Can't lose that last pound....Any suggestions?

Well the first 7 lbs came off relatively easy. I thought maybe my body was becoming "used to" the activity that I was doing (Tae Bo Amped). So I bumped it up a notch a few days a week and did it 2x /day or for a longer period of time and I also added 4lbs (2 lbs each hand) to my workout instead of the Defineing Amplifyer bar which is 3 lbs.

I did consume more calories because I felt like I was starving, probably because my body was using the energy? I haven't really chnaged my food intake other wise.

Does anyone have any ideas to help me accomplish "losing the last pound"?

I also thouhgt that incorporating more weight baring workouts may help, but not into my Tea Bo as a conjuction. More like 3x a week doing specific parts of my body.

I am really hopeful that someone out there will know about this......


  • lushy20
    lushy20 Posts: 215 Member
    you may still be losing weight just not noticing with you exercising as well you are probably with bigger muscles now.
    which weighs more than fat. maybe try checking your measurements, you may not be losing the weight but you could very well be losing inches :)
  • Bump319
    Bump319 Posts: 17
    You must be so excited to lose that last pound. I say don't stress about it and that last pound will come off. You have amped up your routine etc...

    I would continue to watch your calories, workout and maybe up your protein a little. Have you thought about starting a new workout, like yoga or pilates? I think that might help you shed that last pound.

  • MommaSherryB
    MommaSherryB Posts: 79 Member
    Here is what I would do....I would intake approx 1200 calories per day of which I would use a meal replacement shake once per day. A good one is Slim Fast Ultra it has alot of vitamins and is low cal. I would also drink 8+ glasses of water per day.

    I think it is important to eat your first meal as soon as possible to "wake" up the metabolism. Also, I think it is important to try and eat small meals/snacks every 3 hours rather than 3 meals a day. (Last meal before 7 PM)

    I try to keep healthy snacks ready to eat in cabinet and fridge such as raisins, cut up fruit, baked chicken breast, etc.

    I have found that decreasing sugar intake makes a big difference too. I decided to take a break from my beloved sweet tea and most drinks that contain sugar. For my coffee I use Equal.

    I think sometimes our metabolism can get "stuck" after consistent low calorie intake. It is vital to keep a good fiber intake to keep things going...Fruits, vegetables and grains in their natural state are loaded with fiber. To get enough we need to eat 14 ounces of fruits and vegetables per day. That is 8-9 cups and actually may not be enough. If you are on a “diet” intended to help you loose weight consider this – you can’t eat too much fresh fruits and vegetables. If you limit meat to two small servings (size of the palm of your hand) per day and try to eat your food unprocessed, you can eat as much fresh or fresh frozen fruits and vegetables as you want each day. This means without syrup or dressing or any additive like fat on the vegetables. Eat a medium apple each day – that is about 4 grams of fiber. I try to get take in 30-35 g per day.

    Good luck and hope this helps..
  • elesiabarse
    Thanks for the ideas and encouragement.

    @gottarespectme- Do you mean stay at 1200 calories plus exercise? Not when the MFP calculates your net caloriesa. In other words I'd just eat 1200 and exercise and then my net would be around 600 or soo?

    @Bump319- I have used yoga and pilates before. I used to swear by pilates! Now after doing past paced cardio workouts it is hard to stick with the long slooooowwww pilates routines. But that is a good idea, i will try to incorporate something else in my workout.

    @lushy20- I didn't do my measurements to begin with, but I can see a difference. I wish I would have. Thasks for your insight!
  • MommaSherryB
    MommaSherryB Posts: 79 Member
    Try the 1200 - 1300 food intake and then when you exercise your net will decrease..