Dairy unhealthy? dairy/almond/rice or soy?



  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    I don't like milk so avoid it (though like yogurt and cheese), but I've read that people who include lowfat and nonfat dairy products in their diets lose more weight than test groups with similar calorie counts and similar exercise habits.

    Of the alternatives, I like almond milk and almond cheese the best.
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    Also, soy has been proven to cause hormonal changes in both men and women. If men drink too much soy they can develop BREASTS. http://www.altmd.com/Specialists/BodyLogicMD/Blog/Men-Who-Drink-Soy-Milk-are-at-Greater-Risk-of-Deve

    Well maybe I should switch to Soy Milk, I've always wanted bigger boobs.

    You're on your own. While I'm not that big, I have a small rib cage, so at 28DD, I can hardly find a bra as is. :tongue:
    I don't like milk so avoid it (though like yogurt and cheese), but I've read that people who include lowfat and nonfat dairy products in their diets lose more weight than test groups with similar calorie counts and similar exercise habits.

    Of the alternatives, I like almond milk and almond cheese the best.
    I'm not convinced by what you heard. That may have something to do with....a million variable things. For example, you will lose more weight eating similar calorie counts if you are of a higher muscle mass (higher resting metabolic rate), have a higher water content to sweat off, are a higher weight, sleep less, move more, engage more muscles while exercising or throughout the day, etc etc etc. Me and twin me could run a km and I could burn more just by trying to run faster, or run farther, or try to exert myself in every way. The calories you burn depend on your energy expenditure. If someone sits around tapping their foot or twitching they'll burn more then if they don't. Same goes with what if one person has a more sedentary job etc. Those tests you speak of would be pretty much impossible to perform accurately with just same calorie counts and exercise habits.

    Not to mention that I'm a pretty slim girl who regularly goes over her fat daily.
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    I haven't purposely cut out cows milk, it just sort of happened, I was looking to lower my sodium intake and unsweetened soya was the answer, I quite like the taste, and contrary to other posts my boobs are actually shrinking as I lose weight (I must be doing it wrong :grumble: )

    Fair enough. I was trying to do that also because I was having FAR to much...so I'll point this out since I know a few friends who ran into troubles because of it, remember you do need sodium in your diet (especially certain folks with thyroid problems). In my mind I'd rather avoid things that have salt as an additive if I can and I can eat the fresh version before it goes bad. I'm the kind of girl who well add celery to soup instead of table salt because of it's naturally occurring salt. I try to choose my milk and strawberries over my chocolate and chips now. And remember if you end up cutting out a large portion of a macro-nutrient from cutting out a food, make sure it gets replaced by something.else.
  • linsey0689
    linsey0689 Posts: 753 Member
    Okay so a big thing when you change from regular milk to any other type of "milk" that you will not get you calcium. There fore as a nursing student a lot of my patient will drink lactose-free (the sugar in milk) free. It still has calcium and is real milk but does cut back on the sugar and calories more times then not but depends on the brand you buy. It really does not taste bad to me but is a bit more money. Give it a try if you like, only buy 1 because it does taste a bit different than other milks.

    Best of luck to you!
  • dragonfly_em
    dragonfly_em Posts: 122 Member
    interesting thanks!
  • Hbazzell
    Hbazzell Posts: 899 Member
    I like almond milk the most. Rice second. Soy is ok but I dont drink it because I eat other soy products and take birth control Dont wanna over do it with estrogen. I dont drink milk because bad things happen inside of me if i drink it. Same with ice cream but i cheat soemtimes. Cheese doesnt seem to bother me though.
  • atrebor18
    atrebor18 Posts: 235 Member
    I LOVE milk but now that I'm focusing on eating healthier I'm trying to cut back to one cup every other day. I use to drink giant cups of 2% for breakfast and dinner. Its so good! I use almond milk now in my smoothies and I'm trying to get my bf to switch to it for his cereal as well. I'm also not a big fan of soy so I stay away from soy milk. I've heard a lot of great things about goat milk but I can't afford it. Thanks for all that info!
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    You do not need the dairy from cows. It would be more natural to drink human dairy, of course who does that besides babies?

