pyro2uk Member


  • I've always just gone the simple route: 1. Eat less in general - my portion control was awful, so buying scales was a big jump forward; 2. Bulk out with good stuff - with portions of things like pasta going down, veg went up. It's low cal, high fibre and makes meals "big" again; 3. Try to reduce refined foods - I'm not an…
  • I for one am interested in your links assuming the following: 1. They are not propaganda pages; 2. They contain evidence from actual studies, not anecdotes ("the plural of 'anecdote' is not 'data'.") 3. Where there are studies/evidence, it is peer-reviewed 4. The studies are modern (5 years old or less) and the…
  • There is nothing wrong with milk. It is pasteurised, so the strange claims that pus etc. are a problem are worthless. It is possible that antibiotics make it into the milk; unlikely, but possible. It's the same as me suggesting that your soy milk contains urine from a disgruntled employee: unlikely, but possible. Humans…
  • Do not stop doing the weights if you're healthy enough to do them. Larger, denser muscle is generated by weight training. The denser and larger your muscles, the more calories they burn at rest. Cardio pays off in the shorter term (i.e. during the exercise and for a period after, depending on intensity). Doing what you're…
  • I'm a big fan of BMI as an indicator of whether you're the right weight. I expect to get shouted down at some point, but it's a useful tool and it wouldn't have lasted if it was worthless. You also seem to be in the healthy range according to this site's tools, so that's cool. You're size does put the 1200 limit, and the…
  • 1) I've been through hell with my IT band, but it can get better. It's an annoying problem though and it never gets "cured". You'll need to manage it from this point on, but once you're past the pain period the management can become more routine - a large number of runners experience the problem so there's plenty of…