save time and dishes :) Also, side-note, but I love the phrase 'cream crackered' XD

    Today was pretty productive! I cleaned my apartment (including steam-cleaning) and finished up my planting since I had the day off. I felt a little bad because some of the dirt fell on my downstairs neighbor's porch, but was too exhausted to clean it tonight-- I'll definitely be sure to sweep it up tomorrow morning! Other than that, I had a pretty good time and was pleasantly surprised to find that I wasn't as hungry as I thought I'd be.

    Breakfast: Coffee with soy milk and seedy oatmeal with blueberries and peanut butter
    Lunch: Tofu pasta salad with roasted broccoli, cauliflower, and potatoes
    Dinner: Lentil-walnut burger with vegan mayo and tomato basil baked pea crisps
    Snacks: Carrots and hummus (<-- I got inspired by @donidaily lol)
    Exercise: A bit of yoga in the morning.
  • donidaily
    donidaily Posts: 825 Member
    Delighted to have influenced you with my snacks @LenGray! I really love this one particular spicy hummus. It even goes on the shopping list as “my precious hummus”. Plus, I mostly eat vegetarian (with some fish) so it's good to get those legumes in.

    @Evamutt I love making zucchini slice when there is a bounty of veg around in the summer. Here is a recipe but it’s very adaptable! I always add herbs. https://cooking.nytimes.com/recipes/1023340-australian-zucchini-slice

    Breakfast: overnight oats with chia seeds, greek yogurt, cherries, and coconut flakes
    Snacks: iced matcha, baby carrots with hummus
    Lunch: huge plate of fattoush, out to lunch for ANOTHER co-worker’s farewell
    Snack: mandarin
    Evening: four corn thins with cheddar spread, a yasso frozen yogurt bar
  • donidaily
    donidaily Posts: 825 Member
    I was out of sorts today and wanted to eat something, anything that wasn’t in my plan. Managed to keep the impulse to a few snacks so I’m calling it a win.

    Breakfast: overnight oats with chia seeds, greek yogurt, cherries, and coconut flakes
    Snacks: oat milk latte, baby carrots with hummus
    Lunch: avocado ranch salad with half a piece of hot smoked salmon
    Snack: mixed berries, half bottle of ginger kombucha
    Evening: two rice cakes with cheddar spread, a trader joe’s hold the cone
  • LenGray
    LenGray Posts: 834 Member
    A bit annoyed because I've basically been in maintenance for the last 2 days because of seizures. I'm okay now, so I'm going to try and get back into a deficit, though I might take it a bit easier on the exercise for this week. I'm also out of fresh veg until the weekend, so I'm currently eating out of my pantry and freezer :)

    Breakfast: Coffee with soy milk and seedy oatmeal with blueberries and peanut butter
    Lunch: Teriyaki tofu stir fry
    Dinner: Bac'n-cheddar mac n' cheeze with a chick'n fillet and roasted broccoli and cauliflower
    Snacks: Grapes. If I still have crazy post-seizure hunger tonight, I'll have some carrots and spicy hummus
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,269 Member
    @LenGray , I am glad you are doing better now. Take it slow. You know your body the best.

    Yesterday was an okay day.

    Breakfast: Bagel with cream cheese and cherry tomatoes
    Lunch: 2 grilled chicken thighs and honeydew (was supposed to have potato salad but didn't like it)
    Snack: Wheat things with boursin cheese
    Dinner: Side salad, leftover pasta bake, and piece of garlic bread
  • gentlygently
    gentlygently Posts: 752 Member
    Thanks for the lentil burger recipe! Hope you feel fully better soonest LG…

    Food Highlights from Tuesday and Wednesday were - smoked salmon and cream cheese bagel in the cafe after walking along the river with my dog, and my first nectarine of the summer.

    Today: the calorie deficit streak continues:

    Breakfast: Toast (wholemeal, seeded) and PB / jam
    Lunch: toasted wholemeal pita bread with humous and muhamarra dip (another spice and humous fan here!), green salad with feta. First strawberries and some raspberries from the garden! Wow they were good…
    Evening: fish curry with salad and spicy potato wedges. Rice pudding with cinnamon and raisins (small portion).
    Snacks: some walnuts

    I’ve not heard the strawberries in a jar idea - did it work?!

    I had hoped to go swimming today but the body was not obliging - but I got 2 walks in the park, and did my physio exercises so I am happy enough with that.