    You can buy gmo-free nut milks which also lack the hormones, pus, blood, antibiotics and other chemicals found in dairy, you can also purchase gmo-free, organic nut milks. Most nut milks have more calcium than dairy milk per serving, so even if it's not absorbed as well, which I still question that "fact", there is more therefore you'd probably get about the same amount from it as you would dairy milk. The majority of the world's population cannot properly digest milk outside of infancy so your own body is telling you that you shouldn't be having it in adulthood.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    MMMMMM milk the joy of being an ominivore with northen european ancestry so wonderful full of calcium and nutrients not to mention the benefits of buytric acid! Here's to being able to digest lactose!
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    MMMMMM milk the joy of being an ominivore with northen european ancestry so wonderful full of calcium and nutrients not to mention the benefits of buytric acid! Here's to being able to digest lactose!

    Not to mention IGF-1!
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    You do not need the dairy from cows. It would be more natural to drink human dairy, of course who does that besides babies?

    You can buy gmo-free nut milks which also lack the hormones, pus, blood, antibiotics and other chemicals found in dairy, you can also purchase gmo-free, organic nut milks. Most nut milks have more calcium than dairy milk per serving, so even if it's not absorbed as well, which I still question that "fact", there is more therefore you'd probably get about the same amount from it as you would dairy milk. The majority of the world's population cannot properly digest milk outside of infancy so your own body is telling you that you shouldn't be having it in adulthood.

    Stop with the blood, pus and anitbiotics nonsense. That is just false and fear mongering. How about you try dealing if facts? You don't want to drink cow's milk don't but stop with the orthorexia!!
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    You do not need the dairy from cows. It would be more natural to drink human dairy, of course who does that besides babies?

    You can buy gmo-free nut milks which also lack the hormones, pus, blood, antibiotics and other chemicals found in dairy, you can also purchase gmo-free, organic nut milks. Most nut milks have more calcium than dairy milk per serving, so even if it's not absorbed as well, which I still question that "fact", there is more therefore you'd probably get about the same amount from it as you would dairy milk. The majority of the world's population cannot properly digest milk outside of infancy so your own body is telling you that you shouldn't be having it in adulthood.

    Stop with the blood, pus and anitbiotics nonsense. That is just false and fear mongering. How about you try dealing if facts? You don't want to drink cow's milk don't but stop with the orthorexia!!

    I didn't say anything that wasn't true lol if you want to drink milk, go for it. Or are the facts too scary?
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    You do not need the dairy from cows. It would be more natural to drink human dairy, of course who does that besides babies?

    You can buy gmo-free nut milks which also lack the hormones, pus, blood, antibiotics and other chemicals found in dairy, you can also purchase gmo-free, organic nut milks. Most nut milks have more calcium than dairy milk per serving, so even if it's not absorbed as well, which I still question that "fact", there is more therefore you'd probably get about the same amount from it as you would dairy milk. The majority of the world's population cannot properly digest milk outside of infancy so your own body is telling you that you shouldn't be having it in adulthood.

    Stop with the blood, pus and anitbiotics nonsense. That is just false and fear mongering. How about you try dealing if facts? You don't want to drink cow's milk don't but stop with the orthorexia!!

    I didn't say anything that wasn't true lol if you want to drink milk, go for it. Or are the facts too scary?

    They are not facts. They are your nonsensical fear mongering. Explain to me why a dairy farmer would milk a cow with an udder infection that was pussing?? His animals are his livelyhood. Why would he intentionally endanger the animal. Milk with antibiotics is not allowed to be distributed by law and is inspected regulary. An exactly what "chemical" are added to milk??

    Take off the tinfoil hat and get yourself informed.
  • Firefox7275
    Firefox7275 Posts: 2,040 Member
    You do not need the dairy from cows. It would be more natural to drink human dairy, of course who does that besides babies?

