

  • Perhaps that's why I'm not losing weight? I'm frustrated very much! I'm not overweight...5'4, 125 pounds, but I packed on 10 lbs in the past year. I've been at 115 lbs forever....and would like to lose that weight. For the past month, I've been eating 1200 kcals/day....and exercising about 4 times a week, an hour at a…
  • I am so in!!!! I'm up for a challenge!
  • Nice post. I agree with you 100%, however, I never felt it was uncool to do well in math and science. I like art and writing a lot and could have gone on that direction with a career but didn't. It's kind of opposite because my parents always pushed me towards math/science and I ended up in med school. I think things are a…
  • jump roping fast for 10 mins would burn about 100 calories.
  • Anything's possible! You can do it! Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • That happens to me a lot as well..like other said just weigh yourself once a week. You're just fluxing..I know some people who flux 10lbs! So you're lucky it's not that much. url=http://www.myfitnesspal.com/weight-loss-ticker] [/url] Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Online Calorie Counter
  • I've been a vegetarian for half my life..12 years and am pretty healthy... I could never go back to eating meat! (not that it's the right choice for everyone). If you choose to give up all meat you'll have to make sure you are eating enough protein elsewhere. Beans/legumes/nuts are a great way to get in extra proteins/good…
  • Yay! I love hummus..it's a complete protein..great for vegetarians : ) I'm Lebanese so there's always hummus in my fridge..never tried any flavored..sounds good.
  • CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • I can related..25 never been in love or dated..I think it's really overrated and temporary.
  • Thank for posting this. I am completely aware of MSG and its evils..it's in almost all of the processed foods, which I have eliminated the best I can. I just can't believe how MSG is hidden by so many different names. I feel it should be illegal. We are being fooled and arn't told the whole truth. But then the thing with…
  • Thank for posting this. I am completely aware of MSG and its evils..it's in almost all of the processed foods, which I have eliminated the best I can. I just can't believe how MSG is hidden by so many different names. I feel it should be illegal. We are being fooled and arn't told the whole truth. But then the thing with…
  • Have you seen a physician (sorry can't remember if you wrote that you did)? With your symptoms I'm not sure how much a registered dietician will be able to help..(I'm not an RD but do have a B.S. in nutrition & am going to med school this year). First I was thinking maybe mono but you said these symptoms have persisted for…
  • You could use a toasted pita..cut it first in triangles then toast it. It's a lot better for you than chips and you can find it in whole wheat instead of white.
  • Hello..I love Jillian Micheal's workout tapes! I did the first level for a couple days then went up to level 2 for a couple days..I'm doing the boost metabolism and no more trouble areas tapes now. I found the shred not much of a challenge for me but that's probably because I regularly work out everyday. I just changed…
  • Thank you very much for posting this. I'm going through a very rough emotional period and your inspirational words help. One of my family members who recently passed always used to say "Believe you can achieve" this made me think of him. Thanks you.
  • I know exactly how you feel..I work out everyday and watch my calories 1200-1400/day and have not lost weight yet! This has been going on for two months! Are you at all close to your target weight? I think it becomes more difficult to loose when your body is at its optimal weight. I think that's my problem..You may want to…
  • I agree #2 and #3 seem like the best choices. #1 doesn't seem too bad either, depending on how many calories you can eat per day. I don't live in a dorm but tend to eat about the same thing everyday anyway. I guess for me, I just make sure I have enough fruits and vegis each day. There isn't too much variety in my diet…
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