just wanting a chat really :flowerforyou:

RobynFaye133 Posts: 40
edited September 29 in Motivation and Support
Ladies and Gents.

im feeling a little crappy and could do with a little bit of a natter, im struggling with my weight i always have, when i was in primary school i had anorexia i binned my lunchs and at home skipped meals or gave them to my dog. then at 11 we went to florida for my birthdat Disney world! i loved it but looking back at the pictures i am horrified. i lost weight around 2007 end of high school begining of college i was happish then i wasnt skinny or fat i was in between n i liked my curves since i left college in 2009 ive struggled to find work i was pushed into a job in nursing homes by my mum and i hated it, ive been on and off work for 2 years and ive piled on the pounds, my mother is very controling and very cruel at times examples are

* i cant cut/dye my hair without permisson
*i cant get tattoos or piercings without her say so
* i cant leave the house without her say so
* i wanted to get up at 7am to go for a run i cant im not allowed
* i cant choose what i want to eat or choose what foods i want when im shopping with her
* i have to be home by 10pm or earlier every night if i am allowed to go out

by the way i am 20.
she calls me names constantly and told me my nan had called me "rather fat" which hurt alot. she calls me names all the time and though she wants me to lose weight wont allow me to get out and exercise. how can i win? she is never happy with my career choices, they are either silly stupid ideas or daydreams i wanted to be an engineer, she wouldnt allow it, i wanted to join the army at 16 i wasnt allowed.

what do i do? i cant afford to move out yet i havent got an income and i cant go and crash at any of my friends houses until im on my feet. i have gained half a stone in a week an a half, i went to my Dr and thyroid problems run in my family i have a blood test in 3 weeks and 10 days till the results afterwards.

it doesnt matter that im a good person and i try hard to lose weight it never shifts im stuck in a loop of unhappiness. Any advice?


  • chari2011
    chari2011 Posts: 108
    you are so young and by the picture I would say very pretty too. I also had anorexia when i was a teenager, long time ago, now I can't believe that I battle with the food :( but I just lost the control and still can't get it back. Moms are cruel sometimes, i hope I am never like this with my daughter. I guess they don't mean to hurt us but sometimes they do and very bad, maybe trying to get a response but it can put us more depressed right.
    Well, let's show them we can do things right too. If you want i can be your weight loss buddy support :) beside my weight I am struggling trying to prepare for an important exam I have to take in 9 weeks. I hope I can get your response. Let's start tomorrow, how is that? I really want to start tomorrow :( I have been fooling myself these past days, trying to get some courage but it's still week, well let's try tomorrow!

    Get strong Robi, let's do this!
  • Roby,,
    you are so young and by the picture I would say very pretty too. I also had anorexia when i was a teenager, long time ago, now I can't believe that I battle with the food :( but I just lost the control and still can't get it back. Moms are cruel sometimes, i hope I am never like this with my daughter. I guess they don't mean to hurt us but sometimes they do and very bad, maybe trying to get a response but it can put us more depressed right.
    Well, let's show them we can do things right too. If you want i can be your weight loss buddy support :) beside my weight I am struggling trying to prepare for an important exam I have to take in 9 weeks. I hope I can get your response. Let's start tomorrow, how is that? I really want to start tomorrow :( I have been fooling myself these past days, trying to get some courage but it's still week, well let's try tomorrow!

    Get strong Robi, let's do this!

    ill definatly be your weight loss buddy :happy: its not nice having cruel things said but i doubt you'll ever be like that with your little girl, we shall start 2morrow im doing 21 jumping jacks everyday 150 for the week i love jumping jacks im slightly weird in a good way. never give up im not losing weight for my mum im doing it to feel sexy n confident n she'll see her backside when im looking awesome, she does this thing when we go out shopping or something like "whos looking at me n not at you" its a little odd even though shes married! lets do it start tommorrow, ive been going walking alot i walk fast for someone with little legs but if im angry the walking becames a light jog i dont no why its my little thing i do :laugh:
  • chari2011
    chari2011 Posts: 108
    Oki DOki!
    Let's start tomorrow and make a thread for both ;) I think I can be your mother :o Ah!!! Oh Boy am I getting old? :) Just kidding, I just want to look great before I turn 40, actually before I turn 38 in 4 months, so I need to work on that. Nothing good comes for free, we gotta pay and sweat it off!!!

    Roby, don't fight with mama, I remember I was always upset with mom in my teens but after I had mi kid 3 years ago, I understood, being a mom can make you crazy ;)- specially if you haven't accomplished your goals. At least I am almost there in the way to get my career back. Parents give their life to us, they are not perfect, they are just parents.
    How many pounds do you want to lose? I am way far by 40Lbs :o !!!

    Okidoki, tomorrow it is! I just wish we could paste images on our posts, it's a lot more cool to do it like that.
    Gotta go now, and getting ready for tomorrow ;)
  • chari2011
    chari2011 Posts: 108
  • chari2011
    chari2011 Posts: 108
    Yayyyy I got it!!! I know how to paste images!!! WoooHoooooo!!!!
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