

  • Thank goodness someone gets it.
  • It is probably one of the worst myths of weight loss ever and promoted by companies/websites with advertising etc to keep people using their product. If you get your required nutrition without eating back exercise calories - you'll lose weight faster. It's basic science.
  • Definitely my stomach, i've lost so many cm from my waist and almost none anywhere else!
  • Of course :) I think that's completely fair and she raises some great points. The only issue I have is that I think people in general get wayyyyyyyy too hung up on the '1200 calorie' thing' with no real evidence supporting it, it isn't the be all and end all is all i meant to say. Sorry if it came across too harshly :)
  • It does not make any sense to eat back the calories you have burnt through exercise "just because". If you are hungry - yes, if you are weak from lack of energy- yes, if you have a particularly low calorie intake goal - yes... but just because you burnt them? Absolutely not.
  • Eat more potassium. Potassium and sodium work against one another and more potassium/less sodium will reduce high blood pressure :)
  • If you eat all the right foods, and especially enough protein in under 1200 calories then you WILL lose weight. The issues arise when you do not eat enough protein and your protein/glycogen stores are not in equilibrium. There are many, many studies where very low calorie intake or low calorie intake diets (with enough…
  • People need to stop reading ficticious websites and start reading exercise and nutrition journals with clinical studies. If you keep your protein levels at the recommended amount per day, and restrict your calorie intake - your body will primarily burn and lose FAT while keeping your protein and glycogen stores at…
  • As far as I know, if you're looking to lose fat primarily then do your cardio first, on the contrary if you're looking to build muscle primarily do your weight training first :)
  • You can always re-set your macronutrient goal levels if you feel they aren't correct for you The World Health Organisation set the protein requirement for adults at 0.6g/kg/day, with the 'safe level' (covering the protein needs of 97.5% of the population) at 0.75g/kg/day. Australia's NHMRC also set it at 0.75 whereas the…
  • Hi Josh, I'm from Melbourne too :) I hope it all goes well for you! This is definitely a great place for support xx
  • I worked at Subway for 7 years and I can tell you that white bread is actually the best choice. Well actually it depends if you're focussed on calories or fat content 6" White: 192 calories, 2.4g fat, 2.2g fibre 6" Multigrain: 190 calories, 2.6g fat, 3.2g fibre Stay away from all the other breads though!