

  • I will try the 40/30/30 and see if that works out and I will give it a go for 3 weeks just to be on the safe side. Thank you for your suggestions. My sugars very well be too high considering all the fruit I am eating. I was just proud of myself that I had cut out the crap food and was sticking to the good stuff! :laugh:
  • My activity level is already set to very active and 1 lb per week and I do eat all the calories it tells me to, and if I don't eat all the cals it tells me to, I'm either around 5 under or 5 over... so not sure where the issue is there...
  • I did bring up my calorie intake and I eat way more than I used to since I started working. The first few days of work I didn't bring snacks with me and was starving in between meals. A friend of mine suggested that I bring a protein in the morning instead of the rice crispies. She suggested boiled eggs, which I might…
  • I signed one of those contract thingies which means that I can't disclose anything... bummer, I know... what I can say about it, is that working there is nothing like how you would imagine. :laugh:
  • You can get back on that wagon! 50 lbs! HOLY CRAP! I wish I had the dedication as much as you do to get to my 30lb weight loss. I fell off the wagon for 8 months and I'm finding it really hard to get back on it. You can do it! If you're getting bored with your meals, then take a good look online for healthy eating recipes…
  • I would LOVE to join you, but I live in Canada. You do, however, have my support Spiritually and I send all the magnificent energy your way! Train hard and you can do it! I heard a great quote once: What is the use of a dream is not the blueprint of courageous action? You can do it Cameron. I believe in you!
  • a couple songs by Daft Punk that I really like to work out to: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gAjR4_CbPpQ Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dviU96zWbKg Robot Rock I find that these songs both have great beats to them. Hope these help boost up your iPod.
  • If there are any issues with the Recipe, please let me know and I will do what I can to help fix it.
  • Also, 5 lbs is kick *kitten*! Keep it up! :bigsmile:
  • Hey Tara, Insanity is definitely a tough work out to get through as Shaun T is relentless. I did it, but didn't stick to it because I felt like I was going to die after each work out. I need to get back into them. Anyway, There are these little water jugs that take about 8 glasses of water in them, I think you can find…
  • We can be friends!!! :happy:
  • The easiest thing that I have found for breakfast is a fruit smoothie. Here is my favorite recipe: 1 large banana Frozen Anti-Oxidant fruit mix Orange Juice NOT from concentrate Organic natural ( which means not flavored) Yogurt Blend these all together, dump into your travel mug and out the door you go! It takes a total…