

  • it happend to me too except i gained half a stone! withing 2 weeks of being here i dunno if it keeps going up im going to my last resort a gastric band op because i am not getting fatter and fatter until i cant get up and go out! dont worry i bet you your building muscles if not water retention or your scales could be bust…
  • i achieved my goal today :bigsmile: i ran 3 miles without feeling out of breath afterwards go team moi hahah im rather proud i just ran i didnt think just ran like forrest gump :laugh:
  • thank you guys n_n i had a rather crappy week last week but feeling much better now <3
  • what is an eggplant? ive never known what it is! xD im British we only have bangers and mash or tea :laugh: haha
  • i think it may be worth having a look, im glad i stopped it though id like to get back to being regular its also made me a bit nasty when i got it so during my first month on it i was a right grump! i no people want to help me and its nice having motivation and support ive not really had that with my mum or anything so i…
  • that looks really nice! :) well done, ive just like nabbed your idea but hey looks tasty n im looking forward to having a bash x
  • iv cut out sugary drinks and alcohol ive not drank any for a little while and if it is a sugary drink i go for diet cola, i think im gonna do what i wanted to do eat small meals every 2 hours but healthy things of course im not a massive chocolate person or sweets im crazy over fruit bananas are my fav or pears. thank you…
  • i dont have my monthly curse. i have a contraceptive injection which stops them for 3 months, there is weight gain with it but ive never had weight gain from it ive been on the injection for a good while now never gained a pound, i have come off it recently but it can be up to a year before my cycle is normal u asked the…
  • ill definatly be your weight loss buddy :happy: its not nice having cruel things said but i doubt you'll ever be like that with your little girl, we shall start 2morrow im doing 21 jumping jacks everyday 150 for the week i love jumping jacks im slightly weird in a good way. never give up im not losing weight for my mum im…
  • i dont think its muscle after on a week n a half? could it be? ive been drinking excuse my french a *kitten* load of water im peeing so much :laugh: i just want to be happy with myself i feel mierable constantly but i do get out n run my butt off
  • thank you, i no they didnt mean it to sound like that, i am rather touchy at the moment :frown: which is never good i think ill borrow my boyfriends weights as i cant afford my own atm. ill try and not be so groutchy =S thank you x
  • i shall, but they shouldnt take the piss my brother is quiet supportive and he'll stick up for me when i need him but he has his own family so i dont want to bug him there isnt anyone i can really talk to execpt on here thank you xx
  • :noway: your mother really said those things?! my mum had weight issues up until she was 16 now she hardly eats but she did have a overactive thyroid which made her loose alot of weight i sercretly think she has eating issues, but my brother said ever since i was born shes just lost it. sometimes i do think i am to blame…
  • i accept this challenge! :D i love jumping jacks :laugh:
  • you made a change though! :) the girl i no who eats like that isnt very nice not coz shes big but because shes just a nasty person she made me feel horrible shes a size 22 and im a 14 i chose a dress and she said i looked disgustingly fat, i do get upset and i did burst into tears my mum does it all the time, sometimes i…
  • all i want is support just a nasty comment upset me =/ i think im touchy because im unhappy sometimes i snap at people when i dont mean to so i mostly post something to let people no im grouchty! thank you for the support :flowerforyou:
  • so what your saying is its not my thyroid thats making me gain weight its my fault?! i have worked my *kitten* off for a week n a half n watched what i eat how the hell can i gain half a stone in that time? i have been the Dr i have to wait 3 weeks for a blood test n another 10 days till i get my results i no it doesnt…
  • thanks iv not been on here long a week n a half so i no i wont see a drastic change but i do have symptoms of thyroid troubles :/ its quiet horrible im 20 i shouldnt be suffering with it and im just so sick of being fat, i no there is no quick fire way but id rather do it the healthy way than the "im gonna harm my body"…
  • really? im just so worried, my mum had a over active thyroid so she lost alot of weight and the dr i saw f*cked up with her i seriously dont want to go through what she did i couldnt stand it :sad:
  • lol i said that im not gonna comfort eat she can go to hell :D
  • ohhh this made me laugh so much xD hahahaha!
  • pirate walks into a bar with a steering wheel in his pants, bartenders goes "hey pirate you no youve got a steering wheel in your pants?" pirate replys "Arghhhh its driving me nuts" xD
  • dipping frys in ice cream was a big thing for me now its ketchup and mustard on spagettie ha!
  • im already lovin it :D everyones so nice and theres recipes! hmmmmm im a tarinee chef and im always lookin to try new stuff like putting vanilla essence in your coffe omg how nice :D <3
  • Yayyy :D see my problem is my mums home cookin is well chock full of badness and im determined to lose weight by september so i cooked myself tonight i want to be vegan as well but as i live at home my mum shops and i dnt get a choice its a long story haha hmmmmmm vanilla coffee x
  • thank you :) i feel really good being on this site now i was so nervous before n_n such lovely people x
  • Hiya n_n im Robyn Also a newbie x
  • To be honest i doubt she loves me, my brother and i are 10 years apart and she did this to him he ran away from home at 16 and she made his life hell ive had all this ear ache since i was 12! i do love her but sometimes i cant even be in the same room because i wanna punch her how horrible does that sound?! she is always…
  • thanks guys its nice not to be put down or feel like rubbish, i used to think i really loved my mum i do but i see how hollow she is now its everytime im happy which is now i have a boyfriend she decideds i dont deserve it because she never had it at my age which isnt fair. i do lack motivation alot, because i cant go out…