    You can buy gmo-free nut milks which also lack the hormones, pus, blood, antibiotics and other chemicals found in dairy, you can also purchase gmo-free, organic nut milks. Most nut milks have more calcium than dairy milk per serving, so even if it's not absorbed as well, which I still question that "fact", there is more therefore you'd probably get about the same amount from it as you would dairy milk. The majority of the world's population cannot properly digest milk outside of infancy so your own body is telling you that you shouldn't be having it in adulthood.

    Any food would have more calcium than dairy if you added CHALK to it as is done with fortified fake milks. How exactly is it more natural to drink a factory/ laboratory made frankenfood than a natural wholefood like cow's milk? Very few human foods specifically evolved to feed humans, eggs are for chicken embryos, nuts are for seedling trees.

    If it was unnatural for me as (North European descent, evolved to be lactose tolerant) to consume dairy then I'd easily be able to get my daily intake from the sort of natural wholefoods my ancestors consumed. Pretty sure they did not have rice/ soy/ oat or nut milk nor eat chalk unless they were suffering with Pica.

    Nobody here is telling those who are lactose intolerant to quaff milk, any more than they are telling those with peanut allergies to eat peanuts because they are healthy for others in the popuation. US/ UK and other European countries healthy eating guidelines are GUIDELINES aimed at those countries, not dictats aimed at the East Asians.

    Much of the world's population has darker skin than mine, are you going to claim my pallor is an unnatural freak of nature so and I should shun sunscreen to bask in the blistering African sun as my ancestors did? Or do we accept that my body is impressively well adapted to its current environment?
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    You do not need the dairy from cows. It would be more natural to drink human dairy, of course who does that besides babies?

    You can buy gmo-free nut milks which also lack the hormones, pus, blood, antibiotics and other chemicals found in dairy, you can also purchase gmo-free, organic nut milks. Most nut milks have more calcium than dairy milk per serving, so even if it's not absorbed as well, which I still question that "fact", there is more therefore you'd probably get about the same amount from it as you would dairy milk. The majority of the world's population cannot properly digest milk outside of infancy so your own body is telling you that you shouldn't be having it in adulthood.

    Stop with the blood, pus and anitbiotics nonsense. That is just false and fear mongering. How about you try dealing if facts? You don't want to drink cow's milk don't but stop with the orthorexia!!

    I didn't say anything that wasn't true lol if you want to drink milk, go for it. Or are the facts too scary?

    They are not facts. They are your nonsensical fear mongering. Explain to me why a dairy farmer would milk a cow with an udder infection that was pussing?? His animals are his livelyhood. Why would he intentionally endanger the animal. Milk with antibiotics is not allowed to be distributed by law and is inspected regulary. An exactly what "chemical" are added to milk??

    Take off the tinfoil hat and get yourself informed.

    Didn't realize all cows were from a happy farmer on a happy little farm lol if you believe that you're the one that's misinformed. Enjoy your pusy, bloody, antibiotic, hormone laden milk hun
  • daffodilsoup
    daffodilsoup Posts: 1,972 Member
    Almond milk is my favorite - a fraction of the calories and double the calcium of cow's milk.
  • cnelson1974
    cnelson1974 Posts: 235 Member
    I love milk but it was causing a lot of problems with my stomach and I would get headaches. I've switched to Almond Milk and it stopped almost completely. My nutritionist recommended to stay away from dairy as much as possible because I have a mild allergy. I still use whey powder in the morning and sometimes milk ends up in my food as a minor ingredient. I work for a cheese factory so I get 'uncut' whey powder for free.

    There is a lot of articles as of late explaning how dairy is unhealthy. I think there may be some truth to it, but the general population of America is eating so unhealthy (lets be honest) that milk would really be one of the last things I would target.

    I suppose the answer is yes, it is unhealthy in large quanities for some people, but being pratical in the use of certain ingredients (such as milk) wont harm people as much as McDonald's Quarter Pounders, large fries, and a large Coke.
  • Cassi_Eats_Apples
    You do not need the dairy from cows. It would be more natural to drink human dairy, of course who does that besides babies?

