I joined myfitnesspal.com because......

RobynFaye133 Posts: 40
edited September 29 in Motivation and Support
Hi im new, my Names Robyn & my friend Kaya told me to go on here. ive always been a chubby kid and im 20 and weigh 161lbs, im rather disgusted in how fat ive got i know alot of people suffer with their weight what about suffering because of your mother? my mum always tells me how fat i am, how disguting i look, how a dress makes me look pregnant which she keeps asking and for the 100th time ive said no! im fed up of being fat and frumpy and im gonna show her and prove her wrong i wanna stay curvy but i want to be tonned im not letting her get to me but i am sick to death of being called names and being treated like im on the bottom of her shoe, its getting to the point where it was either stop eating completly or help myself! what do you guys think?

Robyn x


  • wwhite94
    wwhite94 Posts: 176 Member
    Don't let your mom get you down but show her you can do this and with this website you can there is tons of advice and help here. You may add me for encouragement ( I mean the positive kind). If you can take a break from your mom negative encouragement is not good for you mentally for physically. Its mean I know but what she is doing is not nice either even though she may think it is. DO THIS FOR YOURSELF not for your mum.
  • icerose137
    icerose137 Posts: 318 Member
    Chances are your mom won't ever be happy with anything. She'll always find something to pick at. Do this for you, stay away from your mom. She sounds absolutely toxic.

    Starving yourself won't fix anything either. It'll damage your self and your mental well being. Set your goals here, follow them, you'll get there the healthy way. Eat clean, treat yourself with a little something every day, excercise and strength train for a stronger toned body and let the rest go. No one needs that kind of bagage.
  • Kelly_Wilson1990
    Kelly_Wilson1990 Posts: 3,245 Member
    Welcome Robyn.
  • Kelly_Wilson1990
    Kelly_Wilson1990 Posts: 3,245 Member
    Welcome Robyn.
  • Aviendha_RJ
    Aviendha_RJ Posts: 600 Member
    You know what? My Mom died in 2005. She was my BEST friend---when I lost her, I got REALLY depressed. My other friends bailed on me, because I just wasn't fun to be around anymore. I let myself go. I got up over 175lbs in 3 years. I wasn't dating... I wasn't living. I wasn't having any FUN anymore. :frown:

    I'm down to 147lbs today, & I love it. I feel so much better. :flowerforyou:

    YOU have to do this for YOU though. Tell your Mom to screw off & take her opinion with her. Because she's not going to be a good source of motivation during this process. I can tell. Some people are unhappy about their life & take it out on others. I know, I used to be one of them. Ignore her. DON'T tell her your doing this. She doesn't have to know. Wait until she tells you that you look different. Her put-downs are only going to make you stress-eat or do other unproductive things. :explode:

    If you want some great ideas on work-out videos, check out BeachBody.com. I'm a fan of Chalene Johnson's TurboJam videos, but some people like P90X or Jillian Michael's 30-day Shred on here. I suggest getting yourself a video rather than a gym membership right away. It's cheaper, lasts longer, & once you get into the routine, you can turn your brain off, & be done before you know it. No one is watching you sweat, or hearing you swear, etc. It's just a nicer way to ease into it.
  • Christine1110
    Christine1110 Posts: 1,786 Member
    Chances are your mom won't ever be happy with anything. She'll always find something to pick at. Do this for you, stay away from your mom. She sounds absolutely toxic.

    Starving yourself won't fix anything either. It'll damage your self and your mental well being. Set your goals here, follow them, you'll get there the healthy way. Eat clean, treat yourself with a little something every day, excercise and strength train for a stronger toned body and let the rest go. No one needs that kind of bagage.

    I agree! Good luck : )
  • vbennett7
    vbennett7 Posts: 99 Member
    As a mom, I am sure that she loves you, no matter how it sounds or what she says. She is unaware of how deeply it is affecting you. Perhaps she just does not know how to express what she wants to say without sounding harsh or critical. I think you need to prepare in writing what you want to say to her. Read it over and over and make sure it expressed your thoughts without provoking confrontation or hurt feelings. ( I know she has hurt you and it would be easy to hurt her back, but you need to control your feelings here) If this is not a path you want to take, or if the conversation does not improve things, then it would be beneficial to slightly distance yourself and focus on your health. I wrote "slightly" because she is your mom and it is important to keep her in your life.
    I hope some of this will help.
  • jbug100
    jbug100 Posts: 406 Member
    Whatever you do, don't make your goal to prove your mom wrong! You have to do this for YOU! Otherwise this will not work. Make your goal a healthy fit you. I think it's great to learn how to take care of your body early in life. I wish I had known. Best of luck to you.
  • thanks guys its nice not to be put down or feel like rubbish, i used to think i really loved my mum i do but i see how hollow she is now its everytime im happy which is now i have a boyfriend she decideds i dont deserve it because she never had it at my age which isnt fair. i do lack motivation alot, because i cant go out to go running or for long walks as my mum moans at me of im out for hours on end i have to stay in an do the house work because shes working, ive been looking for work for a while and she assumes i dont want to go for long walks or anything im stressed but not eating alot. thank you all for the support x
  • To be honest i doubt she loves me, my brother and i are 10 years apart and she did this to him he ran away from home at 16 and she made his life hell ive had all this ear ache since i was 12! i do love her but sometimes i cant even be in the same room because i wanna punch her how horrible does that sound?! she is always critical and never encourages me in anything i feel like im a mistake im not sob-storying im just explaining why im fat i have had an eating disorder when i was in preschool i was under wieght and id throw away my lunchs so since 12 onwards ive been called all sorts by my mum :/ and you did help n_n your a good mum your understanding x
  • woja9640
    woja9640 Posts: 450 Member
    It seems to me that your mom is unsuccessfully trying to motivate you in a negative manner.

    My Fitness Pal is a fount of information and positive feedback and support. Please don't hesitate to ask questions and add me as a friend.

    Here's a link to my blog where you can find recipes and help hints on losing weight. Hope it helps.

  • cheeksv
    cheeksv Posts: 521 Member
    Chances are your mom won't ever be happy with anything. She'll always find something to pick at. Do this for you, stay away from your mom.
    so true this site will give you proper encouragement! My mom did some terrible things to me when I was younger when it came to my weight. I used to use her words as an excuse NOT to loose weight. I wanted to throw it in her face and rebel against her in a way but I decided to do whats right like you have to. It is your life darling and you need to take it for you :) so welcome and if you ever need advice on nasty moms or encouragement just add me :)
  • Chances are your mom won't ever be happy with anything. She'll always find something to pick at. Do this for you, stay away from your mom.
    so true this site will give you proper encouragement! My mom did some terrible things to me when I was younger when it came to my weight. I used to use her words as an excuse NOT to loose weight. I wanted to throw it in her face and rebel against her in a way but I decided to do whats right like you have to. It is your life darling and you need to take it for you :) so welcome and if you ever need advice on nasty moms or encouragement just add me :)

    thank you :) i feel really good being on this site now i was so nervous before n_n such lovely people x
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