
TrishFLmom Posts: 4
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
I am new to the site and so far I think it's great! There seems to be a lot of support. I have struggled with my weight for a very long time and just can't seem to stick with it. I do well for a while then i blow it. I watch The Biggest Loser and get so inspired but never actually stay with the exercise long enough to make a difference and I know that has got to be more unhealthy than just not doing anything at all. I am making myself and my family a promise to lose the weight once and for all, one pace at a time and with a little help and support I know I will succeed. I worked for a doctor who specialized in weight loss and nutrition for years, so I know how to eat right! I used to counsel our patients on their eating habits and exercise, so I am no stranger to the "how to"'s just the "do" that is difficult! So, I am glad to be here and look forward to the days to come!


  • edinbors
    edinbors Posts: 112
    Good luck! Its very hard but once you really get in there and get going you start to really look forward to exercising and you start to "crave" it!
  • Welcome aboard - MFP is a fantastic tool for keeping on track. Hope it works for you like it has for me! :)
  • Bump319
    Bump319 Posts: 17
    My personal opinion is you have to want to "change" from deep within. I don't know how many times I started and stopped "diets" when I didn't see immediate results and all I did was set myself up for failure. I have this fire from deep within to change my outside to match my inside and I'm doing it. It takes HARD WORK.

    I would suggest starting "small" and going from there. I remember when I first got on the elliptical machine and I could only go for 11 minutes without feeling like I was going to die. I decided I would make 2 goals for myself and they were to workout on the elliptical everyday and to add 2 minutes to my time, everyday. I got on that machine whether I "felt" like it or not and by Christmas I was able to go for an hour. I was beyond happy. I felt amazing and it was the first time I really made a goal and stuck with it. I lost a few pounds and some inches but my endurance level was through the roof. I had so much more energy and I loved that feeling.

    I'm currently doing Cardio Max and Power sculpt from the Biggest Loser set and I love it. I love to sweat and push myself physically. I still go to the gym afterwards and get on the elliptical but I also get on the bike and the treadmill. I think once you realize you want to change and are committed to doing the "hard work" you can achieve any goal you set for yourself.

    The only support people I have are a few friends, who encourage me a lot and my twin sister, Lisa. I love this site as well and I finally have the support of myself.

    Hang in there! You CAN DO IT. :)
  • hi welcome i am also new to the site goodluck
  • Thank you everyone for the encouraging words!
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