

  • I haven't had surgery yet. I have been approved to have surgery though. My sister had the surgery in February of 2010 and she looks amazing. She's lost 110 pounds. She has 40 more to go before she hits her goal. Me, I've lost 60 pounds on my own and I have a long road ahead of me but I'm willing to do the work. I think…
  • You must be so excited to lose that last pound. I say don't stress about it and that last pound will come off. You have amped up your routine etc... I would continue to watch your calories, workout and maybe up your protein a little. Have you thought about starting a new workout, like yoga or pilates? I think that might…
  • I think it's a wonderful idea. I'd join you but I've already made going to the gym a good habit. ;) Good luck to you. You can do it!!!
  • :bigsmile: No advice but lots of luck! You can do it. ;) Leslie
  • What exactly does a 10 Day Fruit and Veggie Cleanse consist of? I'd be interested in trying this as well. Thanks.
  • My personal opinion is you have to want to "change" from deep within. I don't know how many times I started and stopped "diets" when I didn't see immediate results and all I did was set myself up for failure. I have this fire from deep within to change my outside to match my inside and I'm doing it. It takes HARD WORK. I…
    in New Comment by Bump319 June 2010
  • I love listening to music when I work out. I make a new playlist every couple of weeks to change it up. My playlist right now includes some old school J.Lo (haaaa), a mix of the Billboards Top Songs. I actually go to Billboards List and get some songs to add to my playlist. You could probably find something there. :)
  • Hey everyone! My name is Leslie and I'm looking forward to The Biggest Loser Challenge. I'm 33 and it's time I get in the game of LIFE instead of being on the sidelines. The girls at work started a weight loss support group, which is very helpful and it's keeping me on track. My starting weight is 379. (Yikes) but hey this…
  • First off -- you're gorgeous!!!! You are a knock out. I would maybe do a little more lifting weights (lighter weights with more reps), try a new cardio workout like a spin class or something to "shock" your system. I think you look A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!!! I would just switch it up a bit and see how that goes. :)
  • I don't like that it resets itself and says oh in 5 weeks you will weigh xxx amount. I try at the end of every Monday to mark 5 weeks on my planner with the weight it says I would be at the end of that Monday and it gives me a "mini" goal to work toward. I have lost 13 pounds in a month and it said on my calendar that I…
  • I'm in!!! Let's do this!!!!! leslie
  • You can change your settings to include sugars. I have a hard time with this as well. I tend to eat a lot of fresh fruit and those sugars add up fast. I'd like to know some alternatives as well. Does anyone know of any fruits that are low in sugar?
  • Welcome aboard. I love this site as well. If you want to add me as a friend, I'd gladly accept. :) leslie
  • Welcome aboard. I'm in the same boat. I have a lot of weight to lose to get to my goal weight but I finally believe I AM WORTH IT. I have been going strong for a month or so now and before I would have just quit but I just keep plugging away with the mantra 1 foot in front of the other. :) WE can do this!!!! :bigsmile:…
  • I love this site. It keeps me on track and I'm learning a lot about nutrition and fitness. :) Welcome aboard.
  • Way to go!! Keep it up. :tongue:
  • I workout first thing in the morning. I usually eat something "light" about 30 minutes before I go to the gym. I usually eat a slice of turkey and a piece of cheese. I don't like for my stomach to feel "heavy" so I keep it light. Once I get home from the gym I'll eat a bigger breakfast but it's high protein (usually a…