    You can buy gmo-free nut milks which also lack the hormones, pus, blood, antibiotics and other chemicals found in dairy, you can also purchase gmo-free, organic nut milks. Most nut milks have more calcium than dairy milk per serving, so even if it's not absorbed as well, which I still question that "fact", there is more therefore you'd probably get about the same amount from it as you would dairy milk. The majority of the world's population cannot properly digest milk outside of infancy so your own body is telling you that you shouldn't be having it in adulthood.

    Any food would have more calcium than dairy if you added CHALK to it as is done with fortified fake milks. How exactly is it more natural to drink a factory/ laboratory made frankenfood than a natural wholefood like cow's milk? Very few human foods specifically evolved to feed humans, eggs are for chicken embryos, nuts are for seedling trees.

    If it was unnatural for me as (North European descent, evolved to be lactose tolerant) to consume dairy then I'd easily be able to get my daily intake from the sort of natural wholefoods my ancestors consumed. Pretty sure they did not have rice/ soy/ oat or nut milk nor eat chalk unless they were suffering with Pica.

    Nobody here is telling those who are lactose intolerant to quaff milk, any more than they are telling those with peanut allergies to eat peanuts because they are healthy for others in the popuation. US/ UK and other European countries healthy eating guidelines are GUIDELINES aimed at those countries, not dictats aimed at the East Asians.

    Much of the world's population has darker skin than mine, are you going to claim my pallor is an unnatural freak of nature so and I should shun sunscreen to bask in the blistering African sun as my ancestors did? Or do we accept that my body is impressively well adapted to its current environment?

    I like you, and I would like to add you. We seem to share similar views.
  • pyro2uk
    pyro2uk Posts: 7 Member
    There is nothing wrong with milk. It is pasteurised, so the strange claims that pus etc. are a problem are worthless. It is possible that antibiotics make it into the milk; unlikely, but possible. It's the same as me suggesting that your soy milk contains urine from a disgruntled employee: unlikely, but possible.

    Humans have evolved to make use of milk in the majority of cases. Humans, for the most part, produce lactase, the enzyme that breaks down lactose, the sugar in milk. Not producing lactase results in lactose-intolerance. Many animals only produce lactase during their juvenile stage and stop at weaning age. Humans mostly produce lactase their whole lives. We have evolved to make use of a valuable source of fat, protein, and sugar. If fat is a problem, skimmed milk fixes that.

    To the person asserting "facts" about milk (but ironically questioning another "fact" in their initial post), feel free to enjoy whatever pseudo-milk you prefer, just don't expect people to agree, "hun".
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    You do not need the dairy from cows. It would be more natural to drink human dairy, of course who does that besides babies?

    You can buy gmo-free nut milks which also lack the hormones, pus, blood, antibiotics and other chemicals found in dairy, you can also purchase gmo-free, organic nut milks. Most nut milks have more calcium than dairy milk per serving, so even if it's not absorbed as well, which I still question that "fact", there is more therefore you'd probably get about the same amount from it as you would dairy milk. The majority of the world's population cannot properly digest milk outside of infancy so your own body is telling you that you shouldn't be having it in adulthood.

    Stop with the blood, pus and anitbiotics nonsense. That is just false and fear mongering. How about you try dealing if facts? You don't want to drink cow's milk don't but stop with the orthorexia!!

    I didn't say anything that wasn't true lol if you want to drink milk, go for it. Or are the facts too scary?

    They are not facts. They are your nonsensical fear mongering. Explain to me why a dairy farmer would milk a cow with an udder infection that was pussing?? His animals are his livelyhood. Why would he intentionally endanger the animal. Milk with antibiotics is not allowed to be distributed by law and is inspected regulary. An exactly what "chemical" are added to milk??

    Take off the tinfoil hat and get yourself informed.

    Didn't realize all cows were from a happy farmer on a happy little farm lol if you believe that you're the one that's misinformed. Enjoy your pusy, bloody, antibiotic, hormone laden milk hun

    Fear mongering post is fear mongering.