HELP!? I'm hurt and going over in...

Can you guys please help me? I have TWO major problems.

1) I hurt my IT Band which goes from the top of my thigh to my hip. I'm im highschool and I play soccer so I've been to my school tranier and he has me do streches everyday and we ice 20 mins on, 20 mins off. I freak out when I don't exercise. Since I can't do soccer untill I'm better and I don't have weights/machienes at my house and NO time for a gym, what exercises could I do? If I run it will hurt, if I walk it sorta hurts and stairs hurt too.

PROBLEMS #2) I have been going over everyday for the past four days in my sugar. I'm only allowed 24 sugars but lately I've introudced more fruit into my diet. Real fruit. Strawberries, bananas, apples, etc. Why do I keep going over? How can I prevent it? Like today So far I've had cheerios with 2% milk, for lunch I'm having a non-fat strawberry yogurt and an apple, and for a snack later on I'm bringing carrots and my login says I'm already over.



  • ritajean3
    ritajean3 Posts: 306 Member
    don't worry about the sugar if its from fruit and don't exercise with an injury it will heal faster if you don't strain it. If you MUST exercise maybe try some light swimming and when I say light I mean light you seriously don't want to make the injury worse.
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    Can you guys please help me? I have TWO major problems.

    1) I hurt my IT Band which goes from the top of my thigh to my hip. I'm im highschool and I play soccer so I've been to my school tranier and he has me do streches everyday and we ice 20 mins on, 20 mins off. I freak out when I don't exercise. Since I can't do soccer untill I'm better and I don't have weights/machienes at my house and NO time for a gym, what exercises could I do? If I run it will hurt, if I walk it sorta hurts and stairs hurt too.

    PROBLEMS #2) I have been going over everyday for the past four days in my sugar. I'm only allowed 24 sugars but lately I've introudced more fruit into my diet. Real fruit. Strawberries, bananas, apples, etc. Why do I keep going over? How can I prevent it? Like today So far I've had cheerios with 2% milk, for lunch I'm having a non-fat strawberry yogurt and an apple, and for a snack later on I'm bringing carrots and my login says I'm already over.


    first of all, stop tracking sugar if you eat fruit.
    second of all, you need to eat more?
  • lsapphire
    lsapphire Posts: 297 Member
    It might sound odd, but you can do arm curls and upper body stuff with simple things like cans of stuff from the kitchen cupboard.
  • you need to just work on upper body exercises...push ups against a wall are good, air boxing, google upper body exercises no weights
  • Toddrific
    Toddrific Posts: 1,114 Member
    As far as sugar goes, non-fat varieties of food have more sugar/salt than normal varieties.
    Cereal has a lot of added sugar.
    If you are tracking just added sugar those two things probably are pretty high.
    Milk has naturally occurring sugar and of course so does fruit.
  • pyro2uk
    pyro2uk Posts: 7 Member
    1) I've been through hell with my IT band, but it can get better. It's an annoying problem though and it never gets "cured". You'll need to manage it from this point on, but once you're past the pain period the management can become more routine - a large number of runners experience the problem so there's plenty of material on it out in the wider world.
    See a physio as soon as possible. I love running and I'm like you: if I don't exercise I get down and feel awful. A physio helped me get going and identified the weaknesses in my leg that were making the IT band worse. She also gave me exercises I could do that wouldn't aggravate the problem - that scratched the exercise itch.

    WARNING: the following information is from my personal management strategy - this could make your individual problem worse. Make sure you speak to a doctor/physio before doing anything new in your treatment.
    I use a foam roller to massage my IT band. I roll my outer thigh along the roller, resting as much of my weight on it as I can, and pay attention to areas where it hurts. This is supposed to break down scar tissue, according to my physio, improving the flexibility of the band.
    I'm not a medical practitioner, so be sure to get the advice you need from an appropriately qualified source. It's worth it in the long run.

    2) Be careful with the advice to ignore fruit sugars. They're better than refined sugar, but not as good as complex carbs. Try and substitute some of your fruit for vegetables. Carrots are also surprisingly high in sugar.
    If you can't/won't eat vegetables, then fruit is better than the alternatives. If it's a real concern and you're worrying about it, then a dietician is the best bet. This is as good as asking people on the street for advice; it's got some value, but most of us are probably regurgitating stuff from Men's Health and other fitness/diet magazines and supplements (I include myself in this sweeping statement).

    Best of luck with your recovery. If you get on some exercises that help you recover then the sugar question might be less of a concern.

    By the way, what is your calorie limit? I have almost double the sugar allowance you quote and I'm on a pretty hardcore calorie target. Is it a personal choice?
  • BeckyProctor
    BeckyProctor Posts: 56 Member
    Talk to you trainer before you do any exercising. They should be able to give you suggestions for exercises that you can safely do.
  • My calories are 1200. I'm 5'0", and around 103 to 105. My weight goes between those two a lot. Don't say I don't have to lose weight becaue I've lost 20lbs. I'm just maining my weight, I just want to reach 100.
  • pyro2uk
    pyro2uk Posts: 7 Member
    I'm a big fan of BMI as an indicator of whether you're the right weight. I expect to get shouted down at some point, but it's a useful tool and it wouldn't have lasted if it was worthless. You also seem to be in the healthy range according to this site's tools, so that's cool.

    You're size does put the 1200 limit, and the sugars, in perspective. I can see why they're so low.

    You play soccer, so I'm assuming you're relatively athletic. My IT band trouble was at its worst when my weight was up at 240lbs. Weight is obviously not an issue for you, so it sounds like it might be some sort of imbalance in muscles. I had to do these ridiculous heel squeezes to build up a muscle so naturally weak the physio needed a special meter to detect how strongly it was contracting.
    Ironically my problem stemmed from doing too much exercise of certain types: squash, cycling, spinning classes, running.

    Unless your trainer is a qualified physio, go and find one. If your trainer isn't a qualified physio there is a limit to what he can do to help you. A qualified physiotherapist will give you a proper recovery plan - this doesn't stop at the point where you can run again but takes you through to preventive activities to stop it coming back in such a debilitating way. They're worth the money. Given the prevalence of IT Band Syndrome, you'd struggle to find one that doesn't know how to treat it.

    Anyway, another long one. Let us know how your recovery